探索完善药剂在防治水稻病虫害过程中的优化组合用药技术,为水稻生产上减少化学农药投入和提高种粮效益提供依据。本研究在早稻、单季晚稻、连作晚稻上分别实施水稻重大病虫害全程组合用药防治技术,对秧苗素质、病虫害防治效果、稻田蜘蛛种群动态、稻谷产量、防治工本药本、农药使用量、种粮效益等方面进行综合评估测算。研究结果表明:在有效控制纹枯病、稻飞虱、稻纵卷叶螟、二化螟等重大病虫害的基础上,优化组合用药技术的利用可减少防治次数2~3 次,降低化学农药使用量20.88%~
56.85%,同时还能提高秧苗素质,促进水稻生长,维护稻田蜘蛛种群动态平衡,并增加稻谷产量483.30~945 kg/hm2,实现节本增收增效1186.05~3690 元/hm2。根据稻田生产实际需要,合理实施水稻重大病虫害组合用药技术是当前水稻生产上实现农药减量、农业增效的有效措施,具有较好的经济、社会、生态效益。
This study was designed to explore and optimize the technique of combinative application against the major diseases and insect pests of rice, which would provide data for decreasing the input of chemical pesticides and improving the benefit of rice production. The experiments of combinative application of pesticides were carried out to evaluate seedling quality, controlling effect, population dynamics of spider, yield, cost and economic benefit in early rice, single-season late rice and continuous cropping late rice production, respectively. The results showed that the combinative application of pesticides can effectively control the sheath blight, rice hopper, rice leaf roller and stem borer, reduce 2 or 3 times of spray, decrease 20.88%-56.85% input of pesticides, and can improve seedling quality, promote rice growth, maintain the balance of spider population dynamics, increase of rice yields of 483.30-945 Kg per hm2, increase of benefit of 1186.05-3690 yuan RMB per hm2 at same time. It was effective demonstrated that to implement the plan of combinative application of pesticides can decrease the input of chemical pesticides, realize the agricultural production and gain the satisfied economic, social and ecological benefits.
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Key words
rice pest and disease; chemical control; pesticide reduction; application technique
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