

中国农学通报. 2017, 33(8): 99-103

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中国农学通报 ›› 2017, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (8) : 99-103. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb16080071
资源 环境 生态 土壤 气象


  • 王国重,李中原,屈建钢,左其亭,张武云,越飞
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Comparison of Farmland Nutrients Loss in Two Small Basins of Danjiangkou Reservoir

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以桃庄河流域的东沟村民小组、铁瓦河小流域郑湾村为代表,研究其共同的土地类型:玉米地、果园内养分流失特征及其地表径流中的养分浓度的差异;根据降雨资料,应用SCS模型估算了两个流域内这两类用地中的径流深,并估算了这两类用地平水年份养分的流失量。结果为:桃庄河流域玉米地中的TN、NO3-N、NH3-N的流失量及其径流中的含量要低于铁瓦河流域的玉米地,而CODMn和TP的流失量及其径流中的含量则高于铁瓦河流域;对果园而言,桃庄河流域这些养分的流失量和相应径流中的含量都高于铁瓦河流域;桃庄河流域玉米地和果园平水年份的养分流失量与其径流中养分含量的排序一致,大致为:CODMn>TN>NO3-N >NH3-N >TP,这表明该流域施用的有机肥多于氮肥和磷肥;铁瓦河流域的果园地也遵循这一顺序,而玉米地则为:TN>NO3-N>CODMn>NH3-N>TP,这表明玉米地施用的氮肥多于有机肥和磷肥。结论:需采用测土配方施肥等科学合理的施肥方式,减少农田面源污染、提高肥料的利用率、实现作物增产。


The Donggou villagers group of Taozhuang River basin and Zhengwan village of Tiewa River basin were as representatives to study their common land types--corn and orchard whose nutrient loss characteristics and differences of nutrient concentration in surface runoff; SCS model were applied to estimate the runoff depth of the two types of land use together with rainfall data, on this basis, the nutrients loss in normal flow year were estimated. Result is that the loss of TN, NO3-N, NH3-N and their content from runoff in the corn in Taozhuang River basin were lower than that in Tiewa River basin, but the loss and content of CODMn and TP were higher than that in Tiewa River basin; For orchard, the nutrients loss and content in runoff in Taozhuang River basin were all higher than that in Tiewa River basin ; The order of nutrients loss and content were consistent in the two types of farmland in Taozhuang River basin , roughly CODMn > TN > NO3 -N> NH3 - N > TP, which indicated organic fertilizer were used more than nitrogen and phosphate fertilizer, the order was followed in orchard in Tiewa River basin, but the order in corn was TN > NO3 -N > CODMn > NH3 - N > TP, which showed nitrogen fertilizer were used more than organic and phosphate fertilizer. Conclusion: it’s time to adopt scientific and reasonable fertilization way, such as testing soil for formulated fertilization, to reduce non-point source pollution in farmland , improve the utilization rate of fertilizer and increase crop output.


面源污染;径流 养分SCS模型;土地类型

Key words

non-point source pollution; runoff; nutrient;SCS model; land type


王国重,李中原,屈建钢,左其亭,张武云,越飞. 丹江口水库两个小流域农田养分流失特征比较. 中国农学通报. 2017, 33(8): 99-103 https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb16080071
Comparison of Farmland Nutrients Loss in Two Small Basins of Danjiangkou Reservoir. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2017, 33(8): 99-103 https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb16080071


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