Wheat and rice are main food crops in Taicang. To find out the change trend of climatic potential productivity of wheat and rice, and estimate the influence of radiation, temperature and water condition, the data of temperature, humidity, radiation and rainfall of Taicang in recent decades were collected and sorted out. The change trend of climatic condition was analyzed, and the climatic potential productivity and climatic resource utilization ratio of rice and wheat within crop growth period were estimated by successive correction method recommended by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The results show that: (1) the solar radiation in Taicang has decreased in recent decades, while temperature and precipitation have increased; (2) under the influence of climate change in Taicang, the climate productivity potential of wheat increases, while that of rice does not change significantly; (3) the climate productivity of wheat in Taicang is greatly influenced by water condition, while that of rice is mainly affected by temperature condition; (4) the climatic resource utilization ratio of rice is 38.50%-64.30%, while that of wheat is lower, only about 23.72%-51.39%. In conclusion, there is still a great yield-increasing potential of rice and wheat in Taicang. The yield of the two crops can be increased by monitoring temperature and adjusting farming season, strengthening water management, improving soil fertility, raising the multiple cropping index and introducing new varieties.
Estimation of Climatic Potential Productivity of Rice and Wheat in Taicang. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2019, 35(35): 1-10 https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb18090104
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