
Industrial Competitiveness and Its Influencing Factors of Major Fruits in Yantai
In order to promote the further development of the industry of major fruits in Yantai of Shandong Province, based on Yantai Statistical Yearbook and Shandong Statistical Yearbook, we adopted EXCEL and SPSS software, and entropy weight method and TOPSIS method, to analyze the industrial competitiveness indexes and their influencing factors of the major fruits (apple, pear, grape and cherry) in Yantai. The results showed that the industrial competitiveness of the major fruits in Yantai was overall weak at the time level, but the average competitiveness presented a rising trend year by year; the industrial competitiveness of the four major fruits had a gap among them but the gap was narrowing year by year. The ranking of the main influencing factors of the competitiveness of the fruit industry from 2015 to 2019 was basically the same, among them, brand value and brand value growth rate were always ranked as the top two. The percentage difference between the indexes was positively correlated with the close degree of the competitiveness. It is recommended to reasonably plan the industrial layout, promote deep processing of products, increase investment in scientific research and improve cold-chain logistics, in order to promote the development of the fruit industry in Yantai.
烟台地区 / 水果产业 / 竞争力 / 熵权TOPSIS模型 {{custom_keyword}} /
Yantai / fruit industry / competitiveness / entropy weight TOPSIS model {{custom_keyword}} /
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