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    Aili Bao, Chanjuan Zhang, Yi Huang, Haifeng Chen, Xinan Zhou, Dong Cao
    Oil Crop Sci. 2020, 5(01): 31-40.
    Soybean(Glycine max) is a legume crop with great economic value that provides rich protein and oil for human food and animal feed. In order to cope with the ever-increasing need for soybean products and the changing environment, soybean genetic improvement needs to be accelerated. In recent years, the rapid developed genome editing technologies, such as zinc finger nuclease(ZFNs), transcription activator-like effector nucleases(TALENs),and clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats/CRISPR associated protein(CRISPR/Cas), have shown broad application prospects in gene function research and improvement of important agronomic traits in many crops, and has also brought opportunities for soybean breeding. Here we systematically reviewed recent advances in genome editing technology. We also summarized the significances, current applications, challenges and future perspectives in soybean genome editing, which could provide references for exerting the feature and advantage of this technology to better soybean improvement.
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    Putri Gita Lestari, Ayu Oshin Yap Sinaga, David Septian Sumanto Marpaung, Winati Nurhayu, Indah Oktaviani
    Oil Crop Sci. 2024, 9(01): 46-52.
    The presence of acidic soil in rural areas poses difficulties for agricultural production. One factor regulating soil pH is the overuse of inorganic fertilizer. The increased use of fertilizers in soybean production not only raises sustainability concerns but also contributes to soil acidity. Therefore, the use of organic fertilizer could offer a solution for addressing both issues related to soil acidity and sustainability. The purpose of this study was to investigate the manipulation of soil pH using organic fertilizer for soybean production under acidic stress. The planting medium, consisting of a mixture of topsoil, rice husk charcoal, and organic fertilizer(in a ratio of 2:1:1),was supplemented with 0.5 g of NPK fertilizer as a basal treatment in each planting medium. To regulate the soil acidity to pH 4, we added FeSO4and allowed the mixture to incubate for 30 days. The results demonstrate that the application of three types of organic fertilizers chicken manure(P1), oil palm empty bunch fertilizer(P2), and vermicompost(P3) positively impacts the growth of three soybean varieties. The findings indicate that the application of P2 organic fertilizer can increase vegetative growth almost 50% in soybeans on acidic soil,including plant height, leaf count, and root length. Meanwhile, applying P3 organic fertilizer can boost reproductive growth responses in soybeans on acidic soil, such as pod number(from around 0-4 unit to 42–51 unit),grain number(from around 0-5 unit to 88–90 unit), and grain weight(from around 0–0.37 g to 12–25 g). Organic fertilizer has the potential to regulate soil pH, promoting higher yields of soybeans under acidic stress.
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    Hui Wang, Wenhui Huang, Jun Wang, Jia Liu, Wenxiang Wang, Li Fu, QAMAR U Zaman, Qiong Hu, Desheng Mei
    Oil Crop Sci. 2018, 3(04): 203-214.
    Effective silique number per plant(ESN), seeds per silique(SS), thousand seeds weight(TSW), silique length(SL) and silique density(SD) are important seed yield potential determinant traits in rapeseed(Brassica napus L.), which are controlled by quantitative trait loci(QTL). Mapping QTL to delimited chromosomal region offers an effective method for genetic dissection of these traits. A set of 96 double haploid(DH) lines were developed by crossing 2 Brassica napus lines R1 and R2, and an immortalized F_2(IF_2) population containing 124 combinations was developed by crossing those DH lines. DH populations were planted at 2 locations for 2 years and IF_2 populations were planted in 2 locations for 1 year. Based on the established 2,217.2 cM length high density genetic map, 42 QTLs were identified, with 26 QTLs detected repeatedly in different environments or populations, including 8 for SL, 7 for TSW, 4 for ESN, 4 for SS and 3 for SD. Among these identified QTLs, 3, 4, 1, 1 and 3 QTLs were considered as major QTLs for SL, TSW, ESN, SS and SD, respectively. In addition, 2 QTLs on A9 chromosome which control multiple traits were identified. These results warrant further study of fine mapping for yield and yield components.
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    Cuiping Yuan, Ling Zhang, Hongkun Zhao, Yumin Wang, Xiaodong Liu, Yingshan Dong, Glen L. Hartman
    Oil Crop Sci. 2019, 4(01): 32-46.
    To explore genetic resource of wild soybean(Glycine soia. L), RNA-seq was used to investigate cyst nematode resistance of G. soja. Root transcriptome expressions were profiled at 9, 15 and 20 d post inoculation(DPI) in resistant and susceptible G. soja to SCN(soybean cyst nematode). A total of 1,594 differentially expressed genes(DEGs) were identified in roots infected by SCN compared with non-infected roots. In the resistant accession, 619, 65, and 8 DEGs were detected at 9, 15, and 20 DPI, respectively, while 327, 460 and 115 DEGs were detected at the same sampling point of susceptible accessions. DEGs were enriched in peroxidase gene sets which were involved in response to oxidative stress and oxidation reduction. Two gene families, ZIM transcription factor and WRKY transcription factor were enriched. WRKY transcription factor was only enriched in resistant accession. Moreover, gene expressions of 9 DEGs were validated by qRT-PCR. XLOC_023202, an unknown protein was up regulated more than 5 fold at 9 and 15 DPI in the resistant accession. These results provided an atlas of gene expressions of G. soja in response to SCN infection, and identified candidate DEGs for future research.
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    Linxia Wu, Haiyan Zhou, Tingting Zhu, Hongling Yang, Xueli Dong, Lin Chen, Yizhen Bai, Nanri Yin, Xiaoxia Ding, Peiwu Li
    Oil Crop Sci. 2017, 2(01): 38-48.
    Investigation on fungal populations and mycotoxins of mouldy rapeseed was conducted in this paper. A total of 578 rapeseed samples were collected from 11 Chinese provinces in 2015, and 141 samples were contaminted by mycete. Mouldy rapeseed samples with exceeding specified standard were found in all areas. The highest percentages of samples were from Hunan, Jiangxi and Hubei provinces with above standard rate of 31.91%, 24.54% and 20.45% respectively. Mycete in 29 severely mouldy samples were isolated and determined by using dilution method. Eighty-three dominant isolates were found, among which fungal strain number ranged from 1 to 8. Aspergillus flavus, Penicillium steckii and Penicillium citrinum were dominant myco-populations identified by morphological and molecular biological methods. Rapeseed from the Southern provinces including Jiangxi, Hunan and Guangxi were contaminated by more isolates. Mycotoxins content were evaluated by LC–MS/MS. AFB_1, BEA and FB_1 were the top 3 prevalent mycotoxins. BEA and FB1 contaminations in rapeseed were relatively low. This investigation provid support for protecting public health and ensuring consumption security of rapeseed.
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    Weijun Wang, Changsheng Liu, Fenghong Huang, Wenlin Li, Bo Yang
    Oil Crop Sci. 2017, 2(04): 225-236.
    Alkaline microcrystalline cellulose(AMC) was used as adsorption agent in deacidification in this paper. Changes of isothermal adsorption of free fatty acids(FFA) and micro-components(α-tocopherol and β-sitosterol) in rapeseed oil on AMC were investigated. The results showed that difference in initial micro-component contents would not change adsorption characteristics of AMC to FFA. Adsorption characteristics were always as the following: Langmuir equation was more suitable to static adsorption process of AMC to FFA than Freundlich equation; moderate temperature(30-40 ℃) was advantageous to adsorption; adsorption was a preferential one. The highest retention rate of α-tocopherol and β-sitosterol during absorptive deacidification by AMC were 99.5% and 91.5% respectively. Therefore, AMC was suitable for adsorption deacidification application of rapeseed oil.
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    Yanyan Yu, Yun Liu
    Oil Crop Sci. 2020, 5(03): 107-113.
    Chinese Sapium sebiferum(L.) Roxb has great potential to emerge as a promising biodiesel resource plant due to abundant oil content in seed. However, the unavailability of transcriptomic and genomic data impedes the progress of application in biodiesel production. Transcriptome analysis will help to further exploit tallow and kernel oil utilization in industry and facilitate molecular-breeding-based genetic improvement of S. sebiferum.Illumina hiseq 2000 sequencing platform was used to perform de novo transcriptome assembly and gene expression analyses of seeds from three strains in three developmental stages. A total of 188,254 unigenes over200 bp were assembled with average length of 699 bp. These transcriptic unigenes were functionally assigned by GO and KEGG pathways. RPKM was used to identify differentially expressed unigenes of five c DNA libraries.Transcriptic genes endcoding enzymes related to fatty acid metabolism were evaluated. q RT-PCR was employed to confirm five key enzymes involved in fatty acid and triacylglycerol biosynthesis. This study provided comprehensive gene expression information of Chinese S. sebiferum seed at transcriptional level. These transcriptome data will facilitate high-oil-content genetic cultivation of S. sebiferum, which will further exploit tallow and kernel oil utilization in biodiesel industry.
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    Yini Yang, Linhai Wang, Yunhai Wang, Yuting An, Qi Zhou, Xia Xiang
    Oil Crop Sci. 2024, 9(01): 38-45.
    The objective of this study was to determine the differences of aroma and taste in three black sesame originsbefore and after processing via flavor and widely metabolomics. By analyzing the sensory characteristics and metabolites of raw and treated black sesame from China, Vietnam, and Myanmar, treated Chinese sesame have the most significant change in hardness after thermal processing, low viscosity and was easy to chew. The electronic nose could distinguish between raw and treated sesame due to the aroma distribution. The reason of treated sesame from China was “fragrant” is due to the highest content(2545.50 μg/kg) of total pyrazines including 2,5-dimethylpyrazine, 2-ethyl-5-methylpyrazine, 2,3,5-trimethylpyrazine, 3-ethyl-2,5-dimethylpyrazine. 933 metabolites were detected via a wide targeted metabolomics in the taste of raw and treated sesame. Based on the analysis of metabolites related to bitterness, 145 substances were selected. The main bitter contributors may be amino acids,dipeptides and organic acids.
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    Min Liu, Xueyan Wang, Yu Zhang, Lin Xu, Yan Liu, Li Yu, Fei Ma, Xuefang Wang, Zhiyong Gong, Liangxiao Zhang, Peiwu Li
    Oil Crop Sci. 2023, 8(01): 56-60.
    To reveal the characteristic chemicals of walnuts from different origins, we analyzed fatty acid composition,tocopherols, phytosterols and total phenolic content(TPC) of walnuts from three main producing regions in China. The results showed that walnuts were rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, and the ratio of ω-6 to ω-3 fatty acids was close to the recommendation of Chinese Nutrition Society. Moreover, walnuts contain high contents of tocopherols(331.20–414.71 mg/kg), phytosterols(97.17–110.35 mg/100 g) and phenols(38.51–48.08 mg GAE/kg). Significant chemical differences exist among walnuts from three production regions. The highest content of polyunsaturated fatty acids was found in walnuts from the northern China, the highest content of tocopherols in walnuts from southwest China, and the highest contents of phytosterol and TPC in walnuts from northwest China.However, there was no significant difference in the tocopherol, phytosterol and TPC content of walnuts between the Northern China and Northwest China. The above results provide important references for manufacturers and consumers to select suitable walnut scientifically and reasonably.
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    Kun Xu, Jinfeng Wu, Feng Li, Xiaoming Wu
    Oil Crop Sci. 2018, 3(02): 86-91.
    Simple sequence repeat(SSR) capillary electrophoresis and single nucleotide polymorphism(SNP) array are widely used tools for investigating genetic diversity. However, efficiency between SSR and SNP on rapeseed genetic diversity has not been systematically assessed yet. In this study, both SSR and SNP were used on 446 worldwide B. napus germplasm lines. Data shows that 65 pairs of primers(70 SSRs) and 250 SNPs were necessary to identify the similar accessions. Furthermore, no significant differences were found between 2 systems on basic statistics, population structures, principal components and kinship parameters. In general, either SSR or SNP is efficient for genetic diversity estimation. However, our data revealed the fact that SNP array system shows slightly more accuracy than SSR system on ecotype groups division.
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    Wangyi Zhou, Chen Sheng, Senouwa Segla Koffi Dossou, Zhijian Wang, Shengnan Song, Jun You, Linhai Wang
    Oil Crop Sci. 2023, 8(02): 81-88.
    Trehalose and its precursor, trehalose-6-phosphate, play critical roles in plant metabolism and response to abiotic stresses. Trehalose-6-phosphate synthase(TPS) is a key enzyme in the trehalose synthesis pathway. Hence this study identified TPS genes in sesame(Si TPSs) and examined their expression patterns under various abiotic stresses. Totally, ten Si TPSs were identified and comprehensively characterized. Si TPSs were found to be unevenly distributed on five out of 13 sesame chromosomes and were predicted to be localized in chloroplasts and vacuoles of cells. Phylogenetic analysis classified Si TPS proteins into two groups(I and II), which was supported by gene structure and conserved motif analyses. Analysis of cis-acting elements in promoter regions of Si TPSs revealed that they might primarily involve developmental and environmental responses. Si TPSs exhibited different expression patterns in different tissues and under different abiotic stresses. Most group II Si TPS genes(Si TPS4-Si TPS10) were strongly induced by drought, salt, waterlogging, and osmotic stress. Particularly, Si TPS10 was the most significantly up-regulated under various abiotic stresses, indicating it is a candidate gene for improving sesame tolerance to multiple abiotic stresses. Our results provide insight into the TPS gene family in sesame and fundamental resources for genomics studies towards dissecting Si TPS genes' functions.
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    Jing Zhang, Yu Wang, Zhaolin Du, Dasong Lin, Lili Huo, Li Qin, Wei Wang, Liwen Qiang, Yanpo Yao, Yi An
    Oil Crop Sci. 2021, 6(01): 1-7.
    Aflatoxin is a strong carcinogenic and toxic fungal toxin produced by Aspergillus flavus and other Aspergillus species, and can seriously threaten the health of consumers, thus becoming a global concern. Corn, as an important oil and economic crop, is highly susceptible contaminated by aflatoxin. In this study, antagonistic bacteria with strong inhibitory effect on aflatoxin were screened to provide support for the treatment aflatoxin contamination control in corn. Ten strains which have strong antagonistic effects against A. flavus were isolated from healthy corn from different corn producing areas in China. Among them, the antagonistic bacteria JTFM1001 through corn kernels in vivo and field experiment, the inhibition effect of aflatoxin contamination reached above 70% and 55%, respectively. And the strain was identified as Bacillus subtilis based on its morphological, physiological and biochemical characteristics and phylogenetic analysis of 16 S r DNA. In addition,our data showed that it can colonize in the rhizosphere and survive for a long time, forming the dominant flora,with broad application prospect. Finally, we were surprised to find that the antibacterial metabolites secreted by the antagonistic bacteria was one of the mechanisms of its inhibition of A. flavus and aflatoxin. This will provide us with new ideas and perspectives on the effective prevention and control of aflatoxin contamination in corn and corn oil.
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    Ali Sahunie
    Oil Crop Sci. 2024, 9(01): 29-37.
    Both rosemary(Rosmarinus officinalis) and marjoram(Origanum majorana) are abundant in phenolic compounds,exhibiting exceptional antioxidant activity. This study aims to assess the impact of rosemary and marjoram extracts on the stability of sunflower oil during storage and repeated heating. Sunflower oil supplemented with herbal extracts or butylated hydroxytoluene(BHA) at a concentration of 200 ppm was stored for six months under light and dark conditions at room temperature. Peroxide value(PV), p-anisidine value(An-V), and total oxidation(TOTOX) value were measured to monitor lipid oxidation progression. A significant difference(P < 0.05) was observed between light and dark storage for all studied samples regarding oxidation parameters. The ethanolic extract of rosemary exhibited higher antioxidant activity compared to BHA and other extracts. Furthermore,sunflower oil supplemented with the ethanolic extract of rosemary underwent weekly treatment at 100°C for 30min over four consecutive weeks. Although all oxidation indicators increased during repeated heating, the addition of rosemary and marjoram extracts as well as BHA significantly reduced these indicators. These findings demonstrate that both rosemary extracts and marjoram extracts can serve as natural antioxidants in edible oils.
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    Hu Xin, Lizhou Tang, Chao Liu, Yong Gao, Dongqin Dai, Huanhuan Chen, Yan Deng, Bin Tian, Haibo Wang
    Oil Crop Sci. 2020, 5(02): 85-89.
    HXK(Hexokinase) gene family and the role of JcHXK1 in Jatropha curcas L.were explored.Totally 4 HXK genes JcHXK1,JcHXK2, JcHXK3 and JcHKL1 were identified and complete ORF of JcHXK1 was cloned.Functional domain,phylogenetic evolution and low-temperature expression characteristics were analyzed.Results showed that full-length JcHXK1 cDNA was 1497 bp,encoding 498 amino acids with molecular weight of 53.81 kDa and pI of 5.03.Further phylogenetic evolutionary analysis demonstrated HXK1 protein was clustered into 6 small branches and 2 large branches.Sequence alignment showed that HXK1 contained several conserved glycine residues and hydrophobic channels.Prokaryotic expression vector of JcHXK1 was constructed and 12% SDS-PAGE detection showed that it was highly expressed in E.coli. These research was expected to lay a foundation for further gene functional verification and cold signal transduction mechanism for HXK1 in Jatropha curcas L.
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    Xin Xu, Zhijian Chen, Yanping Qi, Lixin Zhang, Enoch Sapey, Wei Liu, Shi Sun, Wensheng Hou, Tianfu Han
    Oil Crop Sci. 2018, 3(03): 157-164.
    Vascular tissue serves as the channel for nutrient transport and signal transduction between different organs in plants. To study molecular identity and behavior of mobile substances transmitted between organs via vascular tissue, it is necessary to collect exudate from stem or other organs. Modified stem-cutting method for exudate collection in soybean was used in this study by selecting the optimum sampling time and position, using reagents preventing RNA degradation, etc. Diurnal dynamics analysis of exudate emission was found to be the highest during 10:00-10:10 am. Totally 15 μL pure exudate was collected from the stem cut between cotyledonary and unifoliolate nodes at V1 stage(unifoliolate just expanded) of young soybean seedling. Improved TRIzol method was used to extract RNA and protein from stem exudate. A phloem specific gene of Glycine max sieve element occlusion s, SEO, in exudate samples was successfully amplified by RT-PCR, which comfirmed the success of RNA extraction. SDS-PAGE showed the majority of proteins in exudate were of low molecular weight. Method proposed in this study would facilitate collection of quality exudate and enhance further investigation of mobile substances in soybean.
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    Fang Liu, Pandi Wang, Nini Tian, Xiaojuan Xiong, Ping Fu, Gang Wu
    Oil Crop Sci. 2018, 3(03): 141-156.
    BraLTP2 is an important member of lipid transfer protein family, and its molecular biology function in Brassica napus(B. napus) had been explored by prerious study. However, affection of BraLTP2 on secondary metabolites is still not clear. In this study, we investigated difference of leaf secondary metabolite profiling between BraLTP2 overexpressing B. napus and wild type. Liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry(LC-MS) was utilized. Wide range of secondary metabolites was found in BraLTP2 overexpressing plants. A total of 100 secondary metabolites were determined, 42 of which had significant differences, including flavonoids, phenylpropanoids and phenolamides. These results were in accordance with significant increasing trichomes of overexpressing BraLTP2 plants, which might produce and store secondary metabolites. Partial least squares discriminant analysis(PLS-DA) was performed to identify difference of secondary metabolites. PLS-DA score plots showed high reproducibility of each treatment. Significant changes were found between transformed and wild type. Permutation test validates the reliability rigorously. Furthermore, overexpressing of BraLTP2 led to seed germination improvement during the first 48 h under oxidation stress. Increased oxidation resistance of transgenic B. napus was in accordance with the significant variations of phenylpropanoids, phenylpropanoids and phenolamides.
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    Zhihui Wang, Yue Zhang, Liying Yan, Yuning Chen, Yanping Kang, Dongxin Huai, Xin Wang, Kede Liu, Huifang Jiang, Yong Lei, Boshou Liao
    Oil Crop Sci. 2023, 8(04): 236-242.
    Peanut cultivation in China spans various ecological zones, each with unique environmental conditions. Identifying suitable peanut varieties for these regions has been challenging due to significant phenotypic variations observed across environments. This study, based on a comprehensive analysis of 256 peanut varieties, selected nine representative varieties(Huayu23, Yuanza9102, Silihong, Wanhua2, Zhonghua6, Zhonghua16, Zhonghua21,Zhonghua215, Zhonghua24) for cultivation in five distinct ecological zones including Chengdu, Hefei, Nanjing,Shijiazhuang, and Wuhan. The yield and quality related phenotypic traits of these varieties were thoroughly assessed, revealing a complex interplay between genetic and environmental factors. Principal component analysis(PCA) effectively distinguished varieties based on yield and quality traits. Strong correlations were observed between specific traits, such as seed size and quality components. The G × E interaction was evident, as some varieties consistently performed better in certain environments. Varieties with lower coefficient of variation(CV)values exhibited stable trait expression, making them reliable choices for broad cultivation. In contrast, varieties with higher CV values displayed greater sensitivity to environmental fluctuations, potentially due to specific genetic factors. Two high oleic acid varieties, Zhonghua24 and Zhonghua215, demonstrated remarkable stability in oleic acid content across diverse environments, suggesting the presence of genetic mechanisms that buffer against environmental variations. Overall, this study underscores the importance of selecting peanut varieties based on their adaptability and performance in specific ecological zones. These findings provide valuable insights for peanut breeders and farmers, facilitating informed decisions for improved crop production and quality.
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    Ankur Agarwal, Om Prakash, Madhu Bala
    Oil Crop Sci. 2021, 6(03): 114-121.
    Camelina is an oilseed crop which is being commercially produced globally as feedstock for biodiesel. Being a non-edible oil bearing low input crop owing to its low fertilizer and water requirement, fits well for biofuel production. In India, targets for biofuel blending has been set by New Biofuel Policy-2018 and to meet these targets efforts are being made to harness the potential of available feedstock in the country. Among these feedstock, contribution of short gestation oilseed bearing crop has been very important. Camelina has been introduced in India during 2009–10 as experimental crop by DIBER, DRDO. Since then various efforts have made to standardize the production technology of this crop under various agro-climatic regions of the country, crop improvement, oil quality analysis and development of high energy by-products. Camelina has various advantages to offer for Indian biofuel sector. This paper reviews the potential of this crop for Indian Biofuel scenario.
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    Vasyl Petrenko, Andriy Topalov, Liudmyla Khudolii, Yuliia Honcharuk, Valeria Bondar
    Oil Crop Sci. 2023, 8(02): 111-120.
    The sunflower has the potential to be a highly competitive crop owing to its diversity market and the valuable oil it produces. Nevertheless, the amount of sunflower seed oil – a key factor for the crushing industry – is affected by genotype and environment, which sometimes is difficult to predict. The paper analyzes the theoretical principles of sunflower growth in Ukraine, highlights the current trends in the sowing of this crop, the influence of climatic factors of the environment on the prospects of the oilseed sunflower yield. The results of the research are presented for 3 years(2014–2016), during the authors conducted a grain quality observatory at the regional level,taking into account the climatic conditions of sunflower growth in different natural zones of Ukraine(from 45°to51°north latitude and from 22°to 37°east longitude). Additionally, the research includes the coefficient of significance of the deviation from long-term climatic indicators, which makes it possible to forecast sunflower yield in the future. The analyzed data was obtained from the commercial fields with a minimum area of 40 ha in all Ukrainian regions except Crimea peninsula, Donetsk and Luhansk regions. The results obtained in research show the great diversity of oil content index as per both latitude and longitude meaning. If we consider the entire country, this survey shows that the seed oil content can change dramatically from year to year: e.g. 47.5% in one year versus 45.7% in another year. Regionally, these changes have a completely different dynamic with a gradual decrease in seed oil content in the southern part of the country. The main goal of the research was to identify the best sunflower growing areas in Ukraine according to the oil content index.
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    Xiaopeng Mu, Junjie Du, Pengfei Wang, Jiancheng Zhang
    Oil Crop Sci. 2019, 4(03): 127-138.
    Cerasus humilis is a woody shrub with increasing economic importance. Due to its high oil content in seed with desired fatty acid(FA) composition, C. humilis has been considered as a potential woody oilseed crop in China. However, FAs accumulation and related molecular mechanisms of FA biosynthesis in C. humilis seed have not been elucidated well. In this study, oil contents and FA compositions of developing C. humilis seed were analyzed. The total oil content in mature seed reached 48.7% while unsaturated FA concentration reached a high level of 96.2%. Three c DNA libraries of C. humilis developing seed were constructed at the beginning and 2 fast oil-accumulation stages, followed by Illumina sequencing with the platform of HiSeq~TM 2000. Differentially expressed unigenes(DEGs) were identified during the respective seed development stages to investigate transcription dynamics. Among DEGs, 82 unigenes were identified as being closely involved in de novo FA and triacylglycerol(TAG) biosynthesis. Surprisingly, among DEGs involved in TAG biosynthesis, expression of unigenes encoding GPATs(glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase) were relatively low and unigenes encoding LPAATs(lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferase) were highly expressed, suggesting that LPAAT contributed more in storage lipids metabolism in C. humilis seed. Genes encoding DGAT2(diacylgycerol acyltransferase2) were the most highly expressed while expression of DGAT1 was very low, suggesting DGAT2 was the dominant DGAT which catalyzed TAG biosynthesis. To verify these results,10 unigenes were selected and their expression patterns were analyzed by quantitative RTPCR. These data provided comprehensive information for understanding the molecular mechanism of FA and TAG biosynthesis in C. humilis seed.
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    Yuanyuan Zhang, Yue Yu, Ruifang Jia, Lin Liu, Jun Zhao
    Oil Crop Sci. 2021, 6(02): 74-80.
    Sunflower(Helianthus annuus L.) is an important oilseed crop in China and is grown in rotation with potato in the northern parts of China, including Inner Mongolia, Hebei, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Gansu, Jilin, Liaoning and Heilongjiang provinces. In 2014, diseased samples of sunflower(variety 3638 C) with black sunken lesions on bracts and stems of sunflower were collected in Wuchuan, Hohhot(41050 N, 111270 E) and Chahaeryouyihouqi,Wulanchabu(41520 N, 11300 E), Inner Mongolia, China. We used morphological and molecular techniques to identify the causal agent of Alternaria leaf blight. Phylogenetic analysis based on a combined phylogenetic dataset using the glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase(gpd) and Alternaria major allergen gene(Alt a1) was done to support the morphological identification. In addition, PCR was performed with specific primers targeted on Alt a1 and calmodulin genes of A. solani and A. tomatophila. The results showed that HaAs7 gave an amplicon of the expected size(164 bp) with A. solani-specific primers, however, no band was observed with the A. tomatophilaspecific primers. The opposite pattern of PCR result(483 bp) was obtained with DNA of HaAt4 as template,indicating that HaAs7 is A. solani and HaAt4 is A. tomatophila. Furthermore, evaluation the pathogenicity of the recovered Alternaria isolates and their potential as causal agents of Alternaria leaf blight of sunflower was done.Pathogenicity tests showed that A. solani and A. tomatophila tested could be capable of causing Alternaria leaf blight of sunflower. Till now, nine species of Alternaria have been reported causing Alternaria leaf blight of sunflower, this is the first report that A. solani and A. tomatophila as causal pathogens for Alternaria leaf blight on sunflower.
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    Tingting Guo, Chuyun Wan, Fenghong Huang
    Oil Crop Sci. 2019, 4(02): 118-126.
    Sunflower seed meal peptide as one sort of bioactive peptide has intensively application prospects. However, preparation of low salt peptide from sunflower seed meal with high efficiency remains a challenge. In this study, single and compound proteases were optimized to hydrolyze protein. Results showed that hydrolysis at pH 7.0 by proteases resulted in ash content in the range of 5.66%-7.37% and small peptides. Among all hydrolysis processes, sequential hydrolysis of Alcalase with Flavourzyme and Alcalase with Protamex showed higher nitrogen recovery ratio(67.66% and 66.49%, respectively). Furthermore, biological activities of peptides were investigated by testing their ABTS(2,2-azinobis(3-ethylben-zothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) diammonium salt) radical scavenging activity, DPPH(2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazil) radical scavenging activity and angiotensin converting enzyme(ACE) inhibitory activity. Peptide hydrolyzed by Alcalase with Papain presented the highest antioxidant activity, followed by Alcalase with Protamex, with ABTS scavenging rate as 63.01% and 31.75%, and DPPH scavenging rate as 56.04% and 28.06%, respectively. Synchronously, peptide hydrolyzed by Alcalase with Protamex and Alcalase with Alcalase had the highest ACE inhibitory activity(56.74%, 56.76%). In conclusion, hydrolysis by proteases Alcalase with Protamex at pH 7.0 was the most effective method for the preparation of low salt peptide from sunflower seed meal, which could be an alternative for anti-oxidants and anti-vasoconstrictor.
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    Zhengjun Cui, Bing Wu, Yuhong Gao, Chunchun Li, Yongquan Ta, Zhibing He, Junyi Niu
    Oil Crop Sci. 2018, 3(03): 185-190.
    A field study was set up to compare dry matter accumulation and grain yield of 3 different types of film mulching, namely FFC(full film muched on tiny ridges covered with soil), PFC(full film muched covered with soil), and PF(full film muched with no cover). The experiment was laid out in a complete random design with 3 replications at northwest(34°40′N, 105°06′E) of China. This study determined that(1) film mulching treatment increased leaf area and dry matter accumulation of oil flax in semi-arid areas;(2) accumulation of dry matter under PFC treatment was markedly higher than other treatments except anthesis stage;(3) average grain yield of oil flax under film mulching treatment was 52.67%-60.33% higher than flat plot without mulched or ridge(CK) treatment;(4) grain yield of oil flax was substantially correlated with plant height, grain number and 1,000 kernels weight. This study demonstrated that film mulching has significant effects on crop grain yield improvement in the northwest of China.
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    Xuli Ma, Xuan Li, Fan Chen, Wenchao Chen, Xia Wan, Fenghong Huang
    Oil Crop Sci. 2019, 4(01): 24-31.
    Melanin involves in various biological functions, widely used in cosmetic, pharmacology medicine and other fields. However, melanin application is limited due to low productivity and high cost. In this work, melanin extraction method from rapeseed meal(RSM) was explored. Effects of hydrochloric acid(HCl) concentration, ethanol concentration, extraction temperature and time, and solid-liquid ratio were evaluated systematically. According to results of single factor experiment and Box-Behnken experiment, the optimum extraction conditions of melanin from RSM were as follows: HCl concentration, 0.5 mol/L; ethanol concentration, 70%; extraction temperature, 40 o C; extraction time, 1 h; solid liquid ratio, 1/4 g/mL. Under these conditions, extraction yields of crude melanin(CM) and purified melanin(PM) were 9.00% and 1.44%, respectively. Compared with synthetic melanin(SM) from Sigma, the relative purities of CM and PM were 7.82% and 29.57%, respectively. Moreover, feedstuff value of RSM residue was also improved after melanin isolation by significantly reducing glucosinolate content.
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    Ngozi Maryann Nebolisa, Chukwuebuka Emmanuel Umeyor, Uchenna Eunice Ekpunobi, Immaculeta Chikamnele Umeyor, Festus Basden Okoye
    Oil Crop Sci. 2023, 8(01): 16-26.
    There is a constant search for biomaterials from natural products like plants for food and industrial applications.The work embodied in this report aimed at investigating the effects of microwave-assisted and soxhlet extraction(MAE and SE) techniques on the functional physicochemical quality characteristics of Moringa oleifera seed oil and proteins extracts. M. oleifera seeds were ground to fine powders and oil was extracted by microwave-assisted and soxhlet extraction techniques using petroleum ether. Quality attributes including yield percent, moisture content,iodine, saponification, specific gravity, viscosity, p H, thiobarbituric acid, acid and peroxide values were measured. Mineral and vitamin contents, chemical/functional groups, fatty acid(FA) composition, and reducing power of the oil were evaluated. Metabolomics of protein extracted from the defatted powders were analyzed by nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR). M. oleifera oil from MAE and SE methods had good yield(34.25 ± 0.0%,28.75 ± 0.0%), low moisture content(0.008 ± 0.0%, 0.011 ± 0.0%), non-drying and unsaturated, moderately saponified, less dense(0.91 ± 0.01, 0.92 ± 0.02 g m L~(-1)), had Newtonian flow, were weakly acidic, showed good content of FAs, recorded strong potential for long shelf-life, showed stability against oxidative rancidity and enzymatic hydrolysis, had very rich deposits of micro-and macro-nutrients as well as water-soluble and lipidsoluble vitamins, and functional groups in the oil were reflective of its content of long-and medium-chain triglycerides(LCT and MCT). Monounsaturated and saturated fatty acids(MUFA and SFA) were detected and the oil has excellent ferric ion reducing power. NMR metabolomic assay revealed the presence of nine essential amino acids(EAAs) in the protein extract. MAE technique is a feasible and acceptable alternative for high throughput extraction of M. oleifera oil with high yield and excellent quality attributes. The study revealed that MAE did not impart any remarkable advantage(s) on the physicochemical properties of M. oleifera seed oil and protein compared to SE technique.
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    Moe Moe Lwin, Ye Jin, Xianpeng Yang, Hao Shen, Chao Qi, Yizhong Wang, Phyo Phyo Zin Oo, Za Khai Tuang, Shiyou Lü, Wannian Yang
    Oil Crop Sci. 2021, 6(03): 122-127.
    Payenapara lleloneura Kurz.(Kan-zaw), an endemic medicinal plant only found in Tanintharyi Region of Myanmar,is widely used in the treatment of various cancer and different ailments. In the present research, the seeds were phytochemical investigated for their nutritional potential for their use as functional foods or novel diet oil resources. Nutritional evaluation showed that the seeds are rich in fats and carbohydrates(soluble sugars and starch). Fatty acid analyses showed that the seeds accumulate very rich α-eleostearic acid(α-ESA, 18:3Δ9 cis,11-trans,13 trans), an important conjugated fatty acid, up to more than 70 % of total fatty acids. The seed oil derived from the Kan-zaw tree contains approximately 3.25 % β-eleostearic acid(18:3Δ9 trans,11 trans,13 trans), an unusual conjugated fatty acid that imparts a potent anticancer application and industrially important drying qualities to Kan-zaw oil. Physicochemical properties of the Kan-zaw seeds were examined; petroleum ether(60–90C) extract of seed oils were also investigated for the saponification value, iodine value and estimation of acid value. Further,the present study investigated cytotoxic potential of ethanol, methanol, acetone, chloroform Kan-zaw seed extracts and commercial Kan-zaw oil against human cervical cancer cell line(HeLa). The Kan-zaw extracts and oil have shown significant anticancer activity on HeLa cells.
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    Xiaodong ZHU, Linhai WANG, Jingyin YU, Xin WEI, Yanxin ZHANG, Xiurong ZHANG
    Oil Crop Sci. 2016, 1(01): 21-30.
    The next-generation sequencing platform has revealed the genomic sequences of numerous plant species that are ideal resources for simple sequence repeat( SSR) locus screening. In this study,we performed a comparative genomic SSR analysis on 9 sequenced plants. This showed that the total numbers of mono-,di-,tri-,tetra-,penta-,and hexa-nucleotide repeat SSRs and compound SSRs ranged from 45,552 to 326,319,and the frequencies varied from 177. 9 to 573. 7 with an average of 401. 3 per Mb. The SSR numbers decreased as the size of the repeat unit increased. The mono-and di-nucleotide SSRs and compound SSRs accounted for more than 78% of the total SSRs in these plants. A/T-rich repeat motifs were generally dominant in most plants. The sizes of different SSRs varied from 10 to 7288 bp,but at least 85% of them were less than 45 bp. The polymorphism rates of different SSR types ranged from 1. 5% to 14. 4% in Sesamum indicum,and the mono-and di-nucleotide SSRs displayed the highest polymorphism,followed by the compound SSRs( 11. 2%). These results provide comprehensive insight into the SSR loci of plants and serve as an experimental reference for improvement of SSR marker development based on plant genomic sequences.
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    Xuyan Dong, Panpan Shi, Fang Wei, Yong Lei, Boshou Liao, Hong Chen
    Oil Crop Sci. 2016, 1(03): 45-56.
    With the improvement of living quality,high-oleic peanuts have drawn people’s attention.Increasing oleic acid content of peanut oil should be desired for improving shelf life and potential health benefits.The flavor is among the most important quality attributes for commercial acceptance of peanuts products.The volatile components of high-oleic peanuts oil and normal-oleic lines were compared in this research.First,volatile components of peanut oils were analyzed and identified by solid-phase microextraction/gas chromatography/mass spectrometry(SPME/GC/MS).Then principal components analysis(PCA)was used to identify principal volatile components in peanut oils of different cultivars following three different processing methods,including roasting,boiling and roasting,and roasting by microwave-assisted.The results showed that there were obvious differences of the volatile components between high-oleic and normal peanut oils.Among different processing method of peanuts,there was no clear separation on volatile components observed between roasting and boiling and roasting by microwave-assisted.Moreover,the same genotype had the similar flavor characteristic.Different processing methods had no significant effect on volatile components in peanut oils.
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    Lifang Wang, Fang Zhang, Tingdong Fu, Jinxiong Shen
    Oil Crop Sci. 2017, 2(03): 187-194.
    Heterosis has been widely exploited and utilized in rapeseed breeding. Reliable and precise prediction techniques of heterosis contributed in accelerating the crossbreeding and reducing the cost of large-scale field evaluation. Combined with our work in last decades, this review summarized the progress on heterosis prediction of rapeseed(Brassica napus L.), compared the efficiency of different methods, and proposed its prospect.
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    Huali Xie, Qi Zhang, Peiwu Li, Xiupin Wang, Na Wei, Li Yu, Liangxiao Zhang, Wen Zhang
    Oil Crop Sci. 2017, 2(02): 95-105.
    Aflatoxins are the most potent spontaneous carcinogen known as secondary metabolite. Aflatoxins detection in peanut is challenging on account of inherent complexity of high fatty matrices. A modified Quick Easy Cheap Effective Rugged Safe(QuEChERS) method couple with liquid chromatograph-mass spectrometer(LC-MS/MS) has been developed to monitor aflatoxins in peanut. It?s a simple and rapid sample preparation for aflatoxins analysis compared with common method. Microporous metal-organic framework MIL-101(Cr) was used as absorbent in this research. Promising properties of high porosity and surface area endowed MIL-101(Cr) with efficiently aflatoxin enrichment with other matrix exclusion from high fatty sample. Negligible matrix effect was observed due to efficient extract clean up with MIL-101 sorbent. Recoveries ranged from 73.5% to 98.4% for aflatoxins, with relative standard deviations less than 7%. Limit of detection(LOD) and limit of quantitation(LOQ) for aflatoxins in peanut were 0.05-0.1 μg/kg and 0.2-0.6 μg/kg respectively. By using method described in this research, 15 real samples were successfully analyzed in which 6 samples were contaminated. MIL-101(Cr) was used to reduce matrix effect and develop a quick and effective method for aflatoxins detection in peanut via LC-MS/MS for the first time.
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    Liying YAN, Yanping KANG, Yong LEI, Liyun WAN, Dongxin HUAI, Huifang JIANG, Xiaoping REN, Boshou LIAO
    Oil Crop Sci. 2016, 1(01): 45-51.
    An Aspergillus section flavi isolate( NAFFHB396) was isolated from a peanut kernel. It was identified as Aspergillus flavus based on morphology and molecular characteristics. It produced yellow to green-colored conidia on CYA medium and colonies with bright orange in color on AFPA medium.NAFFHB396 was grouped with A. flavus NRRL21882 and NRRL3357 by phylogenetic analysis of partial calmodulin sequence data. It was found that 12 genes were absent in aflatoxin gene cluster in NAFFHB396. HPLC result further showed that it was an atoxigenic isolate. Co-inoculation of NAFFHB396 with a high aflatoxin producer AF2202 at the ratio of 1∶ 1 both on CYA medium and peanut kernel resulted in reduction of aflatoxin production by 88. 7% and 99. 8% respectively. These results suggested that the atoxigenic NAFFHB396 obtained in this study had a great potential to be a biocontrol agent to reduce aflatoxin contamination of peanut in China.
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    Jiaojiao Jin, Wancang Sun, Junyan Wu, Yan Fang, Xuecai Li, Li Ma, Lijun Liu, Rui Zeng
    Oil Crop Sci. 2022, 7(01): 40-52.
    Winter rape(Brassica napus L.) is better than other edible oil crops in China, but poor cold resistance is the key factor restricting its development. Hypocotyl length was found closely related to cold tolerance. The correlation between hypocotyl length and semi-lethal low temperature was significant, and the highest correlation between hypocotyl length and LT50 of autumn sowing was 0.9557. When the hypocotyl were treated at low temperature,the cells were seriously damaged and formed cavity structures, with cell walls seriously damaged or merged into each other. The positive regulation gene of hypocotyl length in resistant line of VHTSG 10 was identified as HY5(transcription factor HY5-like) by qPCR, and bZIP transcription factor was found to be its conserved domain. Fused gene by GFP and HY5 from VHTSG 10 was transient transferred into Nicotiana benthamiana cells. Corresponding to the 35S:GFP widely distributed in plasma membrane of leaf epidermis, the fusion protein 35S:HY5-GFP was mainly distributed in nucleus. Thus we regarded BnHY5 gene is a key gene related to cold tolerance and hypocotyl length in B. napus.
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    Xintian Wang, Kun Yu, Chen Cheng, Xiao Yu, David Julian McClements, Wenwen Huang, Jia Yang, Fenghong Huang, Qianchun Deng
    Oil Crop Sci. 2019, 4(04): 254-266.
    Recent studies have shown that the highly susceptibility to oxidation ofα-linolenic acid (ALA) enriched emulsion delivery system was harmful for human health which limited their incorporation into functional food. Impacts of natural sesamol (SOH) and sesamin (SES)on stability of flaxseed oil-in-water emulsion were investigated. Results showed that SOH indicated higher antioxidant activity and significantly prolonged the time of emulsion oil-off by retarding oil droplet aggregation in a dose dependent manner throughout storage. Moreover,SOH showed substantial extended lag phase of lipid oxidation products, especially for secondary oxidation products (thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances, TBARS), with a maximum reduction of 70%with 800μM dosage. The antioxidative efficiency of SOH might relate to its strong ability of scavenging free radical and chelate transition metal. Furthermore,SOH significantly enhanced interfacial barrier property and reduced permeation rate of peroxyl radical across emulsion interface by hydrogen bonds between sugar groups of saponin molecules and SOH. However, no obvious change in barrier property of emulsion was observed in SES. SOH improved physicochemical property of flaxseed oil-in-water emulsion with higher antioxidant activity and stronger interfacial barrier property, so that it could be serve as plant-based antioxidant in oil-in-water emulsion delivery system.
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    Yunjing Li, Fang Xiao, Biao Liu, Hongfei Gao, Yuhua Wu, Jun Li, Jun Li, Gang Wu
    Oil Crop Sci. 2020, 5(03): 142-148.
    To develop a simple and fast method for screening genetically modified ingredients from processing by-product and waste, direct quantitative PCR(q PCR) kit-Taqman which omitting multi genomic DNA preparing steps was developed in this study. A total of 18 oil crop processing by-products and wastes including 10 soybean and 8 cotton materials were collected from food processing factories. Compared with 2 commercial direct q PCR kits,conditions of DNA releasing procedure and PCR amplification were optimized. Element screening was performed at the initial step of genetically modified(GM) ingredient testing procedure via direct q PCR. GM event identification was carried out in positive samples by initial screening. Totally 5 screening elements(P–35 S, T-NOS, Cp4-epsps, bar and pat) for soybean materials and 6 screening elements(P–35 S, T-NOS, NPTII, Cry1 Ac, bar and pat) for cotton samples were detected. In GM event identification, MON531 and MON1445 were found in cotton materials. Results were further confirmed by real-time PCR with DNA extraction and purification. The direct q PCR system proposed by this research was convenient for rapid screening and identification of GM ingredients in oil crop primary by-product and waste.
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    Guizhen Gao, Jihong Hu, Xiaojun Zhang, Fugui Zhang, Mei Li, Xiaoming Wu
    Oil Crop Sci. 2021, 6(02): 87-96.
    Seeds might deteriorate, and lose the ability to germinate when stored under high temperature and high humidity. Brassica napus is one of the most important oil crops in China. However, B. napus seeds were generally stored through summer season with high ambient temperature, which lead to seed viability loss. In order to understand the mechanism of seed response to heat stress and improve seed heat tolerance, B. napus seeds were treated with high temperature(40C) and ultra-high temperature(60C) for 4 h. The germination of heatstressed seeds were obviously slower, the germination index and vigor index decreased with temperature increase from 40 to 60C, and the 40C pretreatment could improve the seed tolerance to 60C heat stress.Transcriptomics results showed that 442 differentially expressed genes(DEGs) were identified in seeds after heat stress. Gene ontology and KEGG pathway enrichment analysis revealed that some of the genes were involved in posttranslational modification, protein turnover, chaperones and carbohydrate transport, metabolic pathways and secondary metabolites biosynthesis pathway. Among these DEGs, sHSP and transcription factors genes were involved in heat stress tolerance. Thirty-two overlapping genes under different high temperature stress(40C and60C) were enriched in biological processes of response to oxidative stress and abiotic stimulus. The expression trends of 12 genes randomly selected from the RNA-seq data were almost consistent with the results of qRT-PCR.Our results revealed several potential candidate genes and pathways related to heat responsive by high temperature, which is beneficial for further improving the heat tolerance in B. napus seeds.
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    Mitiku Badasa Moisa, Biratu Bobo Merga, Bacha Temesgen Gabissa, Dessalegn Obsi Gemeda
    Oil Crop Sci. 2022, 7(03): 127-134.
    Sesame and groundnut crops are the major oilseed crops produced for exports and local consumptions in Ethiopia.This study attempted to evaluate land suitability for oilseeds crops using Geographic Information Systems(GIS)and multi-criteria evaluation in Diga district of East Wollega zone, western Ethiopia. To support the growing population, sesame and groundnut land suitability evaluations were carried out to ensure the sustainability of agricultural production. Different data inputs were used, including mainly climate data(temperature and rainfall), topography data(slope), soil data(soil texture, soil depth and soil drainage), and infrastructure data(road and market). In this study, sesame and groundnut land suitability areas were categorized into 4 classes: highly suitable, moderately suitable, marginally suitable, and not suitable. The result revealed that, about 252.1 ha(0.4%) and 113.1 ha(0.2%) were highly suitable for sesame and groundnut respectively. Result showed that most parts of the study area were moderately suitable for sesame and groundnut productions. Specially, the central and western parts of the study area were highly suitable and moderately suitable for sesame production. The study recommended the local communities to utilize the existing potential of the study area for sesame and groundnut productions. Moreover, decision makers should promote the suitability of the area for both small-and large-scale investment on sesame and groundnut production.
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    Yang Qu, Kezhen Wang, Junke Kang, Fuqin Liang
    Oil Crop Sci. 2020, 5(01): 17-21.
    To improve seed yield of male sterile line, the relationship between outcrossing rate and climate factors was explored. Data of blooming period, outcrossing rate of male sterile line and climate during 2006–2016 growing seasons were investigated and analyzed. The shortest blooming period was 18.8 d with mean temperature of 24 ℃–25℃ and 18.5 d with about 125 h natural illumination. More rainfall caused a longer blooming period, and a high outcrossing rate was found with about 100 mm rainfall and the mean temperature of 24 ℃–25℃. Increased natural illumination time by tapetum lucidum mulching improved outcrossing rate by 42.48% compared tocontrol. Overall, the selective combination of climate and environmental factors could be effective for increasing outcrossing rate and hybrid seed yield in the male sterile line of soybean.
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    Du Wang, Zhaowei Zhang, Peiwu Li, Qi Zhang, Jin Mao, Li Yu, Wen Zhang, Xiaoxia Ding
    Oil Crop Sci. 2016, 1(03): 57-64.
    Edible oil is one major nutritional ingredient to human and widely consumed directly.The contamination of aflatoxin B_1 in edible oils has been attracted extensive efforts due to its hazard to human health and life.To avoid the digestion of edible oils contaminated by AFB_1,the development of rapid and sensitive sensing method for AFB_1 is required.Herein,a quantitative,sensitive and rapid method for AFB_1 detection in edible oils was proposed by using ultrasensitive time-resolved fluorescent immunosensing(TRFIS)method.This method poses unique advantages from both time-resolved fluorescent sensing method and immunochromatographic assay format.The nanospheres were modified with fluorescent europium and then captured the home-made monoclonal antibody against AFB_1(3G1).After optimization,by using a competitive immunosensing manner,this TRFIS method has a detectable linear range of 0.54-20.0μg/kg with minimum detectable concentration of 0.18μg/kg.It can be completed merely within 10 min with recovery from 87.0%to 121.9%.The agreement was observed between the results by TRFIS and high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC)methods.This research provides a promising sensing method for sensitive and rapid determining AFB_1 in edible oils.
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    Ya Xie, Huifang Ma, Fang Wei, Xin Lyu, Zongyuan Wu, Bangfu Wu, Shuling Xu, Xuyan Dong, Hong Chen
    Oil Crop Sci. 2017, 2(04): 217-224.
    As a current analytical instrument for lipidomics profiling with high sensitivity, selectivity, and throughput, mass spectrometry(MS) has been widely used in the field of clinical medicine, nutrition, bromatology, botany and etc. During the routine use of shotgun-MS and high performance liquid chromatography-MS(HPLC-MS) in lipid analysis, an important problem to be solved is the defective repeatability and stability resulting from signal attenuation or drifts in LC-peak shape and retention time of MS platform. To remove or minimize the influence, extensively accepted and applied QC(quality control) samples must be performed. In this review, we emphasize the importance of the application of QC samples, which could 1) provide the ability to equilibrate the analytical platform at the beginning; 2) act as a quality assurance(QA) procedure during the analytical process; 3) perform signal correction in the data handling with the purpose of reducing analytical variation and improving the precision of quantitative analysis; 4) the data between different laboratories can be compared through the incorporation of particular QC samples-Standard Reference Material(SRM) 1950. In addition, we display 4 types and requirements of QC samples during quality control in lipidomics profiling. Lipidomics profiling based on MS strongly requires commonly accepted guidelines for quality control to perform routine, large-scale researches, so as to integrate data from different scientists for more information.
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    Xinghao Tu, Jingya Wan, Ya Xie, Fang Wei, Siewyoung Quek, Xin Lv, Liqing Du, Hong Chen
    Oil Crop Sci. 2020, 5(04): 180-186.
    Nervonic acid plays an important role in nutrition and function of the human body. Malania oleifera, Acer truncatum and Xanthoceras sorbifolium are China's unique woody plant rich in nervonic acid in seed oil. This study aims to investigate the lipid composition of these 3 special resources. Their fatty acids were detected by gas chromatography coupled with flame detector(GC-FID). Triglycerides(TAGs) and phospholipids(PLs) were detected by shotgun-mass spectrometry(shotgun-MS). Results showed that M. oleifera oil presented the highest level of nervonic acid(46.20 ± 0.22%) among the 3 oils. Seeds oil of A. truncatum and X. sorbifolium had 3.53 ±0.20% and 1.83 ± 0.21% nervonic acid respectively. 53 species of TAGs and 15 species of PLs were identified in M. oleifera oil, with PLs content of 499.94 ± 22.34 μg/g. In A. truncatum oil, PL and TAG species were twice more than those in M. oleifera oil, and its' content of PLs was 76.27 ± 3.21 μg/g. In X. sorbifolium oil, 75 TAGs and 34 PLs were detected, with the lowest PLs at 23.84 ± 0.17 μg/g. The results demonstrated that these 3 vegetable oils have great potential to become nervonic acid supplements for human health.