The accumulations of the soil nutrients and salinity are the main problems in the development of the protected agriculture. To find the impacts of the development of greenhouses on the accumulations of the soil nutrients and salinity, the study chose the greenhouses of different cultivation years and the near wheat-maize fields in Shiyang River basin and analyzed the soil nitrate nitrogen and soil electric conductivity in the field survey and sample analysis method. The results indicated that the nitrate nitrogen and the salinity are accumulated at the surface layer in greenhouses; the average soil nitrogen content of soil layer in greenhouse is 1.2-3.3 times than in wheat-maize fields in the same soil profile, and the average EC of soil layer in greenhouse is 0.7-3.2 times than in wheat-maize fields; the nitrate nitrogen and EC increase with the increasing of cultivation years in a depth under the root zone; with the increasing of cultivation years, the maximum value is increased, and the accumulation depth is more deepened. The accumulations of the soil nutrients and salinity are mainly caused by the over-fertilizer and illogical irrigation, so it is necessary to adjust the coupling of the water and fertilizer and to take the efficient irrigation schedule of water-saving and fertilizer-saving.
日光温室; 不同年限; 土壤硝态氮; EC值
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Key words
greenhouse; different cultivation years; soil nitrate nitrogen; EC
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