
徐征, 邱世明

中国农学通报. 2020, 36(18): 130-133

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中国农学通报 ›› 2020, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (18) : 130-133. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb19030099


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A Multifunctional Endophytic Bacillus Fertilizer Improves the Quality of Off-season Fresh Maize

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为了验证研制的一种多功能内生型巨大芽孢杆菌肥料的肥效,在红棕紫泥的旱坡地上,采用简单对比试验方法,将其施用在反季节鲜食玉米上。试验结果表明,在210 m2的土地上使用该菌肥2.94 kg后,相对于对照,同样面积上施用有机无机混合肥料76.048 kg(按当地农民常规施肥水平),显著提高了鲜食玉米的品质,水溶性氨基酸提高了40%、可溶性还原糖提高了198%、维生素C提高了30%,鲜玉米的粗纤维含量降低了0.15%,淀粉含量降低了10.68%。该菌肥对土壤培肥作用的研究具有一定的价值。


An endogenous and multifunctional bacillus fertilizer has been developed, to study its fertilization efficiency, a simple comparative experiment was conducted with off-season fresh maize growing in the sloping land of red-brown-purple soil. Compared with the control of applying 76.048 kg organic and inorganic compound fertilizer in 210 m2 soil (the normal fertilizer level), after applying 2.94 kg bacillus fertilizer in the 210 m2 soil, the quality of fresh maize was improved obviously. The water-soluble amino acids, water-soluble reducing sugar and vitamin C increased by 40%, 198% and 30%, respectively. At the same time, the crude fiber and starch content decreased by 0.15% and 10.68%, respectively. This bacterial fertilizer is valuable for further research on soil fertility.


巨大芽孢杆菌(Bacillus megaterium) / 内生菌 / 菌肥 / 鲜食玉米 / 品质

Key words

Bacillus megaterium / endophytic / bacterial manure / fresh maize / quality


徐征 , 邱世明. 一种多功能化内生型巨大芽孢杆菌的菌肥对反季节鲜食玉米品质提升效果的研究. 中国农学通报. 2020, 36(18): 130-133 https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb19030099
Xu Zheng , Qiu Shiming. A Multifunctional Endophytic Bacillus Fertilizer Improves the Quality of Off-season Fresh Maize. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2020, 36(18): 130-133 https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb19030099


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