为了研究探索早衰对谷子杂交种产量构成的影响。本试验采用完全随机区组设计,用多重比较及聚类分析的方法,对山西省农业科学院经济作物研究所自育的8 个杂交种和‘晋谷49 号’的产量构成因素与早衰程度的相关性做出分析。结果表明,对照在早衰最轻的前提下产量最高,其余参试材料的产量随着早衰的加剧逐步减产,减产幅度在12.35%~36.14%之间。并且早衰程度与穗粒重、千粒重、产量呈极显著负相关。早衰现象与杂交种的亲本不育源存在一定的相关性。可见,早衰严重影响谷子杂交种的产量,在选育品种时应尽量选择优良、品质好的抗早衰遗传基因。
In order to study the effect of premature senility on yield components of millet hybrids, the study adopted a randomized complete block design with eight hybrids (bred by Crop Research Institute, Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences) and the‘Millet 49’, and the correlations of yield components and degree of premature senility were analyzed with multiple comparisons and cluster analysis. The results showed that the control had the highest yield under the lightest degree of premature senility. The yields of other materials gradually declined as the premature senility was intensified, and the reduction of the yield ranged from 12.35%-36.14%. There were significantly negative correlations between the degree of premature senility and grain weight per ear, thousand kernel weight and yield. The premature senility had some correlations with parent infertility of the hybrids. In conclusion, the premature senility seriously affected the yield of the millet hybrids, so we should choose the anti- premature senility genes with good quality.
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Key words
millet hybrid; yield components; degree of premature senility
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