
Lead Enrichment Characteristics in Soil of Different Rice Varieties and the Safety Risk Evaluation
为了探明当前漳州市种植的水稻品种稻谷对铅的富集特性及其质量安全,以当地15个水稻主栽的品种为试材,采用添加铅源的盆栽试验及大田试验,考察稻谷对铅积累特性及评价其质量安全风险。结果表明,在弱酸性(5.5<pH≤6.5)水田土壤中,盆栽试验土壤铅全量分别为22.4、103.5、204.8 mg/kg时,15个品种稻谷铅含量变幅分别为0.016~0.061 mg/kg、0.061~0.198 mg/kg和0.157~0.606 mg/kg;大田试验土壤铅全量分别为23.4 mg/kg、26.4 mg/kg、23.5 mg/kg时,15个品种稻谷铅含量变幅为0.016~0.056 mg/kg、0.024~0.069 mg/kg和0.014~0.056 mg/kg;同一品种稻谷铅含量与土壤铅全量呈正相关性直线关系(P<0.01)。不同品种稻谷对铅的富集能力有明显的差异(P<0.05),盆栽试验和大田试验的富集系数分别为0.059%~0.296%和0.060%~0.261%;聚类分析得出有4个品种为高富集、6个品种为中富集和5个品种为低富集。依据GB2762—2017规定的稻谷中铅含量限量标准(0.2 mg/kg),低富集、中富集和高富集水稻品种,水田土壤(5.5<pH≤6.5)铅全量风险临界值分别为204.1~274.7 mg/kg、113.5~180.0 mg/kg、82.7~107.1 mg/kg。漳州市15个水稻品种,稻谷对铅的积累特性有明显差异;在土壤铅全量≥风险临界值的水田上种植,稻谷中铅含量将存在着高于0.2 mg/kg的质量安全高风险。
This study aims to explore the lead enrichment characteristics of rice varieties planted in Zhangzhou and the rice quality safety. 15 local main rice varieties were used as the experimental materials, and pot experiments and field experiments of adding lead were adopted. The lead enrichment characteristics of rice were investigated, and the risk of rice quality safety was evaluated. The results showed that the lead content of the 15 rice varieties was in the range of 0.016-0.061 mg/kg, 0.061-0.198 mg/kg and 0.157-0.606 mg/kg, respectively, when the total lead content of pot experiment was 22.4 mg/kg, 103.5 mg/kg and 204.8 mg/kg in light acidic paddy soil (5.5<pH≤6.5). When the total lead content of the field experiment was 23.4 mg/kg, 26.4 mg/kg and 23.5 mg/kg in light acidic paddy soil (5.5<pH≤6.5), the variation scope of lead content of the 15 rice varieties was 0.016-0.056 mg/kg, 0.024-0.069 mg/kg and 0.014-0.056 mg/kg, respectively. The lead content of the same rice variety was positively and linearly correlated with the total lead content in soil (P<0.01). There were significant differences in the enrichment ability of lead among different rice varieties (P<0.05), and the enrichment coefficient of pot experiment and field experiment was 0.059%-0.296% and 0.060%-0.261%, respectively. Cluster analysis indicated that there were 4 rice varieties with high enrichment ability, 6 varieties with medium enrichment ability and 5 varieties with low enrichment ability. According to the limit standard of lead in rice in GB 2762-2017(0.2 mg/kg), for rice varieties with low, medium and high enrichment ability, the critical risk value of cadmium was 204.1-274.7 mg/kg, 113.5 -180.0 mg/kg and 82.7-107.1 mg/kg, respectively, in paddy soil (5.5<pH≤6.5). Overall, the lead enrichment characteristics of the 15 main rice varieties in Zhangzhou are significantly different. Planting in paddy fields where the total lead content is above the critical risk value, the lead content will have a quality safety risk of being higher than 0.2 mg/kg.
水稻品种 / 稻谷 / 铅 / 富集特性 / 质量安全 / 风险评价 {{custom_keyword}} /
rice variety / rice / lead / enrichment characteristics / quality safety / risk assessment {{custom_keyword}} /
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为了探明水稻各组织器官的重金属含量对土壤重金属浓度的依赖性,评价重金属中重度污染土壤植株水稻的安全风险,通过对不同浓度的Cd、Cr、Pb 3种重金属水稻盆栽试验,研究中、重度污染土壤培养条件下重金属在水稻植株中分布以及籽粒中迁移累积特性。研究结果显示,随着土壤重金属含量增加,水稻植株富集重金属呈上升趋势,但是土壤重金属浓度增加,水稻对重金属的富集系数下降。在中、重度污染的Cd、Cr、Pb 3种重金属土壤种植的水稻植物高度和生物学产量并没有显著差异,从植株生长上看重金属污染危害有一定的隐蔽性。3种重金属在水稻植株中迁移能力的大小依次为:Cd>Cr>Pb,在水稻植株不同器官重金属富集能力依次为根系>茎秆>叶>籽粒。水稻糙米的糊粉层重金属含量显著高于胚乳中的重金属含量,水稻糙米在加工成精米后Cd含量平均降低19%,Cr含量平均降低56.8%,Pb含量平均下降29.8%,这表明稻米通过加工后重金属污染风险降低,可规避一定的食用风险。
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采用环境统计学方法布点采集福建省闽南、闽中和闽西北38个早晚稻稻谷样本,应用对应分析方法研究影响地区稻作类型的稻米Hg、As、Cd、Pb、Cu 5种重金属污染差异的主要因子,并通过主要因子揭示重金属与地区稻作类型间的关系.结果表明,福建省不同地区水稻稻米5种重金属含量与稻作类型存在较大差异,变异范围较大,其中超标率最高的是Pb,达100%,其次为Hg和Cd,分别为78.95%和50.0%,最低的是Cu,仅2.3%,而As无超标.Pb和Cd是导致地区稻作类型间差异的主要因子.聚类分析表明,38个稻谷样品可聚为7类,不同地区稻作类型,由于与污染源距离不一,受重金属污染的程度呈明显差异,体现不同的污染特征.可以认为,对不同地区稻作类型稻米重金属污染应采取地区控制与品种搭配相结合的策略,才能达到控制和消除稻米重金属污染的目的.
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