In order to study problems of Ginkgo biloba L poor photosynthesis, seedling growth is weak because of soil nutrient supply shortage in seedling, test to be taken by foliar way supplynutrients for Ginkgo biloba L and that to improve its photosynthetic efficiency and promote growth. 3 years old Ginkgo biloba L seedlings as test materials, set 4 treatment as T1(CK),T2(0.50% urea and 0.50%superphosphate), T3(0.50% urea and 0.50% KH2PO4),T4(0.50% urea and 0.50% KH2PO4, 0.10% trace elements), field experiment design, repeat 3 times. The results show that: The Ginkgo biloba L net photosynthetic efficiency different in different Month, then the influence of different with different types of fertilizer on net photosynthetic rate, the net photosynthetic rate was significantly higher than the control which in T4 treatment throughout the trial period; foliage spray can can improve transpiration rate which in Ginkgo biloba L leaf, T3 and T4 was significant difference with the control, there was no significant difference between T3 and T4; T4 treatment stomatal conductance is always at the highest value when in addition to July and that it was significant difference compared with the control,T3 treatment was followed, T2 treatments on Ginkgo biloba L stomatal conductance effect was not significant; intercellular CO2 concentration which T4 treatment was in the lowest value when in July and that it was significantly lower than the control; foliage spray can influences water use efficiency which in Ginkgo biloba L. Comprehensive analysis that T4 treatment to improve Ginkgo biloba L photosynthetic efficiency best.
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Key words
foliar spray; Ginkgo biloba L.; photosynthesis
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