
鲍正宗 刘鹏 刘训理

中国农学通报. 2014, 30(19): 257-262

中国农学通报 ›› 2014, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (19) : 257-262. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.2013-2969
植物保护 农药


  • 鲍正宗 刘鹏 刘训理
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Research in Plants Antagonistic Bacteria on the Soil-Borne Disease Control in the Forest

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Forest soil-borne diseases is serious, prevention is difficult. Antagonistic bacteria through its own metabolic activity inhibit the growth of pathogenic and it can be planted in the rhizosphere of forest trees or in vivo. There is great potential in control of soil-borne diseases. The article studied from the antagonistic bacteria and their species. The antibacterial mechanism, the planting and the forest soil-borne diseases control and the existing problems were discussed.


拮抗细菌; 生物防治; 定殖; 林木土传病害; 应用

Key words

antagonistic bacteria; biological control; colonizing; forestry soil-borne plant disease; application


鲍正宗 刘鹏 刘训理. 植物拮抗细菌及其在林木土传病害防治上的应用研究进展. 中国农学通报. 2014, 30(19): 257-262 https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.2013-2969
Research in Plants Antagonistic Bacteria on the Soil-Borne Disease Control in the Forest. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2014, 30(19): 257-262 https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.2013-2969


从广东省各蔬菜基地采集101个表层土壤,测定土壤Olsen-P、Bray-P和CaCl2-P,以确定不同质地土壤的磷淋失临界值。结果表明,Olsen-P与CaCl2-P呈显著的线性关系,随着土壤Olsen-P的增加,CaCl2-P也呈现增加的趋势,存在1个明显的突变点,即土壤磷淋失临界值,壤质粘土的临界值为79.74 mg/kg,粘壤土的临界值为51.08 mg/kg,砂质粘壤土的淋失临界值为43.99 mg/kg,砂质壤土的淋失临界值为8.63 mg/kg,淋失临界值从高到低的顺序依次是:壤质粘土>粘壤土>砂质粘壤土>砂质壤土,与不同质地粘粒含量的表现规律一致。在砂质粘壤土上Bray-P与CaCl2-P呈显著的线性关系,但不存在明显的突变点,在壤质粘土、粘壤土和砂质壤土上,Bray-P与CaCl2-P未呈现显著的线性关系,不存在明显的突变点。因此,在本试验条件下,Olsen-P可以作为不同质地土壤磷淋失临界值指标。
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