旨在探究不同景天种子及幼苗对盐碱的耐受性,为盐碱地区园林植被的应用提供理论依据。设置9 个不同浓度的海水和蒸馏水(对照)处理景天三七和八宝景天的种子,观察种子的各种发芽指标和幼苗生长情况。结果表明:2 种景天种子萌发参数的各项指标及幼苗根数和根长随着海水溶液浓度升高呈显著下降趋势,发芽速率及整齐度显著降低。但在低浓度(0.2%~0.4%)盐水胁迫下,部分萌发参数及幼苗根数和根长大于对照,表现出一定的促进作用。在海水浓度大于1.4%时,景天三七种子基本失去发芽能力,而八宝景天在海水浓度为1.8%时,仍有20%的发芽率。通过回归分析,景天三七种子的耐盐临界值和极限值分别为0.92%和1.76%,八宝景天为1.47%和1.97%。景天三七和八宝景天均具有较强抗盐胁迫能力,相比之下,八宝景天的抗盐胁迫能力更强。
This study aims to explore the salt and alkali resistance of different red-spotted stonecrops’seed and seedling, and provide theoretical basis for the application of landscape vegetation in saline area. Nine different concentrations of salt water and the distilled water (control) were set up to process the seeds of Sedum aizoon and Sedum spectabile Boreau, various seed germination parameters and seedling growth were observed. The results showed that seed germination parameters, root number and root length of seedling significantly declined with the increase of salt water solution concentration for both the two red-spotted stonecrops. At the same time, germination rate and uniformity significantly reduced. However, in low concentration salt stress (0.2%-0.4%), part of the germination parameters, seedling root number and root length were higher than those of the control, showing a certain catalytic role. The seeds of Sedum aizoon almost lost germination ability when salt water concentration was higher than 1.4%, while the germination rate was 20% when the concentration was 1.8% for Sedum spectabile Boreau. Through regression analysis, the salt tolerance threshold and limit value of Sedum aizoon seed were 0.92% and 1.76% respectively, 1.47% and 1.97% for Sedum spectabile Boreau. Both Sedum aizoon and Sedum spectabile Boreau seeds had strong ability to resist salt stress, by contrast, Sedum spectabile Boreau seed has much stronger resistance ability to salt stress.
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Key words
Sedum aizoon; Sedum spectabile Boreau; seed germination; salt stress
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