

中国农学通报. 2016, 32(33): 64-69

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中国农学通报 ›› 2016, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (33) : 64-69. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb16050115
农学 农业基础科学


  • 李峰,王云鹏,于立娜,刘强,刘春晓,刘铁山*
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Planting and Breeding Technology of Maize Inbred Lines of Three Generations in One Year

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为确立玉米自交系一年三代种植的新模式,采用了温室与大田试验等研究方法,对玉米自交系加代种植与选育技术进行了研究。研究结果表明:玉米自交系山东大棚春播、山东夏播、海南冬繁一年三代种植与选育模式可靠,可操作性强,在不同环境条件下选育自交系扩大了选育范围。利用该加代模式,山东春季大棚2月25日左右播种,5月1日左右授粉,6月12日左右收获,灌浆期42天以上,籽粒基本饱满;夏季6 月15 日左右播种,10 月5 日左右收获,及时暴晒考种;海南冬季11 月8 日左右播种,2 月20日左右收获暴晒3 天及时运回山东大棚春播,完成一年三代。利用该模式选育出的自交系性状表现可靠,生产上可以利用。


To establish a new model of maize inbred lines planting three generations in one year, research methods such as the greenhouse and field trials were utilized, generation adding planting and breeding were studied. The results showed that: the three generations in one year planting and breeding model of maize inbred lines that planting in greenhouse of Shandong in spring, seeding in Shandong in summer and dreeding in Hainan in winter was reliable and the maneuverability was strong, which expanded the scope of breeding through breeding of maize inbred line under different environmental conditions. Using this adding generation model, maize inbred lines were planted on around February 25 in the greenhouse of Shandong in spring, pollinated around May 1, and harvested around June 12, the filling stage was more than 42 days and the kernels were almost full; planted on around June 15 in summer and harvested around October 5, timely dried and tested; planted on around November 8 in Hainan in winter, harvested around February 20, dried for 3 days and then the kernels were transported back to Shandong for planting in greenhouse, thus, three generations in one year was finished. The characters of maize inbred lines bred by this model were reliable and could be used in production.



Key words

maize inbred lines; three generations in one year; breeding technology


李峰,王云鹏,于立娜,刘强,刘春晓,刘铁山*. 玉米自交系一年三代种植与选育技术研究. 中国农学通报. 2016, 32(33): 64-69 https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb16050115
Planting and Breeding Technology of Maize Inbred Lines of Three Generations in One Year. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2016, 32(33): 64-69 https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb16050115


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