

农学学报. 2020, 10(11): 88-95

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农学学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (11) : 88-95. DOI: 10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas2020-0189


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Thoughts on China’s Talents Building in Agricultural Scientific Research

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Scientific research talents are an important force to build China an innovative and powerful country in science and technology, enhance its international competitiveness, and promote its economic and social development. Agricultural scientific research talents are an essential part of agricultural rural talents team, and the building of a high quality talent team is urgently needed to implement the strategies of innovation-driven development, strengthening the country through talents, rural revitalization and so on. Based on the analysis of the personnel and labor statistics of the state-owned units in the national agricultural system for many years, the study found problems such as the shortage of the total talents number and the unreasonable structure of the talent team, the low level of educational background and the relatively low annual income, which are ill-adapted to the human resource demand of agricultural and rural modernization. In view of the characteristics of agricultural scientific research work in the new century concerning the factors of output cycle, the cross-integrated development, the relationship with industrial development, the impact of information technology and the role of scientific research achievements in improving people's livelihood, and in combination with the law of both talent growth and talent work, the study proposed that efforts should be made from the following aspects: creating a friendly social atmosphere, cultivating good research and working style, building cooperation platform and team, devoting to the main battlefield of economic construction, and improving the system and mechanism, thus meeting the requirements of the rural revitalization strategy.


创新驱动 / 科技创新 / 人才强国 / 乡村振兴 / 科教兴农

Key words

Innovation Driven / Scientific and Technological Innovation / Strengthening the Country Through Talents / Rural Revitalization / Developing Agriculture Through Science and Education


莫广刚. 对国内农业科研人才队伍建设的思考. 农学学报. 2020, 10(11): 88-95 https://doi.org/10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas2020-0189
Mo Guanggang. Thoughts on China’s Talents Building in Agricultural Scientific Research. Journal of Agriculture. 2020, 10(11): 88-95 https://doi.org/10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas2020-0189


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