为了总结和探究淀粉型甘薯品种选育方法的理论与实践,加快突破性品种的选育进程。笔者统计了2000—2016年育成的16个苏薯系列淀粉型甘薯品种的品种特性和亲本系谱,分析了主要农艺性状和经济性状表现。结果表明:这些甘薯品种产量稳步提升,抗病性逐步增强,淀粉率有待进一步提高。系谱分析来看,苏薯系列淀粉型甘薯品种大多具有南瑞苕和胜利百号的血统,一定程度上还存在遗传多样性程度低,遗传基础狭窄等问题。指出具有中干高产特点的淀粉兼用型品种较专用型品种仍有一定的市场竞争力。性状分析中,最长蔓长趋于缩短,并基本集中在160 cm左右;茎粗变化较大,因品种而异;基部分枝数性状仍有较大提升空间。今后的种质创新与品种选育应当在短蔓(小于150 cm)、多分枝(大于10 个)的基础上,将淀粉率含量作为优先育种目标之一,更加注重高淀粉含量种质资源的收集,力争在短期内将淀粉型甘薯品种的淀粉含量提高到25%。
To summarize and explore the theory and practice of the breeding methods of starch sweetpotato varieties, and accelerate the breeding process of breakthrough varieties, the authors conducted statistical analysis on variety characteristics of 16 varieties in Sushu starch-type sweetpotato series, which were bred in 2000-2016. The main agronomic and economic traits of these varieties were analyzed. The results showed that: the yield of these sweetpotato varieties steadily increased, and the disease resistance increased gradually. However, the starch content of varieties needed to be further improved. In the pedigree analysis, these varieties were mostly family lineage of Nancy Hall and Okinawa No.100, so these varieties had low levels of genetic diversity, and the genetic basis was narrow. The paper pointed out that, the dual-purpose starch varieties which had medium dry matter content and high yield, were more popular than special purpose varieties in the market. Trait analysis results showed that the length of the longest vine tended to shorten, about 160 cm; the stem diameter changed greatly, and the change varied among different varieties; the number of base branches had a large improvement space. Therefore, innovation and screening of germplasm resources should put starch content as one of the breeding targets, based on short vine (less than 150 cm), multi-branched (more than 10). We should focus more on the collection of germplasm resources with high starch content, and increase starch content of starch-type sweetpotato varieties to 25%.
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Key words
sweetpotato; starch-type variety; pedigree; analysis on traits
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