采用4种模型对油茶杂交子代光响应曲线进行拟合与比较,旨在优选出其适宜的光响应模型,为油茶杂交良种选育提供科学依据。研究结果表明:3个油茶杂交F1代采用光响应曲线拟合方程下的Pn变化规律基本一致,但最高值不同,即‘赣无16’(♂)ב顺泰粉红’(♀)杂交子代[7.61 μmol/(m2 · s)]>‘赣190’(♂)ב赣无8’(♀)杂交子代[8.74 μmol/(m2·s)]>‘赣无1’(♂)ב白皮中子’(♀)杂交子代[2.62 μmol/(m2·s)]。‘赣190’(♂)ב赣无8’(♀)杂交子代[1600 μmol/(m2 ·s)]和‘赣无16’(♂)ב顺泰粉红’(♀)杂交子代光抑制点[1750 μmol/(m2 · s)]高于‘赣无1’(♂)ב白皮中子’(♀)杂交子代[1000 μmol/(m2 · s)]。在弱光条件下[<200 μmol/(m2 · s)],3 个杂交子代4 种光响应模型拟合的曲线变化均近直线变化,应用直角双曲线修正模型对3 个杂交子代光饱和点与补偿点的拟合值与实测值相差较小。通径分析表明,影响3 个杂交子代Pn 的主要作用因子不同,‘赣190’(♂)ב赣无8’(♀)杂交子代、‘赣无1’(♂)ב白皮中子’(♀)杂交子代Pn 的主要作用因子均为Ci 和Tr,Ci 对Pn 直接影响的通径系数为-0.980、-0.840,而Tr 对Pn 的影响是通过Tr 对Pn 的直接作用(0.749、0.189)和Tr 通过Gs对Pn 的间接作用(0.241、0.183)实现的;‘赣无16’(♂)ב顺泰粉红’(♀)杂交子代Pn 的主要作用因子为Ci 和Gs,Ci 对Pn 直接影响的通径系数-0.667,而Gs对Pn 的影响是通过Gs对Pn 的直接作用(0.510)和Gs通过Tr 对Pn 的间接作用(0.503)实现的。
To provide a basis for the breeding of hybrid Camellia oleifera, we selected suitable one from four light response models by fitting and comparing the light response curve of 3 hybrid F1 generation of Camellia oleifera. It showed that there was a similar change of Pn in the 3 hybrid F1 generation by using the light response curve fitting, but the maximum value was different, the order was‘Ganwu 16’(♂)בShuntaifenhong’ (♀) hybrid[7.61 μmol/(m2·s)]>‘Gan190’(♂)בGanwu 8’(♀) hybrid[8.74 μmol/(m2·s)]>‘Ganwu 1’(♂)× ‘Baipizhongzi’(♀) hybrid[2.62 μmol/(m2·s)]. The light suppression point of the hybrid progeny of‘Ganwu 16’ (♂)ב Shuntaifenhong’(♀) [1750 μmol/(m2·s)] and‘Gan190’(♂)בGanwu 8’(♀) hybrid [1600 μmol/(m2·s)] were higher than that of‘Ganwu 1’(♂)בBaipizhongzi’(♀) hybrid [1000 μmol/(m2·s)]. Under the weak light condition [<200 μmol/(m2 ·s)], the curves of the four light response models were almost straight. The fitting values of the 3 hybrids light saturation points and the compensation points were close to the measured values by using the right angle hyperbolic correction model. The path analysis showed that the main factors affecting the 3 hybrids Pn were different. The main affecting factors of Pn of‘Ganwu 16’(♂)בShuntaifenhong’(♀) hybrid and‘Gan190’(♂)בGanwu 8’(♀) hybrid were Ci and Tr, and the direct effect of Ci on Pn was - 0.980, -0.840, the effect of Tr on Pn was achieved by the direct effect of Tr on Pn (0.749, 0.189) and the indirect effect of Tr on Pn through Gs (0.241, 0.183). The main affecting factors on Pn of‘Ganwu 16’(♂)× ‘Shuntaifenhong’(♀) hybrid were Ci and Gs, the path coefficient of the direct effect of Ci on Pn was -0.667,
the effect of Gs on Pn was achieved by the direct effect of Gs on Pn (0.510) and the indirect effect of Gs on Pn through Tr (0.503).
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Key words
camellia;oleifera F1 Hybrid, Light;Response Model
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