为了解窄冠福建柏人工林生长特征及规律,制定其有效经营措施,采用树干解析法及Richards方程对三明市沙县窄冠福建柏的树高、胸径和材积的生长过程进行分析。结果表明:窄冠福建柏人工林在整个生长过程中,树高连年生长量有4个波峰,其中8年生时达到生长高峰,为0.85 m/a,平均生长量与连年生长量在第16年首次相交;胸径连年生长量出现2次峰值,分别为0.76 cm/a(第8年)和2.44 cm/a(第24年),平均生长量与连年生长量在28年生时相交,胸径快速生长期0—28年的生长量为26.08 cm,占总生长量的87.81%;材积连年生长量在26年生时达到最大值,为0.0354 m3,至32年生时,窄冠福建柏人工林仍未达到数量成熟。Richards方程拟合窄冠福建柏树高、胸径和材积的生长过程效果均较好,相应的生长方程为:H=22.47×(1-e-5.28)1.66,R=0.9832;D=1326.49×(1-e-2.13)1.45,R=0.9291;V=3.89×(1-e-2.51)3.90,R=0.9979。窄冠福建柏生长率总体呈下降趋势,树高、胸径和材积三者生长率在0—10年内降幅较大,依次为45.31%、81.86%和52.4%,而10—32年,树高、胸径和材积的年平均生长率降幅均较小,分别为0.47%、0.74%和1.47%。研究结果可为窄冠福建柏营林生产实践提供科学依据。
To formulate effective management measures of Fokienia hodginsii (Dunn) variant types in Sanming City, Fujian Province. The stem analysis method coupled with Richards equation was used in the analysis of its growth process. The results showed that the current annual increment of tree height had four peaks, the largest current annual tree height increment 0.85 m/a appeared at the age of 8, and the average annual increment firstly intersected with annual increment at age 16. The current annual increment of breast diameter (DBH) occurred two peaks, they were 0.76 cm/a (8th year) and 2.44 cm/a (24th year). The current annual increment and average annual increment of breast diameter intersected with each other at the age of 28, the rapid growth period of current annual DBH increment ranged from 0 to 28 years and its growth increment was 26.08 cm, which accounted for 87.81% of the total growth increment. The current annual timber volume increment reached a maximum value (0.0354 m3) at 26th year. The F. hodginsii (Dunn) variant types plantation did not reach quantitative maturity at the age of 32. The Richards equation can well describe the growth process of tree height, breast diameter and timber volume of F. hodginsii (Dunn) variant types as followed: H=22.47×(1-e-5.28)1.66,R=0.9832;D=1326.49×(1-e-2.13)1.45,R=0.9291;V=3.89×(1-e-2.51)3.90,R=0.9979. The growth rate of F. hodginsii (Dunn) variant types presented decreasing tendency, and the growth rate of tree height, breast diameter and timber volume declined 45.31%, 81.86% and 52.4% respectively during 0-10 years, while the average growth rates of tree height, breast diameter and timber volume declined only 0.47%, 0.74% and 1.47% respectively during 10-32 years. The results may provide a scientific basis for forest production.
窄冠福建柏; 人工林; 生长过程; 树干解析; 生长量
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Key words
Fokienia hodginsii (Dunn) Henry et Thomas; plantation; growth process; stem analysis; growth increment
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