为分析柴达木盆地经济作物藜麦的种植区划,本研究运用气候统计方法,对柴达木盆地1981—2015年11个观测站地表(0cm)温度进行统计分析。结果表明:近35年整个盆地、西部、东部两分区年平均地表温度分别为6.9、7.8、5.8℃;气候倾向率分别为0.70℃/10 a、0.71℃/10 a、0.69℃/10a,均通过0.001以上水平的显著检验。整个盆地、西部、东部地表年平均最高温度分别为34.0、36.3、31.3℃,气候倾向率分别为0.63℃/10 a、0.85℃/10 a、0.36℃/10 a,西部为东部的2.36倍;地表年平均最低温度值基本相等。大柴旦和天峻为西部和东部两分区的低值区,分别为-8.4、-9.7℃。地表平均温度的增温幅度在整个盆地表现为春季最大,冬季最小;西部的夏季最大,冬季最小;东部的春季最大,夏季最小。虽各区的增温幅度不同,但均通过0.05水平的显著性检验。盆地及分区的地表温度变化呈单峰型,7月达到最高值,1月为全年最低值。地表温度的变化与气温呈明显的正相关关系,与其他因子的相关性较小或呈负相关,故盆地地表温度的显著升高在很大程度受气温的明显影响。
To study the planting structure of quinoa in Qaidam Basin, the authors used climate statistical method to analyze the surface temperature (0 cm) of 11 observation stations in the Qaidam Basin from 1981 to 2015. The results showed that in the past 35 years, the annual average surface temperature of the whole basin, the west and the east was 6.9, 7.8, 5.8℃, respectively; the climate tendency rate was 0.70℃/10 a, 0.71℃/10 a, 0.69℃/10 a, respectively, which all passed the 0.001 level of the significant test; the average annual maximum temperature of the whole basin, the west and the east was 34.0, 36.3, 31.3℃, respectively, the climate tendency rate was 0.63℃/10 a, 0.85℃/10 a, 0.36℃/10 a, respectively, the climate tendency rate in the west was 2.36 times as much as that of the east; the average annual minimum temperature of the surface was basically equal. Dachaidan and Tianjun were the low- value areas in the west and the east, with - 8.4℃ and - 9.7℃ , respectively; the increased average surface temperature in the whole basin was the largest in spring, and the lowest in winter; while the increased average surface temperature in the west was the maximum in summer and the minimum in winter; and that in the east was the maximum in spring and the minimum in summer. Although the areas had different increased rate, they all passed the significance test with 0.05 level. The change of the surface temperature in the basin and subarea showed a single peak, and the highest value appeared in July and the lowest value in January. The change of surface temperature had a positive correlation with air temperature, and its correlation with other factors was small or negative. Therefore, the significant increase of surface temperature of the basin was obviously affected by air temperature.
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Key words
surface temperature; climate change; Qaidam Basin
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