
Effects of Different Varieties and Sowing Dates on Resistance to Yellow Mosaic Virus and Yield of Wheat
为了预防小麦黄花叶病毒病的发生及扩散,开展小麦黄花叶病毒病抗性试验研究,试验选择3个小麦品种:‘鲁原502’、‘鑫麦296’和‘齐民8号’,2个播期:2021年10月20日和2021年11月1日。结果表明,‘齐民8号’在2个播期下小麦黄花叶病毒病都是无症状;‘鲁原502’在11月1日的播期下小麦黄花叶病毒病无症状,但是在10月20日的播期下新叶出现褪绿条纹或黄花叶症状;而‘鑫麦296’在2个播期下多数叶片出现褪绿条纹或黄花叶症状,有时会出现新叶扭曲,植株矮化不明显。3个品种在10月20日的播期下,产量最高的是‘齐民8号’,为8960.4 kg/hm2;其次是‘鲁原502’,为8570.4 kg/hm2;产量最低的是‘鑫麦296’,为8330.4 kg/hm2。3个品种在10月20日的播期下平均产量达8620.4 kg/hm2。3个品种在11月1日的播期下,产量最高的是‘齐民8号’,为8120.4 kg/hm2;其次是‘鑫麦296’,为6260.25 kg/hm2;产量最低的是‘鲁原502’,为6190.35 kg/hm2。3个品种在11月1日的播期下平均产量是6857 kg/hm2。3个品种在10月20日播期的平均产量比在11月1日播期的平均产量高出1763.4 kg/hm2。通过小麦品种选择、土壤改良技术、晚播技术、化肥减量增效技术多项技术进行融合和改进,可以达到降低小麦黄花叶病毒病发病的效果。
To prevent the occurrence and spread of wheat yellow mosaic virus disease, three wheat varieties, ‘Luyuan 502’, ‘Xinmai 296’ and ‘Qimin 8’ were tested for resistance to wheat yellow mosaic virus (WYMV) on two different sowing dates: October 20th and November 1st of 2021. The results showed that wheat yellow mosaic virus disease was asymptomatic in ‘Qimin 8’ sown on the two dates. And in ‘Luyuan 502’ sown on November 1st, the disease was asymptomatic too. However, the new leaves of ‘Luyuan 502’sown on October 20th showed chlorotic streaks or yellow mosaic symptoms. ‘Xinmai 296’ sown on the two sowing dates showed chlorotic streaks or yellow mosaic symptoms on most leaves, sometimes, the variety showed new leaf distortion, and the plant dwarfing was not obvious. Under the sowing date of October 20th, the highest yield was observed in ‘Qimin 8’ (8960.4 kg/hm2), followed by ‘Luyuan 502’ (8570.4 kg/hm2) and ‘Xinmai 296’ (8330.4 kg/hm2), and the average yield of the three varieties reached 8620.4 kg/hm2. Under the sowing date of November 1st, the highest yield was found in ‘Qimin 8’ (8120.4 kg/hm2), followed by ‘Xinmai 296’ (6260.25 kg/hm2) and ‘Luyuan 502’ (6190.35 kg/hm2), and the average yield of the three varieties was 6857 kg/hm2. The average yield of the three varieties sown on October 20th was 1763.4 kg/hm2 higher than that on November 1st. The effect of reducing the incidence of wheat yellow mosaic virus (WYMV) could be achieved by the combination and improvement of technologies of wheat variety selection, soil improvement, late sowing, and fertilizer reduction and efficiency enhancement.
小麦黄花叶病毒病 / 品种 / 播期 / 抗性 / 产量 {{custom_keyword}} /
wheat yellow mosaic virus / variety / sowing date / resistance / yield {{custom_keyword}} /
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