旨在利用形态学指标探讨早熟禾(Poa L.)种质资源遗传多样性,为早熟禾品种改良和选择亲本提供科学依据。研究了不同地理来源的34份早熟禾种质资源的14项形态指标,利用主成分分析和聚类方法,了解其形态多样性。结果表明:不同早熟禾种质的植物形态学特征存在广泛变异,其中以茎秆节数最大,小花数和叶长变异次之,而返青—成熟期生长天数为1.86%,变异最小;主成分分析结果显示叶长、叶宽、草层高、生殖高4个性状是造成早熟禾种质表型差异的主要因素;以14个形态性状为基础的聚类分析将所研究的34份种质材料分为3类,第一类与第三类差别明显。
The objective of this research is to explore the genetic diversity of bluegrass germplasm resources by morphological indexes, and provide basis for variety improvement and parent choice. 14 morphological indexes of 34 bluegrass accessions from different geographical origins were studied. The morphological diversities were analyzed by principal component analysis and cluster analysis. The results showed that there were extensive variations in morphological characteristics in different bluegrass accessions. The most significant variance was node numbers of main stem, followed by the number of flowers per head and leaf length, while the growth days of turn green-mature stage had the minimum variance, 1.86%. Principal component analysis showed that leaf length, leaf width, height of plant and height of fertile tillers were the main factors which produced morphological variation of 34 wild bluegrass accessions. Based on the 14 morphological indexes, cluster analysis showed that all 34 accessions of bluegrass were divided into 3 groups, the first group and the third group had obvious differences.
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Key words
bluegrass; germplasm resources; morphological diversities; principal component analysis
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