To study valuable information on a wide range of important agronomic genes in ‘Hengguan 35’, by using functional or genetically linked molecular markers, combined with field observations, we detected and analyzed the genes controlling important agronomic traits in the national certified wheat variety ‘Hengguan 35’. The results showed that, ‘Hengguan 35’ was 1BL/1RS translocation line, which was consistent with its high yield level and wide environmental adaptability. ‘Hengguan 35’ carried two recessive vernalization genes (vrn-A1 and vrn-B1) and one dominant vernalization gene (Vrn-D1), which agreed well with its strong tolerance to cold stress in winter and early and fast resumption of growth in Spring. ‘Hengguan 35’ contained the photoperiod insensitive gene Ppd-D1a, which was in line with its relatively early maturity in many wheat cultivation regions. ‘Hengguan 35’ probably had four dwarf genes (Rht1, Rht2, Rht4, and Rht8), which was in accordance with its lower plant height and improved tolerance to lodging. ‘Hengguan 35’ probably hosted Pm4 and Pm16 genes, which may correspond with itsfield resistance to powdery mildew. ‘Hengguan 35’ probably harbored YrTp2 gene, which may account for its field resistance to stripe rust disease. Our study provides valuable information on a wide range of important agronomic genes in ‘Hengguan 35’, which may facilitate the use of this germplasm for improving wheat yield and environmental adaptability in further research.
小麦;‘衡观35’; 功能 (或连锁) 标记; 抗旱; 高产; 分子标记辅助育种
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Key words
wheat;‘Hengguan 35’; functional or linked markers of some genes; drought; high yield; molecular marker assistant breeding
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