为了理清功能农业背景下广西富硒农业产业发展的思路,更好的促进富硒农业产业的发展。在文献研究法、访问调研的基础上运用经济学中的SWOT分析方法对当前广西富硒功能农业产业所面临的优势、劣势、机会和挑战进行较为全面地分析。结果表明:广西富硒功能农业产业的发展在有自身的资源优势和独特地理区位优势的同时也面临缺人才、产业链短、品牌少等劣势;虽然政府重视、潜在市场广阔,但是也存在与其他地区的富硒产品结构相似的挑战。结合SWOT矩阵,笔者认为广西富硒功能农业产业的发展是一项系统性的工作,想要进一步发展,应在基础战略─SO战略的基础上以WO战略和ST 战略为核心,兼顾WT战略;同时做好政府统筹、培养人才、创建品牌、延长产业链等方面的工作。
The study aims to clarify the development of selenium-rich agriculture industry in Guangxi under the background of functional agriculture, and promote the development of selenium-rich agriculture industry. On the basis of literature research, field investigation, we used SWOT analysis method of economics to analyze advantages, disadvantages,opportunities and challenges of current selenium-rich and functional agriculture industry in Guangxi. The results showed that the development of selenium-rich and functional agriculture industry in Guangxi had its inimitable advantages of rich resources and unique geographical location. Meanwhile, there were some disadvantages including lack of talents, short industrial chain and lack of brands, etc. While having the support of the local government and a vast potential market, the development of seleniumrich agricultural industry still faced the challenges of similar structure of selenium products in other areas. Based on the SWOT matrix, the authors suggest that the development of selenium- rich and functional agriculture industry in Guangxi is a systematic work, which should be based on the SO strategy, while using the WO and ST strategy as the core strategy and also taking WT strategy into consideration. At the same time, good performance should be coordinated by the government, with personnel training, brand building, industry chain extension, etc.
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Key words
selenium enriched; functional agriculture; SWOT analysis; Guangxi
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