为探明云南玛咖产根鲜重与主要农艺性状之间的关系,给玛咖高产栽培提供参考,以同一株系在11 个区域内的田间表现为研究对象,对各农艺性状与块根鲜重进行相关分析、逐步回归和通径分析。结果表明,根鲜重(y)与覆盖面积(x1)、茎粗(x2)、膨大根粗(x4)和叶宽(x12)呈极显著正相关关系;建立的最佳回归方程为:y=-24.584 0.003x1-10.313x2 18.011x4-0.738x5-0.957x6 0.964x7 1.192x10-1.803x11 9.14x12;膨大根粗、叶宽、覆盖面积、根数和叶柄长对根鲜重有正的通径系数,对根鲜重直接正效应,主根长、叶长、茎粗和膨大根长对根鲜重有负的通径系数,对根鲜重有直接负效应。在栽培管理过程中,以实现根鲜重增加的目的,地下部分应着力培植膨大根粗,地上部分应促成叶宽生长。
In order to reveal the relationship between Lepidium meyenii root weight and main agronomic characters, and provide references for high yield cultivation of Lepidium meyenii, field performance of the same strain in 11 regions was studied through the methods of correlation, regression balance and path coefficient analysis. The results showed that fresh root weight (y) and coverage area (x1), stem diameter (x2), enlargement coarse (x4) and broad leaves (x12) were highly and significantly correlated. The optimal regression equation was y=- 24.584 0.003x1- 10.313x2 18.011x4- 0.738x5- 0.957x6 0.964x7 1.192x10- 1.803x11 9.14x12. The enlargement root thickness, broad leaves, coverage area, root number and petiole length had positive path coefficients for the fresh root weight. Main root length, leaf length, stem diameter and enlargement root length had negative path coefficients for the fresh root weight. In the cultivation and management process, to realize the increase of root fresh weight, the cultivation should be focused on the enlargement root thickness of the underground part and the leaf width of the aboveground part.
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Key words
Lepidium meyenii; correlation analysis; path analysis
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