In order to study the effect of different soil textures on cotton yield, composition factors and boll spatial-temporal distribution in western Shandong, a new cotton variety ‘Liaomian6’ was used as test material, the effects of different soil textures on cotton yield composition factors, main agronomic characters and boll formation of different periods and parts were analyzed. The results showed that cotton yield reached the highest in loam, lint yield and seed yield of different soil textures were significantly different, boll number was the main influence factor on yield, seed yield showed a significantly and positively correlation with boll number, and lint yield showed a positive correlation with boll number; the ratio of summer cotton boll number to total boll number of different soil textures and periods was the highest; the boll number above six branches reached the highest in loam, boll number of 1-10 branches occupied 68.34% to 87.47% of the total boll number, the cotton boll was mainly in the middle and lower part in western Shandong.
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Key words
different soil textures; cotton yield; composition factors; spatial-temporal distribution
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