葡萄热激转录因子分类及其相关SSR 标记分析


中国农学通报. 2016, 32(10): 157-161

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中国农学通报 ›› 2016, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (10) : 157-161. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb15070032

葡萄热激转录因子分类及其相关SSR 标记分析

  • 杨海波,张华丽,梁芳,秦贺兰,王茂良,辛海波
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Classification of HSFs and Analysis of Their SSR Markers in Grape

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热害是目前葡萄设施生产中存在的主要问题之一。作为耐热性的主要调控因子,HSF的分析及其基因序列中分子标记研究对葡萄耐热相关育种具有重要意义。通过植物基因组数据库Phytozome(http://phyto5.phytozome.net/)下载19 条葡萄热激转录因子(heat shock factor,HSF)蛋白序列,并对各HSF的氨基酸数目、分子量和等点电进行了预测。以拟南芥HSF为参照,经过多序列比对和进化树分析,对葡萄HSF进行序列分析和分类,发现葡萄基因组中HSF有10 个A类、7 个B类和2 个C类。同时,分析了19 条HSF 基因序列中SSR(simple sequence repeats)位点,并设计特异引物,以‘赤霞珠’基因组DNA为模板,通过PCR(polymerase chain reaction)对引物有效性进行验证。结果表明,葡萄基因组内包括3 类HSF因子编码基因,它们的序列上存在SSR位点,可用于分子标记的开发。研究结果为葡萄耐热相关分子辅助育种提供了参考。


Heat stress restricts grape production, especially in facility cultivation. Analysis of SSR markers and classification of HSFs which are major regulators in heat tolerance could be important in grape heat tolerance breeding. In this study, 19 HSF sequences of Vitis vinifera were downloaded from Phytozome. Based on these sequences of VvHSFs, their lengths, molecular weights and isoelectric points were predicted. Furthermore, multiple alignment and phylogenetic analysis of these 19 HSFs were carried out with AtHSFs as reference sequences. 10 HSFAs, 7 HSFBs and 2 HSFCs were found in grape genome. According to SSR sites in VvHSF, the specific primers were designed for the PCR using‘Cabernet Sauvignon’as template. These data showed that grape genome harbored 3 classes of HSFs containing SSR sites which could be used for designing molecular markers. This work would be a basis for molecular marker assistant breeding in grape thermotolerance.



Key words

grape; heat shock factor; SSR; molecular mar


杨海波,张华丽,梁芳,秦贺兰,王茂良,辛海波. 葡萄热激转录因子分类及其相关SSR 标记分析. 中国农学通报. 2016, 32(10): 157-161 https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb15070032
Classification of HSFs and Analysis of Their SSR Markers in Grape. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2016, 32(10): 157-161 https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb15070032


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