

中国农学通报. 2016, 32(9): 119-124

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中国农学通报 ›› 2016, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (9) : 119-124. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb15090060


  • 李新柱,邢芳芳,高明夫,禚优优,胡兆平
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Screening and Identification of Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria in Maize Rhizosphere and Their Characteristics of Phosphate Solubilizing

  • 李新柱,邢芳芳,高明夫,禚优优 and 胡兆平
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研究作物根际土壤环境中解磷菌株资源并在实验室条件下进行解磷试验,优选高效解磷菌种,为微生物肥料研发、生产提供优良菌种和实践依据。以玉米根际土壤为供试土壤,从土壤样品中进行解磷菌株的筛选,再利用溶磷圈法优选高效解磷菌株,通过液体培养条件下对Ca3(PO4)2、磷尾矿的分解试验及土壤解磷试验进一步对优选菌株的溶磷特性进行研究,并对优选菌株的16SrDNA序列进行分析、鉴定。分离筛选获得19 株解磷菌株,利用溶磷圈筛选法得到一株高效溶磷细菌PS-1,对菌株PS-1 的溶磷性能研究表明:菌株PS-1 对Ca3(PO4)2、磷尾矿粉有较强的溶解能力,35℃培养条件下在以Ca3(PO4)2为唯一磷源的无机磷液体培养基中培养6 天水溶磷含量可达到429.2 mg/L,是对照组的45.95 倍。菌株PS-1 发酵7 天对贵州磷尾矿粉的溶磷量为61.72 mg/L,溶磷率高达21.2%。在土壤中培养50 天,有效磷含量升高19.28 mg/kg。通过对菌株PS-1 的16SrDNA序列分析、比对,PS-1 菌株鉴定为地衣芽孢杆菌。研究结果表明,解磷菌PS-1具有较强的解磷能力及应用前景,可以继续进行促生效果评价及应用研究。


This study aims at phosphate-solubilizing bacteria in maize rhizosphere soil and phosphorus soluble performance under laboratory conditions, in order to provide good bacteria and practical basis for microbial fertilizer development and production. P- solubilizing strains were screened from maize rhizosphere soil samples, the efficient solubilizing strains were optimized by the method of comparison soluble phosphorus circles. The P-solubilizing characteristics of preferred strains were studied by liquid culture conditions of Ca3 (PO4)2, phosphate tailings and soil, the strains were analyzed and identified by 16SrDNA sequence analysis. 19 kinds of phosphorus bacteria were isolated from the soil of maize rhizosphere and an efficient strain named PS- x was obtained by the method of comparison soluble phosphorus circles. The results of P- solubilizing characteristics study showed that PS-1 had strong ability of dissolving Ca3(PO4)2 and phosphate tailings. After 6 days cultivation in the medium with Ca3(PO4)2 as the sole phosphorus source under 35℃ , the soluble phosphorus content reached 429.2 mg/L, which was 45.95 times as much as that of the control group. After 7 days cultivation in the medium with phosphorus tailings powder as the sole phosphorus source, the soluble phosphorus content reached 61.72 mg/L, the phosphate solubilization rate was 21.2%. Available phosphorus content increased 19.28 mg/kg after 50 days cultivation in the soil. The results of sequence analysis of 16SrDNA showed that PS-1 was Bacillus licheniformis. The results showed that P-dissolving bacteria PS-1 had a strong dissolving ability and good application prospect, the growth- promoting effect evaluation and research could be further carried out.



Key words

phosphorus dissolving bacteria; screening; identification; Bacillus licheniformis; water-soluble phosphorus


李新柱,邢芳芳,高明夫,禚优优,胡兆平. 玉米根际高效溶磷菌的筛选、鉴定及溶磷特性研究. 中国农学通报. 2016, 32(9): 119-124 https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb15090060
李新柱,邢芳芳,高明夫,禚优优 and 胡兆平. Screening and Identification of Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria in Maize Rhizosphere and Their Characteristics of Phosphate Solubilizing. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2016, 32(9): 119-124 https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb15090060


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