本研究对黑龙江省车前科(Plantaignaceae)车前属(Plantago L.)的3 种野生车前种子的生物学特性进行比较,为黑龙江地产药材车前属植物的引种驯化和开发利用提供依据。采用显微观察、生物学对比等方法,对种子形态和种子萌发的影响因素进行比较研究。结果表明:3 种车前的种子形态存在差异,平车前的种子不存在休眠现象,通过低温和赤霉素协同处理有利于大车前和车前种子的萌发。因此,大车前和车前的种子在引种驯化前需要经过低温处理。
In this study, the biological characteristics of seeds of three kinds of wild Plantago L. from Heilongjiang Province were compared. The results could provide theory basis for introduction and domestication of medicinal plants in Heilongjiang Province. Seed morphology and the influence factors of seed germination were also compared using microscope and biological contrast. The results showed that there were differences in seed morphology. Additionally, the seeds of P. depressaw L. had no dormancy phenomenon. Synergistic treatment of low temperature and gibberellin was beneficial to seed germination of P. asiatica L. and P. major L.. Therefore, the seeds of P. asiatica L. and P. major L. need low temperature treatment before introduction and domestication.
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Key words
Plantago, Seeds, Biology
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