To investigate the status of Anthurium andraeanum cultivars in Chinese, A. andraeanum cultivars bank was established, and its application in plant new varieties DUS test was studied also. 39 characters of 87 A. andraeanum cultivars were analyzed. The diversity indexes, coefficient of variation of 39 DUS traits and correlation coefficient of quantitative characters were calculated. Two methods, direct selection and clustering analysis, were used to select similar cultivar from cultivars bank. The results showed that coefficient of variation (CV) values of the qualitative characters (pseudoqualitative characters) tested ranged from 14.00% to 89.29% with an average of 43.67%, the mean diversity indexes was 0.93. CV values of the quantitative characters tested ranged from 17.63% to 32.34% with an average of 26.59%, the mean diversity indexes was 1.02. The results showed the presence of a low level of genetic variability and a narrow genetic basis among A. andraeanum cultivars. Correlation analysis showed that, all quantitative traits were significantly positive correlation. Directly screening from the cultivars library or by clustering method can effectively filter or verify similar cultivar according to the traits listed in questionnaire. The low genetic diversity index of A. andraeanum was not conducive to the further improvement of varieties. It was feasible to select similar cultivar or judge whether similar cultivar was suitable based on the cultivars bank.
红掌; 已知品种; 变异系数; 多样性指数; 近似品种
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Key words
Anthurium andraeanum; existing cultivars; coefficient of variation; diversity indexes; similar cultivar
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