
李欣诺, 钟天颖, 王瑷玲, 郭璨, 于欢, 刘健

中国农学通报. 2020, 36(32): 158-164

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中国农学通报 ›› 2020, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (32) : 158-164. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb20190900684


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Influencing Factors of Village Homestead Price in Northern Agricultural Area Based on Two Kinds of Regression Methods

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To clarify the influencing factors of village homestead price in northern agricultural area, and to promote the reform of relevant system, initially a total of 16 factors were selected from five aspects of village size, economic level and so on. Then multiple linear regression and ordinal logistic regression were used to construct influencing factor measurement models to screen the significant influencing factors. The results show that (1) some factors have significant effect in both models, including the distance from the town, the area of agricultural land, the hardening rate of village’s road and the convenience of external transportation, while the shopping convenience is only significantly demonstrated in the ordinal logistic model; (2) the distance from the town is a negative impact, the others show positive effects, higher level of road hardening in the village, more public transportation lines and market, and adding the area of agricultural land could escalate homestead price. The study indicate that the regression results of the two models are generally the same, and the application of multiple methods could improve the reliability of the research results; the factors of transportation location and basic facilities have greater influence, followed by village scale, but economic level and ecological environment have no significant impact.


北方农区 / 宅基地价格 / 影响因素 / 多元线性 / 有序Logistic

Key words

northern agricultural area / homestead price / influencing factors / multiple linear regression / ordinal logistic regression


李欣诺 , 钟天颖 , 王瑷玲 , 郭璨 , 于欢 , 刘健. 基于2种回归方法的北方农区村庄宅基地价格影响因素研究. 中国农学通报. 2020, 36(32): 158-164 https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb20190900684
Li Xinnuo , Zhong Tianying , Wang Ailing , Guo Can , Yu Huan , Liu Jian. Influencing Factors of Village Homestead Price in Northern Agricultural Area Based on Two Kinds of Regression Methods. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2020, 36(32): 158-164 https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb20190900684


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