外源添加乙酸对酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)产2,3-丁二醇影响初探

杨智宇, 佟天奇, 刘磊, 平文祥, 葛菁萍

中国农学通报. 2020, 36(21): 104-112

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中国农学通报 ›› 2020, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (21) : 104-112. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb20190500171

外源添加乙酸对酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)产2,3-丁二醇影响初探

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Acetic Acid Addition: Effects on the Production of 2,3-butanediol by Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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为验证乙酸作为信号分子的作用,本研究分别将酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)W141上清液(对照组)、W141-07 (△aldh6)上清液及1.5 g/L乙酸添加至对数生长期的W141发酵液中,检测2,3-BD产量、乙酰乳酸合成酶(ILV2)及2,3-丁二醇脱氢酶(BDH1)酶活。结果表明:当添加1.5 g/L乙酸时,2,3-BD产量、ILV2和BDH1酶活性均达到最高,分别为3.01±0.04 g/L、1.41±0.03 U/mg和0.12±0.002 U/mg,且较其余两组相比差异极显著(P<0.01)。同时,测定3组条件下ilv2(24 h)和bdh1(60 h)基因的表达情况时发现,添加W141-07上清液后,ilv2bdh1基因的表达量分别下调了31.6%和25.0%;而添加1.5 g/L乙酸后,ilv2bdh1的表达量均发生上调,分别是对照组的4.38及1.24倍。表明乙酸可作为信号分子驱动相关基因的表达,进而提高2,3-BD产量。


To verify the role of acetic acid as a signal molecule, the supernatant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae W141 (the control group) and W141-07 (△aldh6), as well as 1.5 g/L acetic acid were added into S. cerevisiae W141 fermentation broth at the logarithmic phase. The content of 2,3- butanediol(2,3-BD), the activity of acetolactate synthase (ILV2) and 2,3-BD dehydrogenase (BDH1) were detected. The results showed that under the condition of 1.5 g/L acetic acid, the content of 2,3-BD, the ILV2 and BDH1 enzyme activities reached the highest value, which were 3.01±0.04 g/L, 1.41±0.03 U/mg and 0.12±0.002 U/mg, respectively. The acetic acid addition group was significantly higher than those of supernatant addition groups (P<0.01). At the same time, the expressions of ilv2 (24 h) and bdh1 (60 h) genes under the three conditions were determined. After adding W141-07 supernatant, the expression levels of ilv2 and bdh1 genes were down-regulated by 31.6% and 25.0%, respectively. After adding acetic acid with a final concentration 1.5 g/L, the expression levels of ilv2 and bdh1 were up-regulated, which were 4.38 and 1.24 times that of the control, respectively. These results indicate that acetic acid can act as a signal molecule to drive the expression of related genes, thus to improve 2,3-BD production.


2,3-丁二醇 / 酿酒酵母 / 乙酸 / 荧光定量PCR / 2,3-丁二醇脱氢酶 / α-乙酰乳酸合成酶

Key words

2,3-butanediol / Saccharomyces cerevisiae / acetic acid / fluorescent quantitative polymerase chain reaction / 2,3-butanediol dehydrogenase / α-acetolactatesynthase


杨智宇 , 佟天奇 , 刘磊 , 平文祥 , 葛菁萍. 外源添加乙酸对酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)产2,3-丁二醇影响初探. 中国农学通报. 2020, 36(21): 104-112 https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb20190500171
Yang Zhiyu , Tong Tianqi , Liu Lei , Ping Wenxiang , Ge Jingping. Acetic Acid Addition: Effects on the Production of 2,3-butanediol by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2020, 36(21): 104-112 https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb20190500171

0 引言

草莓是多年生常绿草本植物,在植物分类学上属于蔷薇科(Rosaceae)草莓属(Fragaria),在园艺学上属于浆果类果树。随着国内草莓产业的不断发展,逐步形成了集中性生产区域和专业化生产基地,种植规划逐渐趋向合理,草莓品种改良、繁育方式、栽培及管理技术逐步升级,成为优势农产品产业带、精品区的重要组成部分。据统计,2019年浙江省草莓种植面积6253.34 hm2、产量14.25万t、产值超20亿元[1]。草莓生长喜光,在光照充足的环境下,植株生长旺盛,叶片深绿色,发芽发育好,能够获得丰产。种植过密或遮荫时,由于光照不充足,将影响其正常生长[2-3]。同时,草莓属浅根系作物,叶面较大,叶、茎水分的蒸腾强,因此在整个生长期间都要求有比较充足的水分供应。范长娣等[4]分析闽北光、温、水等气象条件对草莓采收期、产量和单果重的影响,表明草莓移栽后一段时间的温度条件是决定其上市期的关键,温度和光温比是影响草莓产量的主导因子,月降水量、湿温比对产量影响次之;同时,温度低、降水少、湿温配合好,草莓月平均单果重较重。而浙北地区属亚热带季风气候,经常性遭遇低温连阴雨天气[5-7],此时正值大棚草莓开花坐果期和主要采收期,温室内光照不足,会使棚内作物受到损伤,严重时会导致作物停止生长。国内研究人员以番茄、黄瓜、菊花等蔬菜花卉等为试材,经过寡照处理后发现植株的株高、茎粗和叶面积生长速率减小[8-10]
塑料地膜是农业发展中重要的农业生产资料,具有提高地温、保持土壤水分、改善土壤理化性状、延长作物生育期、大幅提高作物产量等优势[11-13]。目前生产中常用的地膜类型为黑色PE膜和透明膜,虽然保水性比较好,可以防除杂草和降低棚内湿度,但也存在反光性差等缺点。围绕不同颜色的地膜应用,吕桂菊等[14]用透明地膜、银灰色反光膜和黑色膜在青椒上进行生产试验,结果显示,3种地膜对青椒均有增产作用,并以银灰色膜的增产效果最好,但Vc和可溶性固形物含量有所下;陈淑兰等[15]研究表明,银灰色地膜覆盖番茄前中后期产量都高于对照。因此,通过地膜覆盖来改善棚内小气候环境,提高作物产量,是生产实践中可以研究的方向。为了探究浙北地区冬春季连阴雨时空发生规律,摸清银黑双色地膜在大棚草莓生产中的应用效果,笔者利用2012—2020年11月—次年4月慈溪国家基本气象站逐日平均气温、24 h降水量观测资料以及日照时数观测资料对该地区低温连阴雨的发生特征进行分析,并于2020年9月在浙江省设施农业气象试验站大棚草莓生产中开展了不同种类地膜的应用效果对比试验,研究不同种类地膜覆盖对草莓植株生长指标及果实发育的影响,为大棚草莓低温寡照灾害防御及设施生产优化提供理论依据。

1 材料与方法

1.1 试验地概况

试验于2020—2021年在慈溪市白沙路街道浙江省设施农业气象试验中心试验基地开展。试验田块地势平坦,土壤类型为壤土,肥力中等,排灌方便,前作为芹菜。试验大棚为标准钢管大棚,南北走向,棚宽8 m,顶高3.2 m,棚长40 m,面积320 m2

1.2 试验材料

供试草莓品种为本地主栽品种‘红颊’。供试地膜分别为银黑双色(上层为银灰色,下层为黑色)和黑色,材质均为聚乙烯,银黑双色地膜厚度为1.2丝,宽度为1 m,黑色地膜厚度为1丝,宽度为1 m,均购至慈溪市浒山创新薄膜经营部。

1.3 试验设计

试验采取大区对比法,在两个规格一致的塑料大棚内,分别做2个处理设计。其中处理1全棚覆盖常规黑膜,处理2全棚覆盖银黑双色膜(银色面对外)。每个处理设置3个小区,随机区组排列,每个小区种植草莓40株。供试草莓于2020年9月8日定植于塑料大棚中,2020年11月9日覆盖地膜,采用高垄栽培,垄高40 cm,垄底宽60 cm,每垄2行,行株距为15 cm×20 cm。两个大棚田间管理操作相同。

1.4 调查方法

1.4.1 气象数据来源

农田小气候观测设备位于两个塑料大棚中部,分别在0.5 m和1.5 m高度设置一个温湿度传感器和太阳总辐射仪,同时在地膜下10 cm处设置温、湿度探头1个,代表浅层土温。温湿度传感器型号DHC2型,太阳总辐射仪型号FS-S6A。数据采集频率为20 s/次,存储每30 min的平均值。棚外数据来源于距试验田100 m的慈溪市国家基本气象站2012—2021年所观测的气象资料,主要包括逐日气温、降水量和日照时数。

1.4.2 株高


1.4.3 叶片SPAD值

在植株进入采收盛期后,每隔7 d测定叶片SPAD值。每个小区随机选取5株健壮植株,选择中心展开叶往外数第三叶的中心小叶3个点位,用SPAD-502Plus叶绿素含量测定仪(日本柯尼卡)测量,取平均值作为各叶片的SPAD值[16]

1.4.4 产量和品质


1.5 研究方法

1.5.1 连阴雨寡照指标

以国家基本气象站单个站点连续3 d或3 d以上降水量≥0.1mm,其中允许1 d无降水,且日照时数≤2 h,连续2 d无降水为过程结束标志,则定义该测站的1次连阴雨过程[17]

1.5.2 连阴雨发生频次


1.5.3 连阴雨强度


1.6 数据处理

数据统计使用Excel 2010软件,数据分析使用SPSS Statistics 27统计分析软件,采用单因素ANOVA进行显著性检验,显著性水平为P<0.05。

2 结果与分析

2.1 2012—2020年慈溪市连阴雨寡照发生频率分布特征

根据1.5.1对连阴雨寡照的定义,得到2012—2020年11月—次年4月慈溪市连阴雨寡照发生频率统计(图1)。由此可知,2012—2020年慈溪市大棚草莓开花坐果期(11月—次年4月)连阴雨共出现86次,概率为17.7%(图1)。连阴雨发生次数最多为11月,最少为4月。连阴雨≥7 d累计出现27次,持续10 d以上的长连阴雨出现11次,其中7 d以上的连阴雨出现最多的是11月,其次是1月。2019年12月—1月出现了长达29 d的连阴雨过程。整体来看,慈溪大棚草莓花果期连阴雨发生次数呈微下降趋势,线性趋势系数为 -0.005。
图1 2012—2020年11月—次年4月逐月连阴雨发生次数

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2.2 2012—2020年慈溪市连阴雨寡照发生强度分布特征

图2 2012—2020年11月—次年4月逐月累计降水量和连阴雨强度

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2.3 不同地膜覆盖温室内光温环境的变化

图34给出了不同地膜覆盖平均浅层地温和棚内太阳总辐射随日期变化情况。由此可知,在草莓全生育期,大棚内地温呈现先降后升的趋势,定植后,在未覆盖地膜的阶段,两个处理地温基本保持一致,2020年11月9日覆盖地膜后,银黑双色膜处理组浅层地温整体低于黑膜覆盖处理组,平均气温低0.4℃;随着入春外界日平均气温上升到10℃以上,2021年3月10日起,银黑双色膜处理组浅层地温则高于黑膜覆盖处理组0.5℃;整体来看,在气温较低的冬春季,两种地膜均能有效提升和保持浅层土温至10℃以上。从棚内太阳总辐射变化趋势来看,覆盖地膜后,银黑双色膜处理组太阳总辐射整体高于黑膜覆盖组,平均值高9.1 W/m2。由此说明在气温较低的冬季,银黑双色膜的增温效果不及黑膜,但是由于银色涂层能强烈反射太阳辐射,提高棚内太阳总辐射值,可以起到增加光效的作用。
图3 不同地膜覆盖平均浅层地温随日期的变化

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图4 不同地膜覆盖棚内太阳总辐射随日期的变化

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2.4 不同地膜覆盖对大棚草莓植株农艺性状的影响

表1给出了不同地膜覆盖草莓植株农艺性状对比,由此可知,使用黑色地膜植株在始花期和采收末期的株高均高于使用银黑双色膜。整个生育期,使用黑色地膜株高增长量14.3 cm,而使用银黑双色地膜,植株株高增长量8.7 cm。从冠幅指标来看,使用黑膜和银黑双色膜区别不大。
表1 不同地膜覆盖对大棚草莓植株农艺性状的影响 cm
处理 始花期 采收末期 株高增长量 冠幅增长量
株高 冠幅 株高 冠幅
黑膜(CK) 20.8 40.9 35.1 46.4 14.3 5.5
银黑双色膜 19.6 39.9 28.3 46.5 8.7 6.6

2.5 不同地膜覆盖对大棚草莓叶片SPAD值的影响

图5 不同地膜覆盖对大棚草莓叶片SPAD值的影响

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2.6 不同地膜覆盖对大棚草莓产量的影响

图6~7给出了不同地膜覆盖对大棚草莓产量以及果实大小、单果重等影响产量形成的指标统计,由此可知,在生产早期(12月—次年2月),银黑双色膜处理草莓平均产量3629.4 kg/hm2,黑膜覆盖处理草莓平均产量2951.1 kg/hm2,增产可达20%;到了生产后期,两种处理产量水平较为一致。从全期来看,银黑双色膜处理可以提高大棚草莓的产量和产值。而从草莓果型来看,不同地膜覆盖对果实横径有一定影响,银黑双色膜处理对横径的增长有一定的促进作用,而对果实纵径则没有明显影响。
图6 不同地膜覆盖对大棚草莓小区产量的影响

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图7 不同地膜覆盖对大棚草莓果实横、纵径的影响

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2.7 不同地膜覆盖对大棚草莓品质的影响

表2 不同地膜覆盖对大棚草莓品质的影响
处理 早期 后期
酸度 糖酸比 硬度 可溶性固形物
酸度 糖酸比 硬度
黑膜(CK) 11.4 0.9 12.6 2.94 9.6 0.8 11.7 1.84
银黑双色膜 12.5* 0.9 13.7* 3.25 9.8 0.7* 14.8* 2.07*

3 结论与讨论

通过统计分析,2012—2020年慈溪市大棚草莓开花坐果期(11月—次年4月)连阴雨发生概率为17.7%,发生次数呈微下降趋势,线性趋势系数为 -0.005,连阴雨强度平均为6.3,发生强度呈增强趋势,线性趋势系数为0.0264。连阴雨发生次数最多为11月,12月次之,最少为4月;7 d以上的连阴雨出现最多的是11月,其次是1月。而11—12月为草莓头茬果关键的开花坐果期,连阴雨寡照直接影响着草莓的早期产量和品质,会造成在草莓实际生产中植株生长减缓、产量品质下降、发病率提高等情况。
从草莓产量来看,在关键的12月—2月,银黑双色膜处理草莓平均产量3629.4 kg/hm2,黑膜覆盖处理草莓平均产量2951.1 kg/hm2,增产可达20%。而入春后,随着外界气温升高,光照逐渐充足,银黑膜对产量的促进影响不再明显。另外,从草莓品质指标来看,覆盖银黑双色膜,有助于提高草莓果实糖酸比和果实硬度,果实风味更佳,也有助于商品化运输。


Tong Y J, Ji X J, Shen M Q, et al. Constructing a synthetic constitutive metabolic pathway in Escherichia coli for (R, R)-2,3-butanediol production[J]. Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology, 2016,100(2):637-647.
Many microorganisms could naturally produce (R, R)-2,3-butanediol ((R, R)-2,3-BD), which has unique applications due to its special chiral group and spatial configuration. But the low enantio-purity of the product hindered the development of large-scale production. In this work, a synthetic constitutive metabolic pathway for enantiomerically pure (R, R)-2,3-BD biosynthesis was constructed in Escherichia coli with vector pUC6S, which does not contain any lac sequences. The expression of this artificial constructed gene cluster was optimized by using two different strength of promoters (AlperPLTet01 (P01) and AlperBB (PBB)). The strength of P01 is twice stronger than PBB. The fermentation results suggested that the yield of (R, R)-2,3-BD was higher when using the stronger promoter. Compared with the wild type, the recombinant strain E. coli YJ2 produced a small amount of acetic acid and showed higher glucose consumption rate and higher cell density, which indicated a protection against acetic acid inhibition. In order to further increase the (R, R)-2,3-BD production by reducing the accumulation of its precursor acetoin, the synthetic operon was reconstructed by adding the strong promoter P01 in front of the gene ydjL coding for the enzyme of (R, R)-2,3-BD dehydrogenase which catalyzes the conversion of acetoin to (R, R)-2,3-BD. The engineered strain E. coli YJ3 showed a 20 % decrease in acetoin production compared with that of E. coli YJ2. After optimization the fermentation conditions, 30.5 g/L of (R, R)-2,3-BD and 3.2 g/L of acetoin were produced from 80 g/L of glucose within 18 h, with an enantio-purity over 99 %.
Ji X J, Huang H, Ouyang P K. Microbial 2,3-butanediol production: a state-of-the-art review[J]. Biotechnology Advances, 2011,29(3):351-364.
2,3-butanediol is a promising bulk chemical due to its extensive industry applications. The state-of-the-art nature of microbial 2,3-butanediol production is reviewed in this paper. Various strategies for efficient and economical microbial 2,3-butanediol production, including strain improvement, substrate alternation, and process development, are reviewed and compared with regard to their pros and cons. This review also summarizes value added derivatives of biologically produced 2,3-butanediol and different strategies for downstream processing. The future prospects of microbial 2,3-butanediol production are discussed in light of the current progress, challenges, and trends in this field. Guidelines for future studies are also proposed.
纪晓俊, 聂志奎, 黎志勇, 等. 生物制造2,3-丁二醇:回顾与展望[J]. 化学进展, 2010,22(12):2450-2461.
沈梦秋, 纪晓俊, 聂志奎, 等. 生物制造不同立体构型2, 3-丁二醇:合成机理与实现方法[J]. 催化学报, 2013,34(2):351-360.
总结了不同 2,3-丁二醇立体异构体的生物合成机制, 以及有利于这些立体异构体高效合成的一些策略, 包括构建全细胞催化剂及利用合成生物学技术重建代谢途径等先进方法; 同时指出, 未来的研究重点是进一步利用合成生物学的方法, 以提高不同立体构型 2,3-丁二醇的生物合成能力, 并建立这些异构体高效可行的分离方法.
Ma C, Wang A, Qin J, et al. Enhanced 2, 3-butanediol production by Klebsiella pneumoniae SDM[J]. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 2009,82(1):49-57.
Enhanced 2,3-butanediol (BD) production was carried out by Klebsiella pneumoniae SDM. The nutritional requirements for BD production by K. pneumoniae SDM were optimized statistically in shake flask fermentations. Corn steep liquor powder and (NH(4))(2)HPO(4) were identified as the most significant factors by the two-level Plackett-Burman design. Steepest ascent experiments were applied to approach the optimal region of the two factors and a central composite design was employed to determine their optimal levels. The optimal medium was used to perform fed-batch fermentations with K. pneumoniae SDM. BD production was then studied in a 5-l bioreactor applying different fed-batch strategies, including pulse fed batch, constant feed rate fed batch, constant residual glucose concentration fed batch, and exponential fed batch. The maximum BD concentration of 150 g/l at 38 h with a diol productivity of 4.21 g/l h was obtained by the constant residual glucose concentration feeding strategy. To the best of our knowledge, these results were new records on BD fermentation.
Cho S, Kim T, Woo H M, et al. Enhanced 2,3-butanediol production by optimizing fermentation conditions and engineering Klebsiella oxytoca M1 through overexpression of acetoin reductase[J]. Plos One, 2015,10(9):e0138109.
Microbial production of 2,3-butanediol (2,3-BDO) has been attracting increasing interest because of its high value and various industrial applications. In this study, high production of 2,3-BDO using a previously isolated bacterium Klebsiella oxytoca M1 was carried out by optimizing fermentation conditions and overexpressing acetoin reductase (AR). Supplying complex nitrogen sources and using NaOH as a neutralizing agent were found to enhance specific production and yield of 2,3-BDO. In fed-batch fermentations, 2,3-BDO production increased with the agitation speed (109.6 g/L at 300 rpm vs. 118.5 g/L at 400 rpm) along with significantly reduced formation of by-product, but the yield at 400 rpm was lower than that at 300 rpm (0.40 g/g vs. 0.34 g/g) due to acetoin accumulation at 400 rpm. Because AR catalyzing both acetoin reduction and 2,3-BDO oxidation in K. oxytoca M1 revealed more than 8-fold higher reduction activity than oxidation activity, the engineered K. oxytoca M1 overexpressing the budC encoding AR was used in fed-batch fermentation. Finally, acetoin accumulation was significantly reduced by 43% and enhancement of 2,3-BDO concentration (142.5 g/L), yield (0.42 g/g) and productivity (1.47 g/L/h) was achieved compared to performance with the parent strain. This is by far the highest titer of 2,3-BDO achieved by K. oxytoca strains. This notable result could be obtained by finding favorable fermentation conditions for 2,3-BDO production as well as by utilizing the distinct characteristic of AR in K. oxytoca M1 revealing the nature of reductase.
Zhang L, Sun J, Hao Y, et al. Microbial production of 2,3-butanediol by a surfactant (serrawettin)-deficient mutant of Serratia marcescens H30[J]. J.Ind.Microbiol. Biotechnol., 2010,37(8):857-62.
Lian J, Chao R, Zhao H. Metabolic engineering of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain capable of simultaneously utilizing glucose and galactose to produce enantiopure (2R, 3R)-butanediol[J]. Metab. Eng., 2014,23:92-99.
黄守锋, 裴芳艺, 王长丽, 等. 利用酿酒酵母工程菌株生产2,3-丁二醇的研究进展[J]. 食品安全质量检测学报, 2015,6(10):3928-3934.
Kim S J, Seo S O, Jin Y S, et al. Production of 2, 3-butanediol by engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2013,146:274-281.
In order to produce 2,3-butanediol (2,3-BD) with a high titer, it is necessary to engineer Saccharomyces cerevisiae by deleting the competing pathway and overexpressing the 2,3-BD biosynthetic pathway. A pyruvate decarboxylase (Pdc)-deficient mutant was constructed and evolved for rapid glucose consumption without ethanol production. Genome re-sequencing of the evolved strain (SOS4) revealed a point mutation (A81P) in MTH1 coding for a transcriptional regulator involved in glucose sensing, unlike the previously reported Pdc-deficient mutant which had internal deletion in MTH1. When alsS and alsD genes from Bacillus subtilis, and endogenous BDH1 gene were overexpressed in SOS4, the resulting strain (BD4) not only produced 2,3-BD efficiently, but also consumed glucose faster than the parental strain. In fed-batch fermentation with optimum aeration, 2,3-BD concentration increased up to 96.2 g/L. These results suggest that S. cerevisiae might be a promising host for producing 2,3-BD for industrial applications.
Guo X W, Ya Z W, Jian G, et al. Efficient production of 2,3-butanediol from cheese whey powder (CWP) solution by Klebsiella pneumoniae through integrating pulsed fed-batch fermentation with a two-stage pH control strategy[J]. Fuel, 2017,203:469-477.
Priya A, Prem D, Pooja T, et al. Microbial production of 2,3-butanediol through a two-stage pH and agitation strategy in 150l bioreactor[J]. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2016,105:159-167.
Kim S J, Ji S H. Efficient production of 2,3-butanediol in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by eliminating ethanol and glycerol production and redox rebalancing[J]. Metabolic Engineering, 2015,31(5):94-101.
Choi M H, Soo J K, Jin W K, et al. Molecular cloning and expression of Enterobacter aerogenes α-acetolactate decarboxylase in pyruvate decarboxylase-deficient Saccharomyces cerevisiae for efficient 2,3-butanediol production[J]. Process Biochemistry, 2016,51(2):170-176.
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Acetate stimulates the formation of acetoin during 1-h incubation of Voges-Proskauer-positive strains of Klebsiella and Enterobacter. Of these organisms, 124 of 126 strains were recognized as positive in the presence of acetate, and 106 were recognized as positive in its absence.
Lee S J, Laxmi P T, Ju H L, et al. Stimulation of 2,3-butanediol production by upregulation of alsR gene transcription level with acetate addition in Enterobacter aerogenes ATCC 29007[J]. Process Biochemistry, 2016,51(12):1904-1910.
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郭欣坤, 方慧英, 诸葛斌, 等. 2,3-丁二醇代谢途径关键酶基因敲除对克雷伯氏菌发酵产1,3-丙二醇的影响[J]. 生物工程学报, 2013,29(9):1290-1300.
张奇, 邹昆, 徐旭, 等. 替考拉宁发酵液中乙酰乳酸合成酶活性的测定方法[J]. 中国抗生素杂志, 2010,35(6):447-456.
金美娟, 吴坚平, 徐刚, 等. 乙酰乳酸合成酶基因的克隆与高效表达[J]. 微生物学通报, 2012,39(11):1589-1596.
【目的】乙酰乳酸合成酶(ALS)是异丁醇生物合成中的关键酶, 实现ALS的高效表达对调控异丁醇代谢途径有重要意义。【方法】根据GenBank中ALS的基因序列(alsS)设计引物, 以枯草芽孢杆菌168基因组DNA为模板通过PCR扩增技术得到目标酶基因, 目的片段全长为1 713 bp。将alsS连接到pET-30a(+)上, 得到重组质粒pET-30a(+)-alsS, 并在Escherichia coli BL2l(DE3)中实现表达。【结果】对表达条件进行了优化, 获得最佳表达条件为: 诱导温度30 °C, 诱导起始菌体OD600为0.6?0.8, 诱导剂IPTG浓度为1?mmol/L, 诱导时间为6 h。表达的乙酰乳酸合成酶大部分以可溶性形式存在于菌体内, 优化后酶活可达到24.4 U/mL, 比优化前提高了7.13倍。经HisTrapTMFF亲和层析后获得电泳纯的ALS, 比活为95.2 U/mg。【结论】ALS的有效表达为在大肠杆菌体内构建异丁醇代谢途径打下了基础。
童颖佳, 邬文嘉, 彭辉, 等. 微生物合成2,3-丁二醇的代谢工程[J]. 化工学报, 2016,67(7):2656-2671.
Wei Y H, Li F T, Chang J S. The influences of pH control strategies on the distribution of 1,3-propanediols and 2,3-butanediols production by an isolated indigenous Klebsiella sp. Ana-WS5[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2014,159(6):292-296.
Lee S J, Laxmi P T, Ju H L, et al. Stimulation of 2,3-butanediol production by upregulation of alsR gene transcription level with acetate addition in Enterobacter aerogenes ATCC 29007[J]. Process Biochemistry, 2016,51(12):1904-1910.
吴晶, 程可可, 李文英, 等. 乙酸、糠醛和5-羟甲基糠醛对产酸克雷伯氏菌发酵生产2,3-丁二醇的影响[J]. 生物工程学报, 2013,29(3):350-357.
为了解产酸克雷伯氏菌对木质纤维素水解液中主要抑制物的耐受和代谢,考察了产酸克雷伯氏菌发酵生产2,3-丁二醇 (2,3-butanediol,2,3-BDO) 过程中对3种发酵抑制物乙酸、糠醛和5-羟甲基糠醛 (5-hydroxymethylfurfural HMF) 的耐受以及抑制物浓度的变化,检测了糠醛和HMF的代谢产物。结果表明:产酸克雷伯氏菌对乙酸、糠醛和HMF的耐受浓度分别为30 g/L、4 g/L和5 g/L。并且部分乙酸可作为生产2,3-丁二醇的底物,在0~30 g/L浓度范围内可提高2,3-丁二醇的产量。发酵过程中产酸克雷伯氏菌可将HMF和糠醛全部转化,其中约70% HMF被转化为2,5-呋喃二甲醇,30% HMF和全部糠醛被菌体代谢。研究表明在木质纤维素水解液生产2,3-丁二醇的脱毒过程中可优先考虑脱除糠醛,一定浓度的乙酸可以不用脱除。
Xiao X W, Hu H Y, Liu D H, et al. The implementation of high fermentative 2,3-butanediol production from xylose by simultaneous additions of yeast extract, Na2EDTA, and acetic acid[J]. New Biotechnology, 2016,33(1):16-22.
The effective use of xylose may significantly enhance the feasibility of using lignocellulosic hydrolysate to produce 2,3-butanediol (2,3-BD). Previous difficulties in 2,3-BD production include that the high-concentration xylose cannot be converted completely and the fermentation rate is slow. This study investigated the effects of yeast extract, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium salt (Na2EDTA), and acetic acid on 2,3-BD production from xylose. The central composite design approach was used to optimize the concentrations of these components. It was found that simultaneous addition of yeast extract, Na2EDTA, and acetic acid could significantly improve 2,3-BD production. The optimal concentrations of yeast extract, Na2EDTA, and acetic acid were 35.2, 1.2, and 4.5 g/L, respectively. The 2,3-BD concentration in the optimized medium reached 39.7 g/L after 48 hours of shake flask fermentation, the highest value ever reported in such a short period. The xylose utilization ratio and the 2,3-BD concentration increased to 99.0% and 42.7 g/L, respectively, after 48 hours of stirred batch fermentation. Furthermore, the 2,3-BD yield was 0.475 g/g, 95.0% of the theoretical maximum value. As the major components of lignocellulosic hydrolysate are glucose, xylose, and acetic acid, the results of this study indicate the possibility of directly using the hydrolysate to effectively produce 2,3-BD.
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Ko J K, Um Y, Lee S M. Effect of manganese ions on ethanol fermentation by xylose isomerase expressing Saccharomyces cerevisiae under acetic acid stress[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2016,222:422-430.
The efficient fermentation of lignocellulosic hydrolysates in the presence of inhibitors is highly desirable for bioethanol production. Among the inhibitors, acetic acid released during the pretreatment of lignocellulose negatively affects the fermentation performance of biofuel producing organisms. In this study, we evaluated the inhibitory effects of acetic acid on glucose and xylose fermentation by a high performance engineered strain of xylose utilizing Saccharomyces cerevisiae, SXA-R2P-E, harboring a xylose isomerase based pathway. The presence of acetic acid severely decreased the xylose fermentation performance of this strain. However, the acetic acid stress was alleviated by metal ion supplementation resulting in a 52% increased ethanol production rate under 2g/L of acetic acid stress. This study shows the inhibitory effect of acetic acid on an engineered isomerase-based xylose utilizing strain and suggests a simple but effective method to improve the co-fermentation performance under acetic acid stress for efficient bioethanol production.




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