为了筛选适宜南方高温干旱期生长的优质饲用苎麻种质资源,本研究对203份苎麻饲用种质资源的典型农艺性状以及粗蛋白质含量进行鉴定和评价。结果表明,该203份种质资源的茎粗、株高、小区株数、日均生长速度、茎业比、单蔸产量、粗蛋白质含量等7个农艺性状之间存在着不同的相关性。通过对比分析,筛选出高产种质资源(单蔸产量>1250 g/蔸)31份,优质种质资源(粗蛋白质>25%)32份,高产优质的苎麻饲用种质资源5份,分别为‘巫山线麻’、‘四川0号’、‘玉山麻’、‘绥宁青麻’以及‘邵阳青皮麻’。
In order to select germplasm resources of ramie which could be used as forage and could resist the high temperature and drought in Southern China, typical agronomic characteristics and the content of crude protein of 203 ramie varieties were identified and evaluated. The results showed that there were different correlations among the seven characteristics including stem diameter, plant height, number of individuals per plot, average daily growth rate, stem-leaf ratio, single stump yield and content of crude protein. 31 high-yield ramie varieties (single stump yield>1250 g/stump) and 32 high- quality ramie varieties (content of crude protein>25%) were selected by comparative analysis. Finally, five ramie varieties including‘Wushan hemp ramie’,‘Sichuan 0 ramie’,‘Yushan ramie’,‘Suining peel ramie’and‘Shaoyang peel ramie’were selected as forage resources with high yield and high quality.
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Key words
ramie; germplasm resources; using as forage; identification and evaluation
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