为探究滴灌年限对膜下滴灌棉田苗期水盐分布及棉花生长的影响,选取新疆生产建设兵团农八师121团连续应用膜下滴灌0~16年棉田——8个相近地块,对各地块在苗期的水盐运动规律进行试验分析。结果表明:滴灌应用7年以上地块,垂直方向上,苗期含盐量由表层至深层呈上升趋势。滴灌应用7年以内及荒地,含盐量由表层至深层逐渐下降;第一次灌水后土壤中水盐水平方向向远离滴灌带方向运移,在蒸发作用下,盐分逐渐在膜间裸地0~10 cm聚集。垂直方向,盐分随水向下运移至90 cm以下,0~20 cm土层深度储盐量变化率为负值;滴灌7年内棉花出苗率和株高随滴灌应用年限的增加而增加,滴灌7年以上棉花出苗率基本稳定在83%以上,滴灌7年以上棉田苗期株高基本稳定。
In order to explore the impact of different drip irrigation periods on the cotton fields of seedling water, salt distribution and growing of cotton. Selecting 121 Mission where continuous applying drip irrigation 0-16 years, 8 similar plots of the cotton field to monitor the water and salt chances, to test and analyze of water-salt transport at seedling stage in every cotton fields. The results initially showed that: the land which has been used of drip irrigation more than seven years, salt cotton had upward trend from the surface to the deep. The land which has been used of drip irrigation less than seven years and the wasteland, salt content had decreased gradually from surface to deep. After the first irrigation, water and salt which soil move away from the drip in the horizontal direction. Salt gradually gathered in the film gap 0-10 cm depth by evaporation. In the vertical direction, water carried salt which from the soil movement down to 90 cm below, 0-20 cm soil depth reservoir salt changes was negative. Cotton which had used drip irrigation within seven years, seedling emergence and average height increased with the increase in the number of years of drip application. Drip irrigation for more than seven years cotton germination rate basically stable at more than 83%. The application of drip irrigation more than seven years cotton seedling plant height get basic stability.
膜下滴灌; 滴灌年限; 水盐运移; 棉花
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Key words
under-mulch drip irrigation; drip irrigation years; water-salt movement; cotton
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