An Analysis on the Key Path of Enhancing the Value of Academic Libraries from the Perspective of Students

LIU Jingyi

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Journal of Library and Information Sciences in Agriculture ›› 2023, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (11) : 53-63. DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.23-0599

An Analysis on the Key Path of Enhancing the Value of Academic Libraries from the Perspective of Students

  • LIU Jingyi
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[Purpose/Significance] There is no shortage of discussions in the library industry on how the value of academic libraries can be reflected by affecting students' learning outcome. There are also excellent cases such as the "Value of Academic Libraries' Initiative", which have a great impact on the theoretical and practical research in the field, and have initially formed a research system. Due to the differences in the higher education systems of different countries and the focus of higher education talent cultivation goals in different eras, it is necessary to consider the actual situation and based on the construction background of "double first-class" university construction to explore the paths and countermeasures that are in line with the development strategy of higher education in the new era of Chinese academic libraries. Scientific measurement and evaluation of academic library services from the student-oriented perspective is an important way to clarify the key path of library value enhancement, which is helpful for libraries to optimize their services, improve their development framework and enhance their own value. [Process/Method] In view of the above background and related research deficiencies, this research focuses on how academic libraries can improve their own value in the new era to better serve the strategic development of universities, and become the core of value for various stakeholders to discuss. Meanwhile, the methods used in related research lack the in-depth analysis of the process of library influence. In order to systematically sort out the internal logic of library impact on students' learning outcome, it is essential to explore the role of process factors in it, and it is not enough to use only regression analysis to conduct data statistics. This study analyzed 985 questionnaires by using the structural equation model analysis method, built a student-oriented value impact model of academic libraries with "situation-effect-outcome" as the main line, and explored the key influencing factors. [Results/Conclusions] It is suggested that the academic libraries should enhance their value influence in the following four aspects: to strengthen the policy guidance to improve the service utilization rate of academic libraries, attach importance to the contribution and value of academic libraries in the construction of "double first-class" university service, study and build a service system that meets the needs of users, and strengthen the service support for "double first-class" university construction. In this study, the research area is set in the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences and the interviewees are set at the postgraduate education stage. Although it is representative to a certain extent, the sample scope is still limited. The applicability of the conclusions obtained from the empirical research needs to be further verified to improve the reliability of the conclusions. In the future, it is necessary to investigate the influence of more types of university libraries on students' academic performance and the influence of university libraries on students' academic performance at different stages of education. To verify whether school factors and the training level of students have an impact on the correlation between university libraries and students' academic performance, and whether the causal relationship between the cognition and evaluation of students promoted by university libraries and students' academic performance is applicable to all universities and students.

Key words

academic library / library service / library value / user / learning outcome

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LIU Jingyi. An Analysis on the Key Path of Enhancing the Value of Academic Libraries from the Perspective of Students. Journal of Library and Information Sciences in Agriculture. 2023, 35(11): 53-63


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