为探究温室黄瓜穴盘育苗阶段不同苗龄期对水肥需求规律,选用黄瓜‘北京403’为试材,以潮汐灌溉方式进行水肥一体化供应,采用二元二次正交旋转组合设计,对黄瓜苗期水肥供液维持时间和间隔时间2个影响因子进行试验研究,从而获得最佳供液方案。结果表明:黄瓜不同苗龄期水肥需求量不同,随着叶片数的增加,水肥需求量逐渐增加,壮苗指数也随之增加,水肥利用效率也呈逐渐增高趋势;不同苗龄期供液维持时间和间隔时间共同影响其壮苗指标与水肥利用率,供液维持时间和间隔时间过长或过短均不利于幼苗壮苗形成和对水肥的吸收利用,1叶期壮苗指数与水肥利用率兼优的最佳水肥供应维持时间13~23 min,间隔时间保持360 min;2叶期维持时间13~16 min,间隔时间349~496 min组合最佳;3叶期维持时间8~18 min,间隔时间349~401 min;4叶期维持时间13~23 min,间隔时间360 min,育苗阶段以此方案进行灌溉,不仅幼苗健壮,而且节水省肥。
The study aims to explore nutrient solution demand rule and irrigation schemes in different cucumber seedling stages, the authors took cucumber ‘Beijing 403’ as test material, and used the integrated nutrient solution supply in the form of tidal irrigation. The experiment with central composite rotatable design was conducted to investigate the maintaining time and the interval time of nutrient irrigation, and obtained the best solution. The results showed that the demand quantity of nutrient solution in different seedling stages was different, with the increase of leaf number, nutrient solution demand was gradually increasing, strong seedling index also increased, nutrient solution use efficiency showed a trend of increase gradually. The maintaining time and the interval time of nutrient solution irrigation in different seedling stages influenced the seedling index and nutrient solution use efficiency together, the maintaining time and the interval time which were too long or too short were bad for strong seedling formation and the absorption of nutrient solution. The cucumber strong seedling index and nutrient solution use efficiency were all the best when the maintaining time was from 13 to 23 minutes and the interval time was 360 minutes in cucumber one leaf stage. The best irrigation schemes in others leaf stages were as follows: the maintaining time was 13-16 minutes and the interval time was 349-496 minutes in two leaf stage, the maintaining time was 8-18 minutes and the interval time was 349-401 minutes in three leaf stage, the maintaining time was 13-23 minutes and the interval time was 360 minutes in four leaf stage. With this scheme, the advantages are not only strong seedling growth, but also nutrient solution saving in cucumber seedling stage.
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Key words
cucumber; strong seedling index; nutrient solution use efficiency; irrigation scheme
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