为了解近年来山西省冬小麦生产现状,对山西冬小麦水肥管理进行科学指导,2011—2014连续3年在山西小麦种植面积第一大县闻喜县调查冬小麦水肥管理状况。结果表明,闻喜县冬小麦产量随年际间降水量波动变化较大。由施肥情况分析可看出,水地冬小麦农户平均施氮(基肥 追肥) 324 kg/hm2,72%农户氮肥投入很高,平均施磷(基肥 追肥)141 kg/hm2,18%农户未施磷肥,49%农户施磷很高,最终氮、磷平均偏生产力分别为16.83 kg/kg、49.63 kg/kg。旱地冬小麦农户平均施氮(全部基肥)152 kg/hm2,59%农户氮肥投入偏低,平均施磷(全部基肥)120 kg/hm2,54%农户施磷适中,13%农户施磷很高,最终氮、磷平均偏生产力分别为15.71 kg/kg、23.29 kg/kg。由灌水情况分析可看出,平均灌水次数增加,水地冬小麦产量呈增加趋势。由投入产出分析可看出,水地冬小麦施肥、灌水分别占总投入金额比例为:27%、32%,纯收入为:4285元/hm2;旱地冬小麦施肥占总投入金额比例为:39%,纯收入为:1150元/hm2。总之,产量和收入主要因年际间降水量差异较大而不稳,磷肥重视程度提高,但氮肥投入不合理,水地过高、旱地过低,制约产量提高;水地冬小麦施肥和灌水投入、旱地冬小麦施肥投入占总投入比例均较高,对农户收入也有较大影响。
The paper aims to understand current situation of winter wheat production in Shanxi in recent years, and provide scientific guidance for water and fertilizer management of winter wheat in Shanxi. The authors investigated the water and fertilizer management of winter wheat in Wenxi which was the largest wheat planting area in Shanxi for 3 consecutive years from 2011 to 2014. The results showed that: the winter wheat yield in Wenxi fluctuated because of annual precipitation. The fertilizer analysis showed that: winter wheat in irrigated land had the application of nitrogen (base fertilizer and top dressing) as 324 kg/hm2 on average, and 72% of farmers utilized high amount of nitrogen fertilizer, the average P2O5 (base fertilizer and top dressing) application rate was 141 kg/hm2, and 18% of farmers did not apply phosphorus fertilizer and 49% of farmers applied high amount of phosphorus. The average partial productivity of nitrogen and phosphorus of winter wheat in irrigated land was 16.83 kg/kg and 49.63 kg/kg, respectively. The average amount of nitrogen (base fertilizer) applied in winter wheat in dryland was 152 kg/hm2, 59% of farmers utilized low amount of nitrogen. The average P2O5 (base fertilizer) was applied at the rate of 120 kg/hm2 in dry land. The average partial productivity of nitrogen and phosphorus of winter wheat in dryland was 15.71 kg/kg and 23.29 kg/kg, respectively. Based on irrigation analysis, winter wheat yield in irrigated land increased with the average irrigation frequency. By input-output analysis, it was found that fertilization and irrigation of winter wheat occupied 27% and 32%, respectively, of the total investment amount. Besides, the net income was 4285 yuan/hm2. The winter wheat fertilization in dryland accounted for 39% of the total investment and the net income was 1150 yuan/hm2. In short, the yield and income were unstable mainly due to large differences of the annual precipitation, the application of phosphorus fertilizer was highlighted, but nitrogen input was unreasonable. The nitrogen input of irrigated land was too high, however that of dryland was too low, which restricted yield increase. Fertilization and irrigation input of winter wheat in irrigated land and fertilizer input of winter wheat in dryland occupied higher proportion of the total investment, which also had a greater impact on farmers’ income.
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Key words
winter wheat; Wenxi; water and fertilizer management; yield; economic benefit
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