

中国农学通报. 2017, 33(19): 152-157

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中国农学通报 ›› 2017, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (19) : 152-157. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb16060137
食品 营养 检测 安全


  • 孙燕霞1,宋来庆1,曲恒华2,唐岩1,刘美英1,赵玲玲1,姜中武1
作者信息 +

Quality Analysis of ‘Golden Fuji’ Harvested at Different Times

  • Sun Yanxia1, Song Laiqing1, Qu Henghua2, Tang Yan1, Liu Meiying1, Zhao Lingling1, Jiang Zhongwu1
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History +


研究旨在分析不同时期连袋采收‘黄金富士’苹果与常规采收‘富士’苹果的果实品质和香气组分差异,为适时采收不摘袋苹果提供理论依据。利用常规果实品质测定与固相微萃取(SPME)气相色谱-质谱(GC-MS)联用技术,分析果实品质和香气组分差别。结果表明:10月16—28日,随采收时间的延长,连袋采收‘黄金富士’果实可溶性固形物由12.1%增加到14.75%,Vc含量由1.92 mg/100 g增加到2.22 mg/100 g,可溶性总糖含量由10.26%增加到11.09%,而可滴定酸含量由0.318%下降到0.268%,硬度由8 kg/cm2下降到7 kg/cm2;于10月23日采收的果实中香气物质种类总数最多为29种,其中酯类物质种类和含量百分比均为最高,分别是15个和65.2%,醛类的特征成分2-己烯醛和醇类的特征成分正己醇百分比含量也为最高,分别占19.78%和4.94%,果实口感、风味最好。因此,适当延迟采收期有助于增加果实的糖度和风味物质种类,但会影响果实的硬度和贮藏性,生产上应根据生产和食用目的不同,在10月20日之后适期采收‘黄金富士’。


The research aim was to analyze the difference of fruit quality and aroma components of‘Fuji’ apple picked up with bag and‘Fuji’apple of conventional picking in different periods, and to provide theoretical basis for timely harvest. The quality and aroma components of fruit were analyzed by routine fruit quality determination and solid phase micro extraction (SPME) combined with gas chromatography- mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The results showed that from October 16 to 28, the content of soluble solid of‘Golden Fuji’increased from 12.1% to 14.75%, the content of Vc increased from 1.92 mg/100 g to 2.22 mg/100 g, the content of soluble sugar increased from 10.26% to 11.09% , the titratable acid decreased from 0.318% to 0.268%, and the hardness decreased from 8 kg/cm2 to 7 kg/cm2; 29 kinds of aroma components were tested in the fruits harvested on October 23, among which, types and content percentage of ester were the highest, respectively 15 and 65.2%, the feature components of aldehydes 2- hexene aldehydes and alcohols hexyl alcohol were also the highest, respectively 19.78% and 4.94%. Therefore, appropriate delayed harvest period is helpful to increase the fruit sugar degree and kinds of aroma components, but will affect fruit hardness and storage property, so we can harvest‘Golden Fuji’after October 20 according to different purposes.



Key words

Fuji apple; Golden Fuji; Harvest time; fruit quality; aroma components


孙燕霞,宋来庆,曲恒华,唐岩,刘美英,赵玲玲,姜中武. 不同采收期‘黄金富士’苹果果实品质分析. 中国农学通报. 2017, 33(19): 152-157 https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb16060137
Sun Yanxia,Song Laiqing,Qu Henghua,Tang Yan,Liu Meiying,Zhao Lingling and Jiang Zhongwu. Quality Analysis of ‘Golden Fuji’ Harvested at Different Times. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2017, 33(19): 152-157 https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb16060137


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