

农学学报. 2019, 9(11): 78-83

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农学学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 9 ›› Issue (11) : 78-83. DOI: 10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas19030033
三农问题研究 农村产业结构


  • 杜祥备1, 黄志平1, 于国宜2, 王维虎1, 沈维旗2, 孔令聪1
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The Present Situation, Problems and Sustainable Development Strategy of Soybean Production in Anhui

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Soybean production in Anhui plays an important role in China. It has many advantages, including high total yield, excellent quality, good stubble, great potential and tremendous economic contribution. At present, under the adverse circumstances of imported soybeans, China must guarantee the complete domestic self-sufficiency of edible soybean and provide high-quality raw materials for the soybean food processing industry facing the global market. The sustainable development of soybean production is important and urgent. To ensure national food security, this study analyzed the status, characteristics, and problems of soybean production in Anhui, aiming to provide policy suggestions for the sustainable development of soybean industry. Results show that soybean production in Anhui is facing problems, including the poor irrigation and water infrastructure, low economic return, insufficient integrated technology innovation, small soybean processing industry scale and insufficient soybean subsidies affecting farmers’ production enthusiasm. To maintain the sustainable development of the soybean production in Anhui, the study suggests: improving farmland infrastructures, steadily promoting modest scale operations, strengthening the integration of agricultural machinery and agricultural skills, enhancing soybean production technology and increasing yield, developing soybean deep processing, improving the efficiency of the soybean industry and the enthusiasm of farmers. Additionally, soybean industry support policy should be improved from the strategic perspective of maintaining national and regional sustainable food production.



Key words

Anhui province; soybean; variety; problem; development strategy


杜祥备,黄志平,于国宜,王维虎,沈维旗,孔令聪. 安徽大豆生产地位、存在问题及对策建议. 农学学报. 2019, 9(11): 78-83 https://doi.org/10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas19030033
The Present Situation, Problems and Sustainable Development Strategy of Soybean Production in Anhui. Journal of Agriculture. 2019, 9(11): 78-83 https://doi.org/10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas19030033


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