In order to explore the sustainable use level of limestone mountainous areas in Guangxi and coordinate the scientific development of the region, this paper selects 15 indicators from three aspects: social acceptability, production economy and ecological security to construct a comprehensive evaluation system for sustainable land use, and uses the triangular model and the entropy weight method and other methods comprehensively analyzed the sustainable use of land in 32 counties (districts) in the limestone mountainous area of Guangxi. It not only identifies the problems of land use in various districts and counties, but also identifies the obstacles that affect the sustainable use of land. The research shows that 11 counties (districts) such as Xingbin District, Jinchengjiang District and Liujiang District are relatively sustainable, and 10 counties (districts) such as Donglan County and Pingguo County are weakly sustainable, while 11 counties such as Luocheng County and Xincheng County are unsustainable. According to the diagnosis results of obstacle factors and combing with the development planning requirements of Guangxi"s main functional areas, all counties (districts) in the limestone mountainous areas can explore the transformation of land differential utilization to achieve a better land sustainable use model.
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Key words
Limestone mountain area;Sustainable land use;Comprehensive evaluation;Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region
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