To study the translocation rule of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in different cultivation mediums and select the optimal cultivation medium for mushroom production,‘K5’was used as the material, and cultivation mediums were hardwood, mulberry trees, apple trees and jujube trees. The content change of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium and the nutrient utilization of mushroom sticks in different cultivation mediums were detected. The results showed that the contents of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in mushroom stick first increased and then decreased, and reached the highest when the color transform was completed. The contents of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium of mushroom stick and their nutrient utilization rated were at a relatively high level in the jujube trees and apple trees. Therefore, from the nutrient utilization of mushroom stick, jujube trees and apple trees could be used as the cultivation medium instead of the traditional hardwood.
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Key words
Mushroom Stick; Cultivation Medium; Nutrient Utilization; Mineral Element
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