The aim is to explore the application effect of biochar additions on farmland in loess area. In a field experiment, different biochar levels of 0, 6, 12, 24, 48 t/hm2 and two nitrogen levels of 0 and 187.5 kg/hm2 were set up. The effect on soil nutrients and corn growth in farmland of loess area was studied. The results revealed that the application of biochar of 24-48 t/hm2 mixed with 187.5 kg/hm2 N had the best promoting effect on soil nutrients. The total nitrogen and available nitrogen accumulations exceeded those of control by approximately 26.6% and 27.67% respectively at 48 t/hm2 biochar level. At 6-12 t/hm2 biochar level, stem diameter and chlorophyll had relative advantage at the middle growth stage. In addition, the nutrient content and yield were higher compared with those under high biochar levels. Under no nitrogen application, biochar could contribute to nutrients accumulation in soil and corn grain. Soil nutrients and corn grain were relatively higher at 6-12 t/hm2; the yield was the highest at level 24-48 t/hm2, increased by 1468.2 kg/hm2, about 13.39% compared with that of control. These results suggested that biochar had positive roles in promoting soil nutrients accumulations, and depended on nitrogen fertilizer in some degree.
Effect of Biochar on Soil Nutrients and Corn Growth in Farmland of Loess Area. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2017, 33(33): 92-99
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