为研究红色蝴蝶兰花性状遗传规律,解决国内蝴蝶兰主流品种‘大辣椒’易患煤污病的问题,以‘大辣椒’(Phalaenopsis‘Big chili’)和‘0436’(P.‘Red swan’)为亲本,进行正反交。研究结果表明:(1)蝴蝶兰‘大辣椒’和‘0436’正反交后代花色性状出现了显著的分离,花底色玫红色的深度出现了梯度变化,正反交后代的分离规律基本一致。花底色应是由多对基因控制的复杂遗传,且红色由显性基因控制,显性基因越多,花色越深。(2)蝴蝶兰花心颜色、花纹颜色和叶片性状可能为显性遗传。‘大辣椒’和‘0436’正反交后代的花心颜色、花瓣纹路、花期和叶片性状表现均倾向于‘0436’,可有效解决‘大辣椒’叶片易患煤污病的问题,杂交后代因分泌蜜露造成的煤污病发病率降低至25%以下。(3)‘大辣椒’和‘0436’正反交后代的花径、花朵数和花序长度平均值均低于双亲,中亲或超亲优势不明显。
To study the flower characters inheritance rule of red flower Phalaenopsis, and solve the problem of fungoid disease and late florescence in common commercial variety P.‘Big chili’, the hybrids were obtained from the reciprocal cross from P.‘Big chili’and P.‘Red swan’. Results showed that distinct segregation appeared in the F1 generation of reciprocal cross. The depth of red was in gradient change, and the segregation regular of reciprocal cross was the same. The flower color was controlled by several pairs of genes, mainly dominant genes, and the more the dominant genes existed, the deeper red the flowers were. Moreover, the flower heart color, the decorative pattern and leaf characters might be dominant heredity. The 3 characters of F1 generation of‘Big chili’and‘Red swan’were more like thos e of‘Red swan’, which could improve the leaf resistance of‘Big chili’to reduce the fungoid disease, and the rate of fungoid disease caused by honeydew secreting on leaves in F1 generation could be below 25%. The average value of flower diameter, flower number and inflorescence length were all below the parents, and the mid- parent and positive heterosis were not
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Key words
Phalaenopsis; F1 generation; characters separation
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