The aims are to understand the influence of meteorological factors variation on the growth of maize during grain-filling stage in East Gansu, and utilize climate resource rationally. The data collected in Xifeng Agricultural Meteorological Experiment Station were used to analyze the influence of sunshine, heat, water on maize yield components in the early stage of grain-filling (from flowering to milk-ripe stage), late stage of grain-filling (from milk-ripe to maturity stage) and whole stage of grain-filling (from flowering to maturity stage) in this area by mathematical statistics method. The results showed that there was a high negative effect of mean temperature, mean maximum temperature, diurnal temperature range and sunlight hours on the yield components at every period of grain-filling stage, while a positive effect of mean minimal temperature as well as ≥10℃ accumulated temperature on the yield components. The precipitation amount showed a strong positive correlation with hundred-grain weight of maize in the whole grain-filling stage, but a weak positive correlation with the plant- grain weight of maize in the early and late stage of grain- filling. Crop water consumption showed a positive effect on the maize yield components in the late stage of grain-filling. There was an annually decreasing tendency of the mean temperature, mean maximum temperature, diurnal temperature range and sunlight hours, while an annually increasing tendency of the mean minimal
temperature, ≥10℃ accumulated temperature and precipitation amount. In conclusion, the heat and sunshine could meet the needs of maize growth during each grain-filling stage in East Gansu, water was the key element to limit maize yield. Climate change was conducive to maize grain filling and raising maize yield in East Gansu.
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Key words
East Gansu; maize grain filling; meteorological factors; yield components
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