
Xinjiang Wheat Varieties: HMW-GS Expression and the Correlation Between HMW-GS Expression and Quality Characters
To provide a basis for determining the optimum ecological areas of high-quality wheat varieties, 7 Xinjiang major wheat varieties with three types of gluten were planted on five typical ecological areas. The composition, expression of high-molecular-weight glutenin subunit (HMW-GS) and main quality characters were analyzed. The results showed that, there were 10 subunits and 6 subunit combinations in the tested materials; the HMW-GS expression differences among the varieties were significant or extremely significant, but they were different among different ecological areas. In terms of subunit types, the variation range of 2* subunit expression was the largest, and the variation range of 12 subunit expression was the smallest. As far as the ecological areas were concerned, HMW-GS expression of Qitai had the biggest variation, while that of Tacheng was relatively stable. The formation time, stabilization time and evaluation value affected by the ecological areas had obvious variation, and the variation of bulk density and water absorption were not obvious. The correlation of expression levels of 2*, 5, 8 and 9 subunits with the main quality traits were high, while 1, 2, 7, 10 and 12 subunits were not significantly correlated with the main quality traits. In conclusion, the ecological types of Xinjiang are complex and diverse, and the expression range of wheat glutenin subunits has a wide distribution, wheat varieties with different quality types should be planted according to the expression level of subunit to explore their quality potential.
小麦 / HWM-GS / 表达量 / 品质性状 / 相关性 {{custom_keyword}} /
wheat / HMW-GS / expression / quality characters / correlation {{custom_keyword}} /
表1 不同地膜覆盖对大棚草莓植株农艺性状的影响 cm |
处理 | 始花期 | 采收末期 | 株高增长量 | 冠幅增长量 | |||
株高 | 冠幅 | 株高 | 冠幅 | ||||
黑膜(CK) | 20.8 | 40.9 | 35.1 | 46.4 | 14.3 | 5.5 | |
银黑双色膜 | 19.6 | 39.9 | 28.3 | 46.5 | 8.7 | 6.6 |
表2 不同地膜覆盖对大棚草莓品质的影响 |
处理 | 早期 | 后期 | |||||||
可溶性固形物 SSC% | 酸度 | 糖酸比 | 硬度 | 可溶性固形物 SSC% | 酸度 | 糖酸比 | 硬度 | ||
黑膜(CK) | 11.4 | 0.9 | 12.6 | 2.94 | 9.6 | 0.8 | 11.7 | 1.84 | |
银黑双色膜 | 12.5* | 0.9 | 13.7* | 3.25 | 9.8 | 0.7* | 14.8* | 2.07* |
注*表示通过0.05信度的显著性检验。 |
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为了研究具有相同高分子量谷蛋白亚基(HMW-GS)组合的小麦品种间是否存在品质差异,采用SDS-PAGE电泳技术从200多份黄淮冬麦区新育成的小麦品种(系)中筛选鉴定出12个具有1/7 9/2 12 HMW-GS组合的小麦品种(系),并对其主要品质性状进行分析.结果表明,12个具有相同HMW-GS组合(1/7 9/2 12)小麦品种的面粉蛋白质含量、湿面筋含量和Zeleny沉淀值均存在差异,其中蛋白质含量和湿面筋含量差异不大,但Zeleny沉淀值差异较大(平均为30.2 mL,变幅为23.3~45.9 mL,变异系数为22.4%).在面团流变学特性中除吸水率外,形成时间、稳定时间和评价值均有较大变异,形成时间平均为3.7min,变幅为2.2~7.4 min,变异系数为36.9%;评价值平均为57.9,变幅为36~149,变异系数为53.0%;稳定时间变异最大,平均为3.7 min,变幅为1.6~15.1 min,变异系数为99.8%.表明具有相同HMW-GS组合的小麦品种的主要品质性状仍存在较大的差异.
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籽粒硬度是决定小麦 (TriticumaestivumL .)品质的重要性状 ,水洗淀粉表面的friabilin蛋白 ,分子量约 15kDa ,是这一性状的生化基础。用单粒谷物特性仪 (SKCS)和改进的聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳 (SDS PAGE)分析了中优95 0 7穗系 34份和国内外冬小麦品种 (系 ) 10 4份的籽粒硬度和friabilin表达水平。结果表明 ,friabilin谱带相对表达量与籽粒硬度显著相关 ,即friabilin谱带强 ,籽粒硬度数值低 ;friabilin谱带弱 ,籽粒硬度数值高。用friabilin蛋白表达量判断籽粒软硬的准确率分别为 85 .3%和 86 .5 % ,其相关系数分别为 - 0 .6 8和 - 0 .6 6 ,均达到 1%的显著水平。因此 ,friabilin蛋白SDS PAGE改进的技术可用于小麦籽粒硬度生化标记的辅助选择。
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Proteins were extracted from wheat meal or flour in 0.1 M acetic acid, 3 M urea and 0.01 M CTAB and fractionated in columns of cross-linked Sepharose in the same solvent. An heterogeneous fraction of high molecular weight eluted from the column which, when reduced and subjected to SDS-polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis, separated into 12 components. Their molecular weights ranged from about 31,500 to 136,000. The unreduced protein was insoluble in salt solutions and aqueous ethanol but soluble in 0.1 M acetic acid and was therefore defined as glutenin. Glutenins of different molecular weight were made up from the same subunits but in different proportions. The ethanol-soluble proteins (gliadins) of the flour were fractionated in Sephadex G-100. The protein component that was excluded from the Sephadex gel, often described as high-molecular-weight gliadin, was shown to contain 8 distinguishable subunits and they had identical mobilities to 8 of the 12 subunits of glutenin.
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