

中国农学通报. 2017, 33(11): 142-146

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中国农学通报 ›› 2017, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (11) : 142-146. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb16060063
工程 机械 水利 装备


  • 唐荣,李旭,姚帮松,裴毅,肖莹
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Variation of Dissolved Oxygen in Water After Passing Through the Ultrasonic Liquid Whistle Aerator

  • Tang Rong, Li Xu, Yao Bangsong, Pei Yi, Xiao Ying
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为了研究低溶解氧含量的水体经过液哨超声波增氧装置之后,溶解氧含量的增加量及其随时间的变化趋势,本研究进行了增氧后试验水的静置试验,并监测了水体中溶解氧含量随时间变化趋势。研究共设置了6组实验,2个变量,即添加簧片与否以及流量变化。结果表明:该装置添加簧片组增氧后试验水中的溶解氧含量在2 h内还会继续增加,2 h达到最大值;2 h后,水中溶氧量会急剧下降;6 h后,溶氧量下降速率变缓;到20 h的时候,试验水溶氧量趋于稳定状态,达到7.4mg/L左右。而未添加簧片的对照组同样在2 h达到一个峰值,2~3 h的时候,溶氧量会有小幅度下降,之后溶氧量会继续增加,最后在20 h的时候,溶氧量趋于平衡状态,达到7.15 mg/L左右。实验展示了液哨超声波装置增氧后水中含氧量的变化趋势,并得出了一套科学的、合理的水体溶解氧变化的系列特征曲线,对该装置应用于水产养殖、污水处理以及增氧灌溉领域,提供了重要的理论验证和研究价值。


In order to study how water with low dissolved oxygen changes over time after passing liquid whistle ultrasonic aeration equipment, this study conducted static tests of the water after aeration and monitored the changing trends of the dissolved oxygen content in water body over time. In this study, six groups of test were applied and among them, two variables, reed or not and change of flow, were set. The results showed that after the aeration of the equipment in the experimental group, which added a reed, the dissolved oxygen content in the water would continue to increase in the first 2 hours and then reached the maximum value. 2 hours later, the dissolved oxygen content would fall sharply and the descending rate slowed down after 6 hours. When 20 hours passed, the dissolved oxygen content in the test water became stable around 7.4mg/L. The control group reached the peak at 2 hours, and the dissolved oxygen content decreased slowly at 2~3 hours. It would keep increasing later and finally achieved stability around 7.15mg/L after 20 hours. We can get a series of scientific and reasonable variation curve of dissolved oxygen content from the tests and could conclude that adding a reed and smaller flow have a positive influence on aeration. Moreover, this study provides important research value for the aerator application in aquiculture, sewage treatment and oxygen aeration irrigation fields.



Key words

liquid whistle; ultrasonic; aerator; dissolved oxygen content;changing trend


唐荣,李旭,姚帮松,裴毅,肖莹. 液哨超声波增氧后水中溶氧量变化的试验研究. 中国农学通报. 2017, 33(11): 142-146 https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb16060063
Tang Rong,Li Xu,Yao Bangsong,Pei Yi and Xiao Ying. Variation of Dissolved Oxygen in Water After Passing Through the Ultrasonic Liquid Whistle Aerator. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2017, 33(11): 142-146 https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb16060063


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