为筛选蔗园恶性杂草香附子的理想安全性除草剂,选用20%噻吩磺隆WP和65%甲·灭·敌草隆WP进行田间药效试验。田间试验结果表明:20%噻吩磺隆WP和65%甲·灭·敌草隆WP对蔗园恶性杂草香附子均具有良好的防除效果,是防除蔗园恶性杂草香附子的理想除草剂。20%噻吩磺隆WP最适宜用量为1125 g/hm2(有效成分225 g)、65%甲·灭·敌草隆WP为3150 g/hm2(有效成分2047.5 g)。2种药剂均可在香附子生长旺盛期(株高10~15 cm),按每公顷用药量兑水675 kg进行定向茎叶喷雾,药后15天防除效果可达87.9%以上。
In order to screen herbicides with ideal safety characteristics to control malignant weed nut grass in sugarcane field, 20% thifensulfuron mythl WP and 65% MCPA·ametryne·diuron WP were chosen for the field efficacy trial. The results showed that 20% thifensulfuron mythl WP and 65% MCPA·ametryne·diuron WP had good control effect on nut grass. The optimum dosage of 20% thifensulfuron mythl WP and 65% MCPA·ametryne·diuron WP was 1125 g/hm2 (the effective ingredient was 225 g) and 3150 g/hm2 (the effective ingredient was 2047.5 g), respectively. These two herbicides should be applied in the vigorous growth period of nut grass (10-15 cm high) and dissolved in 675 kg water per hectare with orientation stem leaf spraying. The control effect after 15 days could be above 87.9%.
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Key words
sugarcane field; malignant weed; nut grass; herbicide control
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