阐明不同年代主推小麦品种农艺性状的演变规律,可为新品种选育和栽培技术创新提供参考。本研究以山东省不同年代的50个主推品种为材料,分析农艺性状和经济系数等指标的演变规律及其相关性。结果表明,随着年代的推移,主推品种株高呈极显著的降低趋势,每次品种更替株高平均降低6.29 cm;主推品种的千粒重呈极显著的增加趋势,每次品种更替千粒重平均增加1.26 g;单茎经济产量与生物产量呈先降低后升高趋势,且二者之间呈极显著的正相关;经济系数呈显著增加趋势,每次品种更替平均增幅达24.33%;穗长、穗粒数、总小穗数、可孕小穗数年代间无明显变化趋势;单茎生物产量和经济产量的变化趋势与单产变化趋势不相一致,说明协调群体与个体产量关系是提高单产的重要方向。
Understanding the evolution characteristics of major agronomic characters of main planting wheat varieties can provide a basis for new variety breeding and cultivation innovation. 50 main planting wheat varieties of different years in Shandong Province were used as materials, the evolution characteristics of agronomic characters and economic coefficient, and their correlation were analyzed. The results showed that, the plant height presented an extremely significant decreasing trend with the time. Every cultivar alternation decreased the plant height by 6.29 cm on average. The 1000-seed weight showed an extremely significant increasing trend, every cultivar alternation increased 1000-seed weight by 1.26 g on average. The economic yield and biological yield per stem decreased first and then increased, and they showed an extremely significant positive correlation. The economic coefficient increased significantly, and every cultivar alternation increased the economic coefficient by 24.33% on average. There was no significant change trend in spike length, kernel number per spike, total spikelet number, and the number of fertile spikelet in different years.
The trend of economic yield and biological yield per stem was different from the trend of grain yield, indicating that the coordination between population yield and individual yield was an important direction to improve grain yield of wheat.
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Key words
winter wheat; main planting variety; agronomic characters; evolution; Shandong Province
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