
黄邦成, 杨进成, 顾凡, 杨童雨, 张钟, 余代宏, 杨美芳, 李铷, 汤东生

农学学报. 2020, 10(11): 15-20

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农学学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (11) : 15-20. DOI: 10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas18120019


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Fusarium spp. Under Stress Treatments: Evaluation on Its Sensitivity to Soil Fumigant

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旨在揭示胁迫培养后的镰刀菌与常规培养的镰刀菌对土壤熏蒸剂的敏感性差异。通过室内简易干燥器检测3种熏蒸剂(30%氯化苦乳油、30% 1,3-二氯丙烯油悬浮剂、50%氰氨化钙颗粒剂)对镰刀菌的抑菌效果,筛选出EC50最小的熏蒸剂。对在不同pH、极端温度、不同盐浓度胁迫下培养的镰刀菌用EC50最小的熏蒸剂熏蒸72 h后再接种到常规条件下(pH 7,盐浓度为0,温度28℃)培养120 h,用十字交叉法测量菌饼直径。结果表明:30%氯化苦乳油对镰刀菌的EC50值最小,为0.21 mg/L。镰刀菌经过不同胁迫处理后用30%氯化苦乳油熏蒸,接种常规培养后,其抑制率在pH 5、6、7、8、9分别为15.82%、10.42%、24.37%、19.52%、15.13%,抑制率在盐胁迫0、10、100、200、400、800 mmol/L下分别为27.04%、28.84%、15.60%、21.33%、14.38%、11.12%;温度40℃ 15、10、5天培养120 h,4℃ 15、10、5天培养120 h的抑制率分别为87.52%、21.65%、26.85%,24.17%、24.35%、29.14%。不同胁迫处理后的镰刀菌对同一浓度的熏蒸剂的敏感性表现出差异,胁迫处理后的镰刀菌对熏蒸剂的敏感性比对照低,抑菌率比对照的抑菌率低。


The paper aims to reveal the differences in sensitivity between Fusarium spp. after stress treatments and cultured under conventional condition to soil fumigants. We tested the fumigants’ control efficacy EC50 of 3 kinds of fumigants (30% chloropicrin EC, 30% 1,3-dichloropropene OD, and 50% Calcium cyanamide Granules) to Fusarium spp. by a simple indoor dryer, and screened the fumigant with the smallest EC50 to test the growth of Fusarium spp. previously cultured under different stress treatments, including different pH values, extreme temperatures and different salt stresses, after fumigation for 72 h, Fusarium spp. was then cultured under conventional condition (pH value was 7, salt concentration was 0, temperature was 28℃) for 120 h, and measured the diameter of the mycelium of Fusarium spp. by crossing method. The results showed that: among the 3 fumigants, 30% chloropicrin EC50 was 0.21 mg/L which was the smallest; after different stresses, Fusarium spp. was fumigated with 30% chloropicrin EC, and then the regular inoculation was conducted for 120 h, the inhibition rate of 30% chloropicrin at different pH (5, 6, 7, 8, 9) treatments was 15.82%, 10.42%, 24.37%, 19.52%, 15.13%, respectively, the inhibition rate under different salt stresses (0, 10, 100, 200, 400, 800 mmol/L) was 27.04%, 28.84%, 15.60%, 21.33%, 14.38%, 11.12%, respectively, and the inhibition rate of 120 h after inoculation at 40℃ for 15, 10, 5 days and 4℃ for 15, 10, 5 days was 87.52%, 21.65%, 26.85%; 24.17%, 24.35%, 29.14%, respectively. It is found that there are differences in the sensitivity of Fusarium spp. treated with different stresses to the same concentration of fumigant, the sensitivity of Fusarium spp. to fumigant and the inhibition rate after stress treatment is lower than that of the control treatment.


镰刀菌 / 熏蒸剂 / 抑制率 / 胁迫处理 / 敏感性 / 熏蒸效果

Key words

Fusarium spp. / Fumigant / Inhibition Rate / Stress Treatment / Sensitivity / Fumigation Effect


黄邦成 , 杨进成 , 顾凡 , 杨童雨 , 张钟 , 余代宏 , 杨美芳 , 李铷 , 汤东生. 镰刀菌胁迫培养后对土壤熏蒸剂的敏感性评价. 农学学报. 2020, 10(11): 15-20 https://doi.org/10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas18120019
Huang Bangcheng , Yang Jincheng , Gu Fan , Yang Tongyu , Zhang Zhong , Yu Daihong , Yang Meifang , Li Ru , Tang Dongsheng. Fusarium spp. Under Stress Treatments: Evaluation on Its Sensitivity to Soil Fumigant. Journal of Agriculture. 2020, 10(11): 15-20 https://doi.org/10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas18120019


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