为合理的开发和利用青海省东部黄河谷地热量资源,选取黄河谷地4 个气象站近55 年(1961—2015 年)逐日平均气温资料,采用气候倾向率、滑动平均法和累积距平法等统计方法,对黄河谷地≥10℃初日、终日、持续日数及积温的时空分布特征进行分析。结果表明:(1)黄河谷地≥10℃积温初日、终日、积温和初终间持续日数等地区分布不一致,地区差异较大;(2)近55 年黄河谷地≥10℃积温总体上呈增加趋势,各地区变化幅度不一致;(3)黄河谷地≥10℃积温初日普遍提前、终日以延后为主,终日的延后趋势比初日提前的趋势显著。黄河谷地≥10℃持续日数呈逐年增加趋势;(4)黄河谷地年平均气温与≥10℃积温、持续日数、终日均呈极显著相关(P<0.01),但关联程度有所不同。
For reasonable development and utilization of heat resources in Yellow River Valley in eastern Qinghai, we analyzed the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of the first day, the last day, duration days and accumulated temperature with ≥10℃ in Yellow River Valley by using climate tendency rate, moving average method and cumulative anomaly method and so on, based on daily average temperature data in 4 meteorological stations from 1961 to 2015. The results showed that: (1) the eginning date, the ending date, the accumulated temperature and the duration days with ≥10℃ accumulated temperature presented an obviously regional difference in the Yellow River Valley; (2) in recent 55 years, the ≥10℃ accumulated temperature had an increasing trend generally and regional variation was inconsistent in Yellow River Valley; (3) the beginning date with ≥10℃ accumulated temperature advanced while the ending date delayed, and the delaying trend of the ending date was more obvious than the advancing trend of the beginning date; the duration days with ≥10℃ showed an increasing trend; (4) the correlation coefficients between the annual mean surface air temperature and the accumulated temperature with ≥10℃, the duration days and the ending date were significant (P< 0.01), but the correlation degrees were different.
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Key words
heat resources; change analysis; the Yellow River Valley
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