

中国农学通报. 2016, 32(6): 182-192

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中国农学通报 ›› 2016, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (6) : 182-192. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb15090025
植物保护 农药


  • 彭昌家1,白体坤1,丁攀1,冯礼斌1,郭建全2,杨宇衡3,尹怀中4,龙维国5,文旭6,肖立7,崔德敏8,苟建华9,李鸿韬9,何海燕10,郑艳5
作者信息 +

Regionalization and Epidemic Regularity of Rice Blast in Nanchong City

  • Peng Changjia1, Bai Tikun1, Ding Pan1, Feng Libin1, Guo Jianquan2, Yang Yuheng3, Yin Huaizhong4,Long Weiguo5, Wen Xu6, Xiao Li7, Cui Demin8, Gou Jianhua9, Li Hongtao9, He Haiyan10, Zheng Yan5
Author information +
History +




In order to improve the level of monitoring, early warning and comprehensive control of rice blast in Nanchong City, and reduce the harm of rice blast, the methods of GPS and GIS location, systematical monitoring and survey, rice blast resistance variety identification, physiologic variety monitoring and weather data analysis were adopted to study the regionalization, accurate boundary settlement and occurrence and epidemic regularity of the disease. In this study, regionalization and boundary settlement were analyzed for the first time, the primary infection location, occurrence characteristics, trends and characteristics of the disease were verified. There were four epidemic peak periods and the damage areas of the first peak period played a decisive role, the accumulated occurrence area at the end of May was positively correlated with the year occurrence area, and the correlation coefficient was 0.8172. A prediction model of occurrence area based on the disease field rate at the end of boot stage and the disease plant rate at dough stage was established. Through investigation of the causes of blast disease in Nanchong in recent years, the authors found that the internal causes were the decrease or lose of rice blast resistance, the increase of high pathogenicity physiological race and the appearing of stronger pathogenicity physiological race, the external causes were suitable temperature and more overcast and rain and less sunlight. During 2010 to 2015, the short-term forecast accuracy for rice blast in Nanchong was up to 100%, medium-term and long-term forecast accuracy were also up to 98% and 95%, respectively, which increased by 5-15 percentage points compared with that before 1997, thus increased the control effect of rice blast in Nanchong by15%-30%.



Key words

rice; rice blast; regionalization; occurrence characteristics; epidemic regularity; early warning level


彭昌家,白体坤,丁攀,冯礼斌,郭建全,杨宇衡,尹怀中,龙维国,文旭,肖立,崔德敏,苟建华,李鸿韬,何海燕,郑艳. 南充市水稻稻瘟病区划和发生流行规律研究. 中国农学通报. 2016, 32(6): 182-192 https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb15090025
Peng Changjia,Bai Tikun,Ding Pan,Feng Libin,Guo Jianquan,Yang Yuheng,Yin Huaizhong,Long Weiguo,Wen Xu,Xiao Li,Cui Demin,Gou Jianhua,Li Hongtao,He Haiyan and Zheng Yan. Regionalization and Epidemic Regularity of Rice Blast in Nanchong City. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2016, 32(6): 182-192 https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb15090025


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