
王安, 孙剑霞, 常庆涛, 谢吉先, 吴薇

农学学报. 2020, 10(8): 42-46

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农学学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (8) : 42-46. DOI: 10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas19030002


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Effects of Organic Fertilizer Treatment on Taro Growth, Eating Quality and Soil Fertility

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以‘香荷芋’为供试材料,于泰州、泰兴分别设置T1、T2和T3共3种有机肥用量和CK(对照)处理,探索有机肥施用对芋头生长、食味品质及土壤养分的影响,以期为泰州地区芋头科学施肥技术提供依据。结果表明:泰州、泰兴点T2和T3处理6叶期、12叶期株高均显著高于CK处理(P<0.05),泰兴点T1处理株高在12叶期显著高于CK处理,在6叶期和泰州点6叶期、12叶期与CK处理均无显著差异;泰兴点T3处理6叶期叶面积指数平均为0.31,均显著高于其他处理,其他处理间差异均不显著,泰州、泰兴点T3处理12叶期叶面积指数分别为0.71、0.75,均显著高于CK处理;有机肥用量与子芋口感、香味指标及土壤有机质含量均呈显著正相关,相关系数分别为0.89、0.86、0.79;泰州、泰兴点T2、T3处理碱解氮、有效磷均显著高于CK处理;泰州点土壤有效钾以T2处理最高,为174 mg/kg,T3处理最低,为159 mg/kg,泰兴点则以CK处理最高,为172 mg/kg,T3处理最低,为140 mg/kg。


A total of three organic fertilizer application amounts, T1-T3 and CK (control) were set up in Taizhou and Taixing to explore the influence of organic fertilizer application on the growth and development, eating quality and soil nutrients of taro, respectively, aiming to provide a basis for scientific fertilization on taro. The results showed that plant height at the 6th and 12th leaf stages of T2 and T3 was significantly higher than that of CK in Taizhou and Taixing (P<0.05), the plant height of T1 was only significantly higher than that of CK at the 12th leaf stage in Taixing, and there was no significant difference at the 6th and 12th leaf stage between T1 and CK in Taizhou. The average leaf area index (LAI) at the 6th leaf stage of T3 was 0.31 in Taixing, which was significantly higher than that of other treatments, and the difference of LAI among other treatments was not significant. The LAI at the 12th leaf stage of T3 was 0.71 and 0.75 in Taizhou and Taixing, respectively, which were significantly higher than that of CK. The application amount of organic fertilizer was significantly and positively correlated with the taste, fragrance index and soil organic matter, with the correlation coefficient of 0.89, 0.86 and 0.79, respectively. The alkaline nitrogen and available phosphorus of T2 and T3 were significantly higher than those of CK. The maximum and minimum amount of available potassium in soil was 174 mg/kg (T2) and 159 mg/kg (T3) in Taizhou, respectively, while in Taixing, the maximum was found in CK of 172 mg/kg, and the minimum was found in T3 of 140 mg/kg.


有机肥 / 芋头 / 产量 / 食味品质 / 土壤养分

Key words

Organic Fertilizer / Taro / Production / Eating Quality / Soil Nutrients


王安 , 孙剑霞 , 常庆涛 , 谢吉先 , 吴薇. 不同有机肥用量对芋头生长、食味品质和土壤肥力的影响. 农学学报. 2020, 10(8): 42-46 https://doi.org/10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas19030002
Wang An , Sun Jianxia , Chang Qingtao , Xie Jixian , Wu Wei. Effects of Organic Fertilizer Treatment on Taro Growth, Eating Quality and Soil Fertility. Journal of Agriculture. 2020, 10(8): 42-46 https://doi.org/10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas19030002

0 引言

研究表明施用有机肥是改良土壤、增加土壤肥力和提高作物产量的重要措施之一,是农业生态修复系统中养分物质不断循环的重要环节[6]。几乎一切含有有机物质并能提供多种营养的物质都可以称为有机肥,中国有机肥资源丰富,种类繁多,主要来源于作物有机体秸秆资源和畜禽粪便等[7]。随着目前中国乡村振兴背景下现代高效农业的快速发展,农作物秸秆资源量必将得到了进一步的提高,有机肥来源亦将出现不断增加的趋势。有机肥的施用可以为作物提供全面的养分元素,增加作物的抗逆性,改善土壤微生物区系,显著增加细菌、放线菌等有益菌数量,在增加作物产量的同时改善作物的口感品质[8]。有机肥在实现农作物“高产”、“优质”两大目标上起到了重要作用[9,10,11],刁生鹏等[12]最新试验研究表明有机肥用量33750 kg/hm2对玉米灌浆期叶面积指数影响达到显著水平,为4.58,较对照高8.3%,干物质积累量513 g/株,较对照高8.2%,赵景景[13]在研究苹果叶片光合过程中发现不同土壤有机质水平处理中,以土壤中7%有机质含量处理的苹果叶片光合速率、叶绿素a、叶绿素b处于较高水平,表明土壤有机质可以提高苹果树的光合作用,促进光合产物的转运积累。此外,有机肥对土壤养分亦有显著影响,丁英等[14]在有机肥对土壤速效养分定位研究中发现,有机肥处理与无肥对照处理相比,土壤有机质、全氮、碱解氮、速效氮、速效磷、速效钾含量均提高60%以上;田小明等[15]连续3年对盆栽棉花进行有机肥用量试验,结果表明有机肥处理土壤有机质量和活性有机质组分较不施肥处理均有不同程度的增加。目前,国内学者对番茄、辣椒、黄瓜等设施蔬菜做了大量的研究工作,分析有机肥施用对其植株生长发育、产量及品质影响作用机制[16,17,18]。而在芋头作物方面,有机肥用量对植株生长发育、食味品质及肥料利用效率等方向的研究未有报道过。为此,笔者结合泰州地区不同土壤类型,在泰州(粘性土)、泰兴(沙壤土)对当地主推芋头品种——‘香荷芋’进行有机肥不同用量试验,研究芋头植株生长发育和土壤养分等对有机肥施用的响应机制,以期为泰州地区不同土壤类型芋头科学施肥技术提供参考。

1 材料与方法

1.1 试验设计

于2017年在泰州市农业科学院和泰兴市农业科学院试验基地进行,前者土壤类型为黏土,前茬作物为水稻,土壤耕作层(0~20 cm)含有机质15.24 g/kg,碱解氮92.04 mg/kg,有效钾105.84 mg/kg、有效磷6.21 mg/kg,后者土壤类型为沙壤土,前茬作物亦为水稻,土壤耕作层(0~20 cm)含有机质14.67 g/kg,碱解氮81.21 mg/kg,有效钾89.75 mg/kg、有效磷6.01 mg/kg。试验选择均匀饱满、顶芽充实、无机械损伤和虫洞、单个重约15 g的“泰兴香荷芋”子芋做种芋,供试有机肥由泰州市高港区润馨肥料有限公司提供,主要来源于中药渣高温发酵,养分含量分别为:碳 38%;全氮 3%;全磷 1.2%;全钾 1.28%,试验设CK处理(对照,45% NPK复合肥)和T1处理(有机肥用量15 t/hm2)、T2处理(有机肥用量30 t/hm2)、T3处理(有机肥用量45 t/hm2)共3种不同有机肥用量,分别于播种前、地下块茎膨大初期(8叶期)按照1:1比例施用,芋头播种采用宽畦双行播种,畦宽1 m,畦高0.3 m,沟宽0.3 m,小区面积23.4 m2,每畦种植2行,行距0.3 m,株距0.37 m。小区四周设1 m宽保护行。除草、病虫害防治等田间管理按照泰兴香荷芋高产优质栽培技术要求进行。

1.2 测定指标

1.2.1 性状指标测定 于芋头生长关键时期6叶期、12叶期、各选取3株长势较为一致的芋头植株,分别调查各小区芋头株高、叶面积指数。其中,叶面积指数测定采用打孔法,选择芋叶片主脉1/2处为中心打孔(10 cm×10 cm),测定单位面积重量折算全田植株叶片叶面积指数。
1.2.2 产量指标测定 成熟期测量各小区芋头母芋、子孙芋理论产量和实际产量。理论产量测定方法为:各小区选取长势较为一致的10株植株,测定单株母芋、子孙芋产量后,按密度折算成理论产量,实际产量为各小区实收母芋、子孙芋产量与理论测产植株、取样株、缺失株产量之和。其中,取样株及缺失株产量按单株理论测产结果折算。
1.2.3 食味品质测定 组织10名测试人员,对各处理子芋进行食味品质鉴定,食味指标设6个指标,具体为:硬度(硬10分、适中6分、软2分,共3个等级)、糯性(糯8分、适中6分、不糯4分,共3个等级)、沙性(沙10分、适中8分、不沙6分,共3个等级)、粘液(多10分、中8分、少6分,共3个等级)、口感(好10分、中8分、差6分,共3个等级)和香味(浓10分、适中8分、淡6分、无2分和异味-4分共5个等级)。测试人员分别品尝清蒸子芋后,按各指标等级填写指标分值,进一步计算各指标的加权得分,即为该处理的食味品质各项指标值。
1.2.4 土壤养分测定 于成熟期采集各小区土壤0~20 cm表土混合样品,按照鲁如坤[19]的测定方法对土壤有机质及碱解氮、有效磷、有效钾含量进行测定。

1.3 数据分析

采用Excel 2007、SPSS16.0对数据进行统计学分析,用Duncan法进行显著性测验,采用GraphPad Prism5进行图表制作、编辑。

2 结果与分析

2.1 有机肥对芋头株高、叶面积等农艺性状的影响

图1结果表明:泰州、泰兴两点不同有机肥用量处理芋头株高在6叶期、12叶期均有显著差异(P<0.05)。其中,泰州、泰兴两点T2、T3处理芋头株高均显著高于CK处理,T1处理6叶期株高与CK相比无显著差异,泰兴点T1处理12叶期株高平均为68.3 cm,显著高于CK的61.3 cm。另外,相关性分析结果表明:泰州、泰兴点6叶期、12叶期不同有机肥用量与芋头株高相关系数分别为0.85、0.91、0.82、0.94,均达到了极显著正相关(P<0.01),以上结果表明随着生育期的推进,有机肥在一定程度上促进了芋头植株生长;叶面积指数方面,泰兴T3处理6叶期叶面积指数显著高于CK、T1、T2处理,CK、T1、T2处理间则无显著差异,T3处理12叶期叶面积指数与CK相比,差异达到显著水平,与T1、T2处理差异不显著。泰州各处理6叶期叶面积指数变幅为0.22 (CK)~0.26 (T3),差异未达显著水平,12叶期各处理间叶面积指数达到显著差异水平。总体上,不同有机肥处理对芋头叶面积指数影响不显著,表明其与有机肥用量无显著相关性。
图1 不同有机肥用量对芋头株高、叶面积指数的影响

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2.2 有机肥用量对芋头产量的影响

表1可知,泰州、泰兴不同有机肥用量对香荷芋子孙芋理论产量、实际产量表现趋势一致,理论产量、实际产量高低顺序均为T3>T2>T1>CK。其中,T3处理泰州、泰兴子孙芋理论产量分别为19876、20121 kg/hm2,均显著高于T2、T1、CK处理,CK处理子孙芋理论产量最低,分别仅有15468、16012 kg/hm2,均低于其他有机肥处理;实际产量方面,泰州、泰兴点T3处理与T2处理子孙芋实际产量间均无显著差异,泰州点子孙芋实际产量以T2处理最高,为18978 kg/hm2,泰兴点则以T3处理最高,为19548 kg/hm2,而CK处理子孙芋实际产量均最低,泰州、泰兴点分别为14879、15971 kg/hm2,均显著低于有机肥处理。
表1 不同处理芋头子孙芋理论产量、实际产量差异性 kg/hm2
地点 处理 理论产量 实际产量
泰州 CK 15468±1202c 14879±958c
T1 17832±1541b 16754±873b
T2 18768±994ab 18978±1032a
T3 19876±1024a 18031±1214a
泰兴 CK 16012±945c 15971±1024b
T1 18324±1402b 17842±964a
T2 18962±1324b 18046±1121a
T3 20121±1201a 19548±1314a

2.3 有机肥用量对芋头食味品质的影响

表2 不同处理芋头子芋食味品质综合比较
地点 处理 硬度 糯性 沙性 黏液 口感 香味
泰州 CK 6.59 5.95 8.15 7.62 7.52 6.54
T1 6.82 6.21 7.94 7.25 8.14 7.54
T2 6.08 5.78 8.32 7.15 8.05 7.56
T3 6.54 5.95 8.57 7.04 8.17 7.98
泰兴 CK 6.3 6.21 8.42 7.15 7.78 7.05
T1 6.41 6.52 8.61 6.78 8.84 7.64
T2 6.92 6.75 8.95 6.98 8.67 8.06
T3 6.78 6.04 8.05 6.49 8.91 8.34

2.4 有机肥用量对土壤养分的影响

不同有机肥处理对土壤有机质含量、碱解氮、有效磷和有效钾含量的影响是不同的。表3可知,泰州、泰兴点有机肥处理土壤有机质含量均显著高于CK处理,表明施用有机肥能显著增加土壤有机质含量,但不同有机肥用量对土壤有机质含量影响无显著差异;碱解氮方面,两点碱解氮含量均为CK处理最低,分别为120.48、101.21 mg/kg,均显著低于有机肥处理,泰州点碱解氮含量以T3处理最高,为179.42 mg/kg,与T1、T2处理差异达到显著水平,泰兴点碱解氮含量亦为T3处理最高,为150 mg/kg,与T1处理差异达到显著水平,但与T2处理未达显著水平;有效磷方面,泰州、泰兴点各有机肥处理间有效磷含量差异未达显著水平,与CK相比,泰州点各有机肥处理有效磷含量均显著提高,泰兴点T2、T3有机肥处理有效磷含量显著高于CK;泰州点各处理有效钾含量以T1处理最高,为174 mg/kg,CK处理其次,为170 mg/kg,显著高于T3处理,但与T2处理差异未达显著水平,泰兴点CK有效钾含量最高,为172 mg/kg,仅显著高于T3处理的140 mg/kg,T1、T2处理间有效钾差异未达显著水平。
表3 不同处理土壤肥力差异性分析
地点 处理 有机质/(g/kg) 碱解氮/(mg/kg) 有效磷/(mg/kg) 有效钾/(mg/kg)
泰州 CK 23.64±2.82b 120.48±5.89c 7.5±0.82b 170±9.12a
T1 30.51±3.12a 157.84±6.48b 8.1±0.54a 174±6.84a
T2 32.42±2.15a 160.21±7.14b 8.4±0.81a 168±10.25a
T3 31.42±3.58a 179.42±3.05a 8.5±0.64a 159±8.32b
泰兴 CK 21.23±1.42b 101.21±5.78b 6.1±0.32b 172±6.37a
T1 28.67±2.14a 134.21±6.42b 7.2±0.58ab 164±9.42a
T2 27.64±3.01ab 142.51±4.17a 7.6±0.49a 162±8.43a
T3 30.21±2.95a 150.42±8.49a 7.8±0.81a 140±7.21b

3 结论和讨论

基肥和膨大肥是芋头种植过程中最重要的施肥环节,对芋头植株生长发育尤其后期影响至关重要,已有研究表明,有机肥能显著增加芋头单株子芋产量和数量[20]。同时,有机肥与无机肥的配合施用也能对产量提高起到促进作用。本课题组前期研究表明,有机肥处理增产效果高于无机肥处理,有机肥和无机复合肥配合施用对芋头产量增产效果最好,平均增产21.22%[21]。本研究结果表明,有机肥处理能显著提高芋头植株株高,泰州、泰兴点T2、T3处理6叶期、12叶期株高均显著高于CK处理。另外,同处理不同点相比,泰州点T1处理6叶期株高为30.9 cm,高于泰兴点对应处理的29.25 cm,泰州点6叶期、12叶期各处理株高均低于泰兴点对应各处理,可能跟两地不同土壤类型有关,泰兴点土壤为沙性土,土质相对疏松,透水透气性好,芋头根系吸收养分的能力更为明显,植株生长更旺。目前,关于有机肥对芋头根系吸收养分影响作用机制的研究较少,有待进一步研究;叶面积是形成产量物质基础的重要因素之一,本文研究表明:有机肥处理对芋头生育后期叶面积指数有显著影响,泰州、泰兴点有机肥处理叶面积指数均显著高于对照处理,且各处理叶面积指数大小与产量变化趋势相一致。前人研究亦表明,芋头生产可通过肥水管理农艺措施进行调节叶面积指数,以达到提高产量的目的[22,23]


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Under growing and urbanizing demand, livestock production is rapidly evolving in South, East and South-east Asia, with both an increase of production and a shift to intensive production systems. These changes infer impacts on the environment, on public health and on rural development. Environmental impacts are mainly associated with a mismanagement of animal excreta, leading to pollution of surface water, ground water and soils by nutrients, organic matter, and heavy metals. In the framework of the Livestock Environment and Development Initiative, this research aims at assessing, on a regional scale, the impacts of livestock production on nutrient fluxes. Phosphate (P(2)O(5)) mass balances were chosen as an indicator and were calculated on the basis of spatially modelled livestock densities, estimated excretion values and crop uptake. The results show a strong West--East gradient regarding the distribution of monogastrics, with clear concentration in densely populated areas and around urban centres. P(2)O(5) overloads are estimated on 23.6% of the study area's agricultural land, mainly located in eastern China, the Ganges basin and around urban centres such as Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh City and Manila. On average, livestock manure is estimated to account for 39.4% of the agricultural P(2)O(5) supply (the remaining share being supplied by chemical fertilisers). Livestock is the dominant agricultural source of P(2)O(5) around urban centres and in livestock specialised areas (southern and north-eastern China), while chemical fertilisers are dominant in crop (rice) intensive areas.
Xie S, Feng H, Yang F, et al. Does dual reduction in chemical fertilizer and pesticides improve nutrient loss and tea yield and quality. A pilot study in a green tea garden in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province, China[J]. Environmental science and pollution research international, 2019,26:2464-2476.
Tea tree (Camellia sinensis) is a valuable and popular cash crop widely planted in tropical and subtropical areas of China. To increase tea yield and quality, high rates of chemical fertilizer and pesticide application have generally been used; however, increasing usage of fertilizers and pesticides does not always proportionally increase tea yield. Indeed, excessive nutrient inputs may cause serious agricultural non-point source pollution. A pilot study on dual reduction in fertilizers and pesticides was conducted in a green tea plantation in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province, to explore the environmental effects of different fertilizer and pesticide managements (e.g., changes in soil properties and nutrient accumulation, nutrient inputs in runoff water) and to reveal the potential effects of the interaction of these two managements on tea yield and quality. Traditional formulas and rates of chemical fertilizers and pesticides were used as the baselines (100% usage); replacement with different proportions of organic fertilizer (i.e., 20%, 50% and 80%) and direct pesticide reductions of 30%, 50%, and 80% were tested. The results showed that proper management with organic fertilizer replacement can effectively mitigate soil acidification and nutrient deficiency in tea plantations, increase soil organic matter (OM) and ammonium nitrogen (NH4-N) contents, and promote tea yield and quality. Moreover, managements with organic fertilizer replacement can markedly reduce the inputs of ammonium nitrogen (NH4-N), nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N), total phosphorus (TP), and total potassium (TK) in runoff water. Soil nutrient accumulation was the highest while the runoff nutrient input was the lowest at 20% organic fertilizer replacement. Experimental spraying of bifenthrin and chlorfenapyr revealed that these pesticides were mainly trapped by the tea leaves and rarely entered the soil or water bodies. Although pesticide reduction treatments can effectively decrease pesticide residues in tea leaves, differences in pesticide residue between various treatments were not obvious due to the rapid degradation of pesticides. Multivariate analysis of variance showed that 50% of the variation in tea yield, bud density, polyphenols, and caffeine can be explained by interactions between fertilizers and pesticides. Combinations of 20% or 50% organic fertilizer replacement and 30% or 50% pesticide application reduction are appropriate for both mitigating nutrient loss and balancing tea yield and quality, especially the combination of 50% organic fertilizer replacement and 50% pesticide reduction, which produced the best results. This study demonstrates the feasibility of dual reductions in fertilizers and pesticides for mitigating environmental hazards while maintaining the yield and quality of tea.
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熊维亮, 张宗锦, 赵明珠, 等. 生防菌剂与不同有机肥复配对植烟土壤微生物区系的影响[J]. 农学学报, 2019,9(1):21-25,81.
李菊梅, 徐明岗, 秦道珠, 等. 有机肥无机肥配施对稻田氨挥发和水稻产量的影响[J]. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2005,11(1):51-56.
王立刚, 李维炯, 邱建军, 等. 生物有机肥对作物生长、土壤肥力及产量的效应研究[J]. 土壤肥料, 2004,( 5):12-16.
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刁生鹏, 高宇, 张雄, 等. 有机肥施用对玉米生长发育及水分利用的影响[J]. 北方农业学报, 2018,46(4):58-63.
赵景景. 不同土壤有机质水平对苹果叶片光合、果实糖酸代谢及品质的影响[D]. 杨凌:西北农林科技大学, 2018.
丁英, 王飞, 贾登泉, 等. 有机肥对土壤培肥作用长期定位研究[J]. 新疆农业科学, 2014,51(10):1857-1861.
田小明, 李俊华, 危常州, 等. 连续3年施用生物有机肥对土壤有机质组分、棉花养分吸收及产量的影响[J]. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2012,18(5):1115-1123.
采用盆栽试验,研究了连续3年施用生物有机肥对3种土壤有机质组分、 棉花养分吸收量及产量的影响。结果表明,连续施肥3年后,不同有机质含量土壤的有机质组分含量、 棉花养分吸收量及产量均较不施肥有不同程度的提高。3种土壤随着施肥量的增加,土壤有机质总量和活性有机质组分(活性有机质、 中活性有机质、 高活性有机质)增加,活性有机质在3年后的增加幅度高于有机质总量,说明连续施用生物有机肥可以改善土壤有机质质量。高等、 中等有机质含量的土壤施用生物有机肥2030 g/kg时养分吸收量最大; 低等有机质含量的土壤在施用生物有机肥40 g/kg时养分吸收量最高。高、 中、 低等有机质含量的土壤棉花产量分别在施用生物有机肥20、 20、 40 g/kg时最大,较不施肥增加了54.05%、 37.15%、 104.08%。通过相关分析表明,随着土壤的本底有机质含量由高到低,有机质组分、 棉花养分吸收量及产量之间的相关性则越好,养分吸收量和产量存在极显著相关。
张霞, 葛新伟, 孙权, 等. 有机培肥对设施黄瓜产量及土壤化学性质的影响[J]. 江苏农业科学, 2018,46(23):154-157.
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Lazcano C, Gomez B M, Revilla P, et al. Short-term effects of organic and inorganic fertilizers on soil microbial community structure and function[J]. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 2013,49(6):723-733.
A field study was carried out to analyze the short-term impacts of replacing mineral by organic fertilizers on the microbial and biochemical parameters relevant for soil fertility and crop yield. Three types of fertilization regimes were compared: (1) conventional fertilizer regime with inorganic fertilizer, and combined integrated fertilizer regimes in which 25 % of the nutrients were supplied by either (2) rabbit manure or (3) vermicompost. The effects on microbial community structure and function (phospholipid fatty acid [PLFA] profiles, bacterial growth, fungal growth, basal respiration, beta-glucosidase, protease and phosphomonoesterase activities), soil biochemical properties (total C, dissolved organic carbon [DOC], N-NH4 (+), N-NO3 (-), PO4, total K) and crop yield were investigated in the samples collected from the experimental soil at harvest, 3 months after addition of fertilizer. The integrated fertilizer regimes stimulated microbial growth, altered the structure of soil microbial community and increased enzyme activity relative to inorganic fertilization. Bacterial growth was particularly influenced by the type of fertilizer regime supplied, while fungal growth only responded to the amount of fertilizer provided. The use of manure produced a fast increase in the abundance of PLFA biomarkers for Gram-negative bacteria as compared to inorganic fertilizer. Nutrient supply and crop yield with organic fertilizers were maintained at similar levels to those obtained with inorganic fertilizer. The effects of the organic amendments were observed even when they involved a small portion of the total amount of nutrients supplied; thereby confirming that some of the beneficial effects of integrated fertilizer strategies may occur in the short term.
Huang S, Rui W Y, Peng X X, et al. Organic carbon fractions affected by long-term fertilization in a subtropical paddy soil[J]. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 2010,86(1):153-160.
Increasing evidence is showing a greater potential for carbon (C) sequestration in paddy soils than in upland soils. However, the mechanisms underlying long-term accumulation and protection of soil organic carbon (SOC) in paddy fields have not been well documented. In the present study, five soil C fractions were separated by physical fractionation in a subtropical paddy field following 27-year differential fertilization regimes (started in 1981). Results showed that, compared to the initial level, long-term rice (Oryza sativa L.) cropping increased SOC concentrations by 28.8, 30.1, 30.8, and 61.6% in the non-fertilized (CK), nitrogen (N), nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium (NPK), and NPK combined with farmyard manure (NPK + FYM) treatments, respectively. Application of FYM enhanced the formation of macroaggregates (>2,000 and 250–2,000 μm), whereas no significant differences in aggregate-size distribution were found among the CK, N, and NPK treatments. Inorganic fertilization (N and NPK) did not affect the concentration of either total SOC or any C fraction as compared with the CK, whereas application of FYM significantly increased the concentrations both in total SOC (25.5%) and in all C fractions, except coarse particulate organic matter (cPOM). Carbon in the paddy soil was dominated by free silt and clay (s + c_f) and intra-aggregate particulate organic matter within microaggregates (iPOM_m) in all treatments that accounted for 46.4–49.6% and 25.1–27.2% of the total SOC, respectively. Furthermore, the differences in C in the iPOM_m and s + c_f fractions between the CK and NPK + FYM treatments accounted for 53.2 and 38.8% of the differences in total SOC stocks, respectively. These results indicate that SOC originating from manure is stored mainly in fractions with slow turnover (i.e., iPOM_m and s + c_f), which may benefit the long-term C sequestration in paddy soils.
殷剑美, 张培通, 王立, 等. 芋头植株养分含量和积累动态分析[J]. 江苏农业科学, 2016,44(10):200-204.
丁英, 王飞, 贾登泉, 等. 有机肥对土壤培肥作用长期定位研究[J]. 新疆农业科学, 2014,51(10):1857-1861.
陈乃祥, 秦光蔚, 陈爱晶. 有机肥替代部分化肥对水稻产量及土壤有机质的影响[J]. 农业开发与装备, 2018(11):126-128.




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